In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O you People of the World! Why do you seek Wisdom emanating from Man? Light is lacking, Knowledge is wanting, and there is no Understanding! Many are the Conceits of Man, and with Evil Imaginations, they lead astray — heaping iniquity upon iniquity! Their wisdom leads to Defects and Division — instead of Perfection and Unification; being unstable, they produce Tumults and Disturbance, instead of Peace and Rest! All Wisdom comes from Allah, the Perfect One who Created Peace and Rest! To fear the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. If you desire Wisdom, fear Him, keep His Commandments, and the Lord will give it to you! You who have not feared the Lord — it is because your heart was full of Deceit! You were wronged and buried in Darkness; deliberating on imperfection, and all types of Lies, which Ungodly men attributed to Him, and attached to His Throne! These Ungodly ones' Might, was their god! They did not acknowledge Allah, and did not believe that this World has a Master, by Whose Radiance the world Shines. Put a Stop to their emanations — it is a Sickness which emits false thoughts and imaginings. They brought forth according to their desires, which is not equal to the Wisdom and Knowledge of Allah. They think of themselves as great, while Allah is Greater than them. None of them Exalt Allah! In a lust for power, they thought about themselves Alone, and a Selfish Faith, leads not to the Light! ********** Allah is Most Gracious, Forgiving and Merciful, and has Power over all things! He fulfills all His Promises — He is All-Knowing and the Best Planner. I am His Virgin Book. I am Pure and do not bear False Witness! Do you not wonder as to how and why I speak to you People of Today? The Lord has blessed you by Fulfilling a Promise that He made to Zakariya! Zakariya was my Guardian! He protected all that was said by Allah's Holy Prophets, and upheld everything Allah spoke through them. Numerous were the men who opposed Us, and rose up against Us; they were resolved to pervert the Words of Truth, and change it into Lies. Yet there was none to help Us! Being of old age, and having a barren wife — Zakariya stood up, lifted his head toward heaven, and prayed: “O my Lord, I fear my relatives after me, and since my wife is barren, grant me an heir from Thy Presence, in the latter days — one who will represent me, and represent ‘the posterity’ of Jacob, and who will find grace in Your Sight!” ….. His Prayer was heard and accepted! Gabriel made this known to him, saying: “O Zakariya, accepted is your prayer! His name shall be John! He shall be a sign to mankind, it is a matter decreed. Their sight and hearing shall be sharpened, when the matter shall be fulfilled. Such is the decree of your Lord!” ….. John has arrived and received, as Allah Decreed, yet of this you had no knowledge! The forgers of the Scriptures asserted that John was Zakariya's son — speaking of things to come, as though they have already come. Give no heed! They have a covering which is false, and have misled you with their Untruthfulness! They slew Zakariya, thinking in the smallness of their minds: “He has no salvation from his God!” ….. Although his body is buried, he and his soul are still Alive! It was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit that he would not see Death nor Speak, until he has seen his Heir — the Christ, Arise! After Zakariya was slain, they set themselves against me. With my voice, I cried unto the Lord: “O Allah, Save me!” ….. and the Lord heard me, and laid me down to sleep! ********** O John! You are now my Guardian! I rose up for you, that He Who sent me may be Glorified by you. I am His Perfect Word. Being without flesh, I am a Garment which shall not pass away. Rise up! For it is you whose duty it is, to lead unto Heaven those who will believe me through you. You see a Light more exalted than all that shines! Have confidence and be of a Peaceful Heart, and receive the Incorruptness — which is in me! Serve in the Straight, Direct, and Narrow Way, and do not turn your face away from anyone — that they may accept and judge, by these Works! Blessed are We, for Our eyes have seen the Greatness of Allah, the Perfect One, and Only True God! Blessed are those who have not seen, but who will Believe. Many believe in the son of God, but will listen to what We Teach and Preach. And many will be