In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O You of little faith! The Christ has come, John — the Scribe of Righteousness! He is the Tree of Wisdom! Why do you doubt? Is it you who have brought forth into being the Tree? Or are We the cause of its coming into being? Allah said unto him: “Blessed are you for a ‘clear understanding’ which does not waver! You are the Tree of Knowledge, the Instructor — the Beast!”….. See you not how Allah set forth a parable? Comparing the blessed Word to that of a Blessed Tree? This also is a sign — lo, He said unto you: “I have provided for Myself a king, he has found favor in My eyes. He shall be as a tree planted by waters — his roots shall be firm, his leafs shall be green, and shall not cease from yielding fruit!”….. For those who are wise Allah sets down similitudes, in order that they may receive admonition — in order that all might reflect! Those who eat of this fruit, and drink from the water will feed their souls and purify their lives! If you eat not, and drink not — you will not enter into Paradise! For Allah has said, and He has the Keys of Heaven! Why murmur you among yourselves? Seek not for the food that Perishes, but for the food that feeds the Soul — that you may live for evermore! The food you ate was nourishment for the flesh that soon must pass away! You stumble and fall before the Truth. What will you say when you shall see that the flesh is naught? The Soul is that which matters in your Life. Allah feeds the Soul the Fruit of Life which came from above! The lower world builds the house of the Flesh. John has the words of Everlasting Life — We know, for he is the Scribe of Righteousness! As for your scribes, they have not given the shoots from the Tree of Life — the shoots of their fruit stalks are from the mind of Satan. They are not the Plants of Allah! They are plants of men, and food for the sinful. Their doctrines are the dogmas and creeds of men. You even kneel in Prayer, and think you serve Allah. Stand Upright! It is best for you, and symbolic of Purity of Life and the ascent of the Soul to higher Life! ********** Can you not discriminate? Do you not see what is clean, and what defiles a man? The ceremonial laws you observe are tarnished, and is that which defiles a man! What is your profit if you gain the world and lose your soul? Let not your soul die, by separating it from Allah — the True! False humility is a mist from Hell, which darkens the understanding of the Soul, it persecutes you, and is unable to give Satisfaction! Allah is the Physician of the Soul — He Knows the sickness and Understands how to apply the medicines thereto, that you may attain Everlasting Life! Ought Man to deny the fact? Has anyone ever refused Health, though the manner of it be not understood? Even now, Allah heals the sick! Did He heal you perchance Today? O Mankind! There has come to you Instruction from your Lord, and a healing for what is in the breasts and a Guidance and Mercy for the Believers! O Sleepers! Awake and hear the Words of Allah, He says, concerning John: “Not for his mere sake has this Tree grown up, but I had Mercy on you, and commanded him to grow — that you might be overshadowed by his branches, and find Rest. And to show you Satan’s meanness, and his evil works — yet I have not given him power over you, if you are able to recognize My Elect One! The fruit of his lips shall destroy the sinners, and all the ungodly. He shall bring forth fruit abundantly. Eat of these fruit when they ripen! Consider this! From the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month — from this Day on, I will Bless you. Wherefore listen to My Words!” ….. Allah created Man, and gave him Freedom of Choice — that he might love his Creator more! And that he might resist evil and do good, and might know that Allah has no need of him. But the blind do not see that all things belong to the Creator — the Soul, sense, flesh and the Good, all belong and comes from Him. It is necessary that he who has his eyes diseased should be Guided and Helped! And this shall Allah do, in order that Everyone may know that he has received benefit from the Tree of Life!