In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Is it a ‘wonder’ to Mankind that We have sent Our Inspiration to a man from among themselves? He it is of whom Moses in the Law did write. Allah’s promise shall be fulfilled so that He may ‘justly reward’ those who have believed in Him and done good works! Will you take heed? For it is written: “The Law and the Prophets were until John.” ….. and it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than for one dotting of an i in the Law to go unfulfilled! Do whatever he tells you. Except Allah be with him, how could these things be? Truly, We speak of what We ‘do know’ and bear witness of what We have seen, but you do not receive Our testimony! This is he, who hears the Word and understands it, and who brings out of ‘His Treasure’ what is new and old. Thus do We make plain Our Revelations for people who reflect! In the heavens and earth there are Signs! Do you hear what these are saying from heaven? Listen ….. ********** ….. “Hail to thee, John, Servant of Allah! After having seen you ‘freed from the mouth of death’ and out of the reach of sorrow — all rejoice in the World of Heaven. We know that you are a Teacher come from Allah, and He guides whom He will to a Straight Path. You know this, and another teacher like you is not to be found on the wide earth. There is no other! Behold, a man can receive nothing unless it is given him from heaven. You have obtained it ‘now’ from Him Who perceives all and knows all. Praise be to Allah — Lord of the Universe, and exalted be He ‘above’ the gods they serve besides Him!” ….. “O Mankind! Your rebellion is only against your own souls! Who is it that sustains you from the sky and from the earth? And who is it that rules and regulates ‘all affairs?’ — Allah! How then are you turned away? Can you ‘originate creation’ and repeat it? What then is the matter with you? O Mankind! It is Allah who gives ‘Guidance’ towards Truth, and He bears witness of what ‘he’ has seen and heard! It is beyond doubt from the Lord of the Universe. If they say: “He has invented it himself!” ….. Indeed they disbelieve what they ‘cannot grasp!’ Likewise did those before them disbelieve. Do but consider — ‘what portion’ would the guilty wish to hasten? This is ‘the Prophet’ who is to come into the world — do not be afraid! You will not bear ‘false witness’ and you will have ‘treasure‘ in Heaven. See you what things Allah has sent down to you for your sustenance? ‘This’ is the Bread that comes down from heaven, and We are witnesses thereof! But there are some of you who do not believe. Let not ‘their speech’ grieve you — they follow nothing but conjecture! O Earth, is this true?” ….. ********** ….. “Yes, by the Lord, it is true, though most of them may not know it! How is it that he knows his letters? Verily ‘in this’ there are signs for those who listen! He is ‘the hearer’ and they do but guess. This is certainly the Prophet, and Allah by His Words does prove and establish the Truth, however much the guilty may hate it! ‘None’ can withhold His Favors! These things I say to you for the present — you have pursued me, in order that you may have a portion with them! Now the Truth has reached you from the Lord. Those who receive ‘guidance’ do so for their own souls. I judge no man, and I am not ‘over you’ to arrange your affairs. He, is the Best of Judges!” ….. ********** See what the heavens and earth contain? Those who give no heed to Our Signs, shall have the Fire as their home, in requital for their deeds! Wait if you will! Would you then believe in it — when it does overtake you and you cannot escape? Then it will be said to the wrong-doers: “Taste the everlasting Torment!” ….. When they see the Penalty, they will repent in secret, and Allah will surely make it of no effect! Truly, ‘this is the Bread’ that came down from Heaven, and you have the words of Eternal Life! Few of his people believed in Moses, and Our brother is ‘like unto him’ and ‘you’ are like unto them! You are ‘swift to do iniquity’ but ‘slow to remember Allah.’ Where are they now? Do not walk in the footsteps of ‘ignorant men’ or then you shall be lost! Every nation, had it believed, would have profited from its faith! But it was only the case with Jonah’s people, when they believed ‘one and all.’ But neither signs nor warnings will profit those who believe not. Wait if you will, for if you do, you will certainly be of those who do wrong! Arise therefore now! Those who stray, do so to their own loss!