TIME OF HARVEST In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful I Am Allah, Most Gracious, and Merciful! I am your Master and Creator, and I have Always Loved You! Why don't you Honor Me? A True Servant honors his Master! It is I Who Revealed this Book with Truth! Walk in My Ordinances, and Observe to do all that which I have Given unto My Servant, and the Beasts of My Field! In My Covenant I Promised them Life and Well-being, and this is what I Gave Them, so that you might Respect Me! They Respected and Feared Me and Taught what was Right, and Live in Harmony with Me! Have you masters that have made lawful in your Religion, that which I Abhor? Woe to the Shepherds who fed not the Sheep, but ruled over you with Rigour! I Will bring you out from these people, and set One Shepherd over you, and will cause the Beasts of the Earth to Cease! Leave these Beasts of the Earth alone or you will be among the Losers! I will make them Desolate, because they have made you Desolate — while those who Believe and do Good Works, will be in Flowering Meadows! I Will Deliver you out of the hand of those who made bondmen of you; you shall no more be a Prey to the Beasts of the Earth! I the Lord heard all their Blasphemies. They magnified themselves with their mouths, and multiplied words against Me! You shall eat the fruit of Man no more, nor stumble anymore! You knew not what the Scripture was, nor the Faith; for they defiled it by their ways and by their doings, and refused to acknowledge My Name! ********** Eat of the Tree of Life! All of the Beasts of the Field brought forth from its Branches — the Fruits of Righteousness. As for the Beasts of the Earth; their Trees and fruit are Unclean, for it causes you to worship False gods in vain! They have taken to themselves gods of wood and stone, and gold and silver too — in Vain are all these things. You shall not ascend to Me fearing deities which have no life, no speech, no understanding, nor hearing! I am Allah, Who Has and Gives Life! I am All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, and All-Understanding. I am the Best of Planners, and Knew it before they did it! Had it not been for a Time Appointed, this would have long ago been settled. I Allowed this until the Time of the Harvest of the Field! What is this Time of Harvest? It is when Christ, My Righteous Scribe will Arise! He shall Separate the Truth from the False that you may see the Truth Clearly. Blessed are all who will believe him, for I Will Overshadow them with My Mercy! Now the Time of Harvest has Come! Woe to those who set at naught the Words of the Righteous! Beyond them lies Hell, and what they have done will not benefit them at all! So do not dwell under their Shadow! Even now their Branches have Fallen, and their Lies are Broken. They wrote down Lying words that men may hear them and act godlessly. I Will deal with them, and drive them out according to their Wickedness. Verily their Age has passed! ********** In this Age you shall comprehend the Words of Purity, and shall know the Facts about Christ, and the whole secret of your Salvation! I have sent John to open the Books of the Beasts of the Field, and to copy from its Sacred Pages all the Messages of Purity! He is the Son of man to whom Righteousness belongs, and who will reveal all the Treasures of that which was concealed! Meditating on the Books, he strives to attain Tranquility of Mind. He is aware of what was hidden, and perceives above the Darkness the True Light. He separates all evil desires, evil intentions, and the like, that the Corrupters had planted. He shall wipe out all their lies, and vindicate the Truth of My Words. Beware, for you err greatly, if you think he has them not! Now I shall Sanctify My Great Name, and all Nations shall know that I am Allah, your Lord, and you shall know that you are My People — the Sheep of My Pasture! It is I Who Revealed this Book with Truth — I Placed My Hand upon It, and it shall shoot forth Branches and yield Fruit to My People! I Will put My Spirit within them, and Multiply the Fruit, and Increase the Field. It shall bring Forth new Fruit, and the Fruit thereof shall be for Food and for Healing, for it is Holy. Assemble yourselves, and gather yourselves to My Feast that I Prepared for you! Eat the Most Holy Things — My Fruit, and My Unleavened Bread. Be filled at My Table; I have Poured Out My Spirit upon It! Eat the Food therefore, then the doings that were not Good — you shall Loathe! O John! I have Set you as My Shepherd. Therefore when you shall Hear the Words of My Mouth, warn them for Me, to Turn from their ways and Live! If they turn from their Sins and do that which is Lawful and Right — none of their Sins that they have committed shall be remembered. Set it forth Clearly, for with their mouths they show Me much love, but their hearts go after Covetousness. They hear your words but they do not do them. Their knees should not bend, and their heads should not fall to the ground! If they Trust in Me they shall not be Confounded, and bow down with those who bow down. How is it to be understood that which I said to Moses? ….. “You shall not bow down to anything that is in the Heaven above or that which is on the Earth beneath, or that which is under the Earth!” ….. The People should learn My Will, who have turned their face from Me, and do this never again! ********** O Mankind! Do you think that I should accept this act? Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad — the Beasts of the Field, all Stood up and prayed, and gave Me Reverence! These Three Roots each Reigned, and in succession covered each other — they Knew the Abasement, Darkness and Disorder of bowing down! John also, as well as All My Holy Prophets; They all Stood and Did as I Commanded. I say these things to you that perhaps you may hear. Rise up from the Ground and compose yourselves! For this profits you Nothing! Who was the Cause of this Disorder? This is the work of Satan, he is against all those who Respect Me! Satan has this Illusion that there is no one above him! This pertains not just to Me, but to you. As here he seeks to be higher than Me and not wishing to recognize anyone above him, and now you do the same when you go to make Prayer! People should not bow down on their knees and prostrate — it is fruitless! Think, and do not hold yourselves above Me! He thought that by having you Bow and Stare Down in Prayer, that he would be able to equal My Spirit, and his Darkness might not be Destroyed, and that you may not possess Understanding! Overthrow this Evil Practice at its Foundation! Arouse yourselves, put on Strength. Be like the Wise — My God-fearing Servants and Shake yourselves from the Dust. Only the Rebellious fall before Me. He who is of the Truth, does not! Be numbered among My Sheep, and do not turn your backs on Me. Rise up and receive Forgiveness of your Sins. Believe John, who Publishes Peace and brings you these Good Tidings, that all Souls may be washed of their Sins! I Myself Admonish you to believe him, and you shall Live. This Wisdom is better than the wisdom of Men — do not Resist. Receive the Truth. Those who Stand shall Live and be set Free from Grief! Do not be led Astray by Deceit and Vanity! I Am Above All. Stand before Me for your sake — before you depart from Life. Do not let Satan snatch you away! Rise up that you may receive Eternal Life instead of Eternal Death. I Am the Giver of Life and Helper of My Servants. Neither kneel when you Pray, nor bow your heads; lift up your eyes, and hands, and come to Me as I Created you; as one by Nature — Upright! By so doing you shall Save yourselves! O You who have been hearing the Words from the Lips of My Prophets — I have Chosen you! So take what I have Given you, and be one of the Thankful. The Field has become white and the Harvest is at Hand! Come and hear the Word and be eager for It. This Guidance and Knowledge was Promised for you. Believe My Anointed! He shall be a Companion for you in the Fearful Way, and shall Instruct you. He asks you not for a reward of what he Teaches, but asks of you to have Faith, and to fear Me, the Lord of All! For your sakes do not Resist. You shall be Cleansed of all your Uncleanness, if you Walk in My Ordinances, and Observe to do them. He does nothing Unseemly, and through the Works of My Hand — you shall be Saved!
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