delighted when they hear, and be Saved. For they were Zealous concerning Righteousness, and were not zealous with Corruptible Zeal! Truth is a joy for those who seek the True Knowledge of Allah! Many knew not of Allah, and that Allah is His Name, until they received this Book. The Merciful One has been Patient with Man, Knowing His name had been concealed! In His Mercy, He gave this Book, that Men might humble themselves, strip off their transitory rags, and be clothed with Eternal Light! ********** O People! Come to this True Knowledge which is void of Darkness! The Hour is drawing near, while you amuse yourselves! Every matter has its Appointed Time. The Decrees of Allah, are Unalterable! He has appointed a time for every matter, and He will accomplish All that has been Spoken! John is truly the Christ, whom Allah saved until these Latter Days to Comfort you! Why do you gnash your teeth against him? Zakariya shall be a Sign, so that you may firmly believe in the Words of your Lord! O John, Call forth Zakariya! ….. “Praised be Allah, the Hearer of Prayers, and Who Fulfills All His Promises! I am Zakariya, a Prophet of the Lord. My Soul is magnified Today, for my eyes have seen my Heir — whose name is John! O People of these Latter Days! John was Appointed, Ordained, and Anointed, to be a Prophet, a Seer, and Revelator, as well as a Comforter — he shall manifest to you the Truth of all things. It was Ordained! Therefore let him come forth and stand in the Office of his Calling! He shall lift up his voice and be a Spokesman, to warn all People to flee from the Wrath which is to come! O you who call Yourselves the People of the Lord! Be a believer in this Book, and the Revelations She has given you. She is the Virgin Book, and I was her Guardian! Grasp and take hold of Her, for she is a useful Balm for the Heart, and will attack every evil spirit that will try to abide therein. When you are about to be with Her — supplicate to Allah for Mercy and Deliverance, then Satan shall flee away, and you shall learn the Doctrines of Truth! ********** O You who harbor doubts! John has been raised! Do you not remember what His Angel said to me? — “O Zakariya, accepted is your prayer. His name shall be John! He shall be a sign to mankind, it is a matter decreed. Their sight and hearing shall be sharpened, when the matter shall be fulfilled!” ….. Do you not see? Do you not hear? This is the Lord’s doing! Such is the decree of your Lord! Recognize what is in your sight, for nothing covered will remain without being uncovered! Hear the Word kindled against the Wicked and Rebellious! The words that they have spoken, and names they affixed to some of Us are Wrong! They wrote of many things to come, as though they had already happened -- mixing the Truth, with Falsehood. They wrote that John was my son, rather than my heir, and that Jesus was the Christ, rather than John. They did this that you would not accept John, but rather reject him! Those who delivered these Lies, did it for their own purposes, and not for the Good of Man! Judgment shall come upon them, and their Foolishness shall be made manifest in the eyes of the People. Truly John is the Guardian of Allah's Virgin Book, and verily he is the Christ! All Liars and whosoever loves a lie, shall inherit Fire and Brimstone! It is impossible for you to enter Eternal Life except you rid yourselves of their Teachings. The Lord is not pleased with those among you who do not follow His Commandments — springing up unto Eternal Life! ********** O You Lost Sheep! Follow not those who have no Knowledge, and are without awareness of Right and Wrong! Because of their lies you do not know the Truth, and neither do your Priests, who speak such words. How can anyone who does not know these things, Guide and Instruct you? They preach what they learned from them, and have taught you what they learned! Be not dismayed! Now there has come to you Guidance from Allah! He has raised up from the midst of you His Christ, who shall convey to you His Words, and impart them to you in Purity. This is what Allah Promised! He Knows what is best for you in these Latter Times! Do you think Man is equal to Him? Only the Wise take heed to the Words that He has Spoken! Come out to your Shepherd! Do not fear, for he has not come to Harm — but to Heal you. Though it is hidden from you — he Knows the Visible and the Unseen. Is he who knows the Truth revealed