In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All Praise be to the Merciful — for the Lord of Spirits has caused His Light to appear! He shall put down the countenance of the strong and shall fill them with shame, because they do not extol the Name of the Lord of Spirits! All their deeds manifest unrighteousness, their power rests on their riches — their faith is in the gods which they have made with their hands! They persecute the houses of Allah’s congregations, and the Faithful who hang upon the name of the Lord of Spirits! O Holy Ones, rise and unite with One Voice! Give thanks and bless Allah, and give hope to those of troubled heart! Admonish the unrighteous, the rich and proud, and all the Rejectors — for they have denied the Lord of Spirits and His Anointed! ….. ********** The hour has drawn near, the moon has split — yet whenever they see a sign they turn away and follow their own opinions! Before them the People of Noah disbelieved and said: “He is crazy!” ….. Is there anyone who will not take heed? Aad rejected the Truth, and Thamud rejected the Warnings! They said: “Was the message given to him alone — out of all of us? He is a wicked Liar!” ….. Do any of you not understand? The People of Lot rejected and dismissed the Warnings — We unleashed upon them a shower of stones! The Warnings also came to the people of Pharaoh, and they rejected all of them. Are these rejectors of Today any better than all those? Everything they have done is in the Book! ********** We are United, and We will be Victorious! The Merciful Allah taught him the Clear Messages, and He set up the measures. Do not violate the measures He has appointed to man to converse therewith, and to understand with the heart! They shall be gathered together, and its fruit shall be for food to the Elect! Which of your Lord’s Blessings do you deny? Until this present Day, such Wisdom had not been given by the Lord of Spirits. Everything small or large is written down! And when the Inevitable occurs, there shall be no Denial!