In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! Stand, and Worship Allah Alone, the Originator and Supreme Master of Heaven and Earth. We are Allah's Angels! He has Sent Us to converse with you. Why? This is the Time of your Salvation! Allah Comprehends all things in Knowledge and is the Best Planner! The Guidance of Allah is the only True Guidance; He Directs to Righteousness and deters from Evil, and unloads the burdens and shackles that are upon you. Respect Him and follow His Light! Follow what is Revealed by your Lord, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan! Had Allah willed, He could have elevated him, but he clung to his desires and became perverted. Allah has destined Hell to all Jinn and Men who follow him! When Allah's Name is mentioned, and His Revelations are Recited — those who reject it will be among these Losers! Allah has Sent you the Truth! Will you argue about the Truth after it has been made Clear? Allah has made it a Message of Hope, to set your hearts at Rest and that He may Bestow upon Believers an Excellent Reward! Hold fast to what He has given you, and Remember what it contains, and do not obscure your Faith with wrong doing! ********** Allah is not Unjust to any of you! He has Prescribed Mercy for whoever does wrong out of Ignorance, and afterwards Repents and Reforms. This is attained through Prayer! Prayer is Obligatory — those who do not reason are the Losers. Allah's Words have reached you, therefore Rise up from the Earth and compose yourselves for your sakes! Make Oblation to Allah for Forgiveness and Mercy. Rise like the Sun, and Direct your attention towards Him Who created you! Do this Three times a day, at both ends of your day and a point in between — all the days of your Life! Let it be established. Perform the Prayer and give Reverence to Allah! Do not be led astray by Deceit and Vanity. Do not kill your soul which Allah has Sanctified. Fulfill this Offering, for indeed it is worth much, and there is no shortcoming in it. You will be Free and Happy and will Overcome! The worst of People in Allah's View, are those who Disbelieve. Satan has made their thoughts and deeds appear good to them — thus are they deluded. Allah will not bless them until they change what is within them! Allah also said that you are the Sheep of His Pasture! The Beasts of the Field sowed Good Seed in His Pasture — explaining all things clearly. It was Wholesome Wheat to nourish you. Those who Rebel are as Goats, who will eat anything! Your Enemies came and sowed weeds among the Wheat, to prevent you from receiving this Guidance and Spiritual Food! They assumed that there would be no repercussion, and led many astray! They did not realize there can be no change to Allah's Words! Allah was aware of all they did, and now they shall be Inmates of the Fire wherewith Allah will reward them! ********** Allah Predetermined this Time of Harvest! This Day was magnified for your Salvation. Now all things shall be restored to their proper order, so that those who are to Perish, will perish by Clear Evidence, and those who are to Survive, will survive by the Same! The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of Allah is at hand. The time has come when every prophecy shall be fulfilled, and you shall know! He designated John to gather in the Wheat, prepare it for Food, and to pull up the weeds in bundles and burn them; thus is it possible for you all to receive Allah's Words! No one will be able to say that they were Unaware of this, nor can they say: “Will we Perish for what Falsifiers did?” ….. Blessed are those who shall be Saved through faith in this Discourse. Therefore listen and take it rightly to heart and understand how fortunate you are! Many people wanted to see what you see, and to hear what you hear. Those who reject it, have ears with which they refuse to hear; eyes that can not see; and hearts with which they do not understand! Allah has Prescribed Mercy for you! Thus We explain His Revelations, and expose the path of the Unrighteous. We stand on Clear Evidence from Our Lord. He States the Truth, and is the Best of Judges! Leave them alone who the Worldly Life has Deceived, and have sought to make crooked Allah's Straight Path! Satan made their deeds seem good to them, and they delighted in the wrong that they did; they will be Called to Account — Everlasting Destruction awaits them! ********** Who does greater wrong than someone who invents Falsehood, then attributes it to Allah? The Wrongdoers will be repaid for having said about Allah other than the Truth! Do you see how His Judgment is? The link between them is now cut, and the plans that they devised have failed! Surely in this are Signs for people who Believe. If you are sincere, then forget whatever you may have Idolized in Ignorance! Humble yourselves and Praise Allah — that you may enter into His Rest. Perform your Prayers and Revere Him! It is Him to Whom you all will be Gathered! He showed Abraham that he might be one with Certainty! Abraham was indeed a model who was devoutly obedient to Allah. He was a Monotheist and not an Idolater. He directed his attention to Allah, Who created the Heavens and Earth. Yet his people argued with him! Allah made a Promise to Abraham, saying: “I will indeed Bless you, and in your descendants all of the Nations of the Earth shall be Blessed!” ….. Of his descendants were Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and Solomon; also Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zakariya and Daniel! They were True Prophets and Seers of Allah, who conveyed His Messages to Mankind. They all honored Allah as He should be Honored. Allah made them Successors on the earth and Raised some in Ranks over others — He Elevates in Degrees whomever He Wills! As for the Beasts of the Field, They are whom He Gave a Book for Instruction, as well as Wisdom and Prophethood! He Chose them above all People to give His Messages and His Words. They are all Descendants of Abraham, as