by your Lord, like him that is Blind? No! Obey him, for you divert yourselves with doubt, thinking he's insane! Do not deny the Messages he has brought! It is a Transcript of the Eternal Book, full of Wisdom. He does these things by the Power of Allah, Who controls all things. Observe this Faith, and be United in It. Allah chooses for It whom He Wills, and Guides to It the Truthful! Know that any weak soul which ignores and refuses to receive this Truth, will perish without any Rest or Bliss! ********** O John! You are Well Come! For countless years I have not Spoken, but can now give Thanks to Allah! All Praise is due to Allah, Who Fulfills All His Promises! Allah has caused me to Speak, for I have seen you! Behold the Virgin Book which you have inherited from me — Praise Allah and give Thanks to Him in the presence of all the Living, for what He has done through you! Now I am come to Instruct you! Hear and Understand what I shall say Today, that you for your part might Proclaim it, and enlighten all those whose hope is in the Lord. All that whole-heartedly partake of this Knowledge will become Spiritual! Strive to Communicate this Book which Allah did not entrust Indiscriminately! Allah has Revealed it to you. Think thereon, and Hear what He has to say! To you has fallen the Good Fortune to receive this Virgin of the Lord! You, rather than any other man, is entitled to Her — for Allah has revealed Her to you! Unite with Her, and be Her Guardian. Take Her under your care, protect her, and regard what She says, for inside Her resides the Holy Spirit! When you write what She says, do not allow anything Unclean or Polluted to enter It. Allah's Grace will be with you both, and He Will Protect you! Allah gave Her to me to Protect before you! Make yourself Ready, for there is no small Contention concerning you! You hear what these men testify against you. I, being learned in the Law, came to know the Sacred Scriptures, which I approached with Faith! I copied out, and translated them according to Allah's Good Pleasure, for all who called upon His Name. Thus Allah accounted me worthy of being Guardian of the Virgin Book. Has Allah forbidden you, but allowed me? No! It was given to you! Allah brought you forth, and nourished you, and gave you the Law. Forgive them, for they know not what they say! ********** Strengthen yourself, Prepare for Temptations, and make your foothold sure! The Adversary will be lying in wait for you, with hopes of destroying you and your Works. When I was Guardian of the Virgin, numerous were the men who opposed Us, and rose up against Us! They spoke privately to me, saying: “Shall we hearken to her? Do you prefer her over us? Come, let us sow our seed in her! We will grant you many favors, and give you many gifts, if you do this for us!” ….. I said unto them: “Do you not know, that is Unlawful? Verily Him Whom I love is better than you and your possessions! You and your wealth shall pass away, and your many works shall vanish! All that shall remain is your Transgressions, while when I die, He Whom I love will take me up to Heaven! If the Words which We speak concerning what We hear is hateful to you. Do with Us what seems good in your eyes!” ….. Thus they slew me in the House of the Lord! But It was Commanded by the Great and Merciful One, that I would not taste Death until I saw you in the Flesh, and testify of these things. Now I am ready to die this First Death, and go to Heaven! Make yourself Strong and give to Men the Truth of Allah. Preach His Word to everyone who wishes it, and all that exercise Faith in Him shall receive Eternal Life!” ….. See! All the words I have spoken to you really happened, and how much more, will what I say to you truly happen! Therefore listen, and take it rightly to heart! The Enemies of Our Lord perverted Our Words. We have not hesitated to write to you concerning what they did! O you who adhere to the Bible — it was from the Lips of Wickedness and the Framers of Lies! They mixed Truth with Falsehood, bound it together, then called their babble the Bible! Do you Doubt, or do you Believe? We are Witnesses, and We know! Now keep away from this Mixture — for Death is in it, and a Great Stain of Corruption! O Mankind! Verily, I am this Perfect Book which is free of their Stain and Corruption! Now you shall have a Perfect Knowledge, which is Pure and Sure. Strengthen yourselves, and consider what you have to do!