is also John, his Heir. Their Words shall be forever. None of the Words that Allah has Established can be changed. Surely in this there are Signs, and whoever sees, it is to the benefit of his Soul! We explain the Revelations in detail for people who reflect. Harden not your hearts and Allah will have Mercy on you according to His Word! ********** Is it a wonder to the People that Allah has Inspired a Man among you to Warn Mankind? The Promise of Allah is True — He Governs all things. Now a Messenger has come to you concerned for your well-being, who Details the Revelations so that you may know. Which of the favors of your Lord do you deny? Accept what Allah has given you and be Thankful! The Beasts of the Earth knew about this, yet disregarded it, and plotted and schemed! Now the Lies they invented have failed, for Allah gave them no Authority. Allah cut off the roots of those who rejected His Revelations — perhaps you will Reflect! Abandon what they have brought and taught. Believe in what John has been Sent with — Clarification has come to you from your Lord! Obey Allah and His Messenger, also the three Beasts who preceded him! Their Message is One, and Their Doctrine is One. Although the Wicked substituted the words He gave to them, whatever Allah Purposed shall be Revealed. Allah is the Author of all that is Good, and His Law endures Forever! Now that the Harvest Time has come — He shall Restore again that which was Changed, and that which was Hidden. Do not Corrupt it after Its Restoration. There is no changing the Words of Allah. Whatever Allah Says, it shall Be! He Obliterates Falsehood, and Confirms the Truth — therefore keep the things Allah Commands, and do as you are Bidden! O you People of Today! You are standing upon a Crest of Time. An Age has passed, and the Gate of a New Age has Opened! This Age began at the Time of Harvest, and there will be a Time of Harvest when it Ends! Just as the Weeds were Pulled up and Burned, the same will happen with you at the end of this Age! All people who chose to sin and do evil things will be Separated, and thrown into a Fiery Furnace! He Will remove on that Day — the Goats from his Sheep! Of that Day and Hour no one knows, except Allah, Alone. Even We do not know! It is Our Duty to Warn you, and the same Duty rests upon John! ********** Allah is your Master, and John is your Shepherd, and is the Christ! John has come to show you the Right Path; do you not believe him? You must not be afraid! We know that you were looking for Jesus; these thoughts of yours did not come from Allah, but from Men! They even called Jesus — the Lord. That is Blasphemy! And for this reason men seek Salvation from Evil in disguise! Be assured that there is nothing that they gave to you that you might receive Eternal Life. That is why every plant which Allah has not Planted, will be pulled up! Eat what Allah has Provided for you, and not that which comes from Men! That which comes out of their mouths is Unclean. Do not follow the opinions of people who went astray before you, and misled many off the Straight Way. When they heard what was Revealed, they rebelled and transgressed! Our Lord indeed has had Mercy on you, therefore follow what Allah has Ordained for you that you may be Saved! O you who have Doubts, or Disbelieve! Is it the law of the times of Ignorance you Desire? Falsehood is naught, and so Must Pass Away! Do you not see that they led men to break the Laws of Allah? Allah is the True Master of your Soul! Recognize the Wisdom of your Master. Judge according to what Allah has Revealed to you, then He will Light your Countenance and fill your hearts with Peace. Those who do not judge according to What Allah Reveals are Evil Doers! ********** Have you not been reading this Book? This is from Allah! It pleases Allah to take away from Satan, the Dominion that he had over Sinners. They have rejected the Communications of Allah and mocked them. But most people do not know! This is an alleviation and a Mercy — a Deterrent! It Unites you more closely to the Will of Allah! O Believers! We have revealed to you an account of Secret History of which you were unaware, and have shown you many of the ways in which you have been Deceived. Understand these things which have been shown you, and Guard yourselves from transgressing against Allah. Allah has been Patient with the Inhabitants of the Earth, for the Sake of the Times He has Fore-Ordained! Let the Past go with the Past! Now it is the Consummation of Time that must be considered! All the things which you have heard, impart to your Children. Teach them these Words and Works. Then they will cleave to Righteousness and be Saved! Truly an Age has passed, and a Marvelous Work has come forth — a Book of Revelations well expounded in Truth! This is the Time for Salvation! See you not these things? When the Grain Ripened, John came Quickly with his Sickle in his hand and Reaped it! Such was the Will of Allah. He does what He Pleases! Allah Unfolded this to him. Do not take him for a Foe. Allah Ordained that he would Restore it, so that you may be Mindful of Him! For you were as Sheep Astray — tossed to and fro and carried about by the Wind of False Doctrine! Allah Has Power over All things! He Has Decreed: “I will seek out My Sheep, and Will Save My Flock! They shall no longer be a Prey. I shall Set Over them One Shepherd and he shall Feed them! I will Make with them a Covenant of Peace, and they shall know that I am the Lord!” ….. Therefore Follow your Shepherd! Enter this Field and Eat and be Filled, and your problems of this Life will be solved — it will transform you into a Nation that does His Will! Strive to be Content. We know that John will Care for you. Henceforth, do not corrupt your doings with Vain Words from the Lips of Wickedness, and the Framers of Lies! Then you shall understand how to hold fast to the Will of Allah! Such is the Will of Allah, therefore Obey and Call upon Him with Sincere Devotion, if you are Believers!