In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! This is an Admonition to those who will consider — it appertains to Allah, to instruct Men in the Right Way! I am Jesus, Son of Mary. I have already declared unto you that with which I was sent unto you. I am not Allah, nor son of God, and I am not the Christ — whose name is John, who too, is Messenger of Allah! And verily the Friends of Allah, are those who believe and keep their duty to Allah; You have no God, besides Him! Liken not anyone or anything, unto Allah! Did I not say that I am not a Guardian over you? Will you ungratefully deny the Goodness of Allah, and believe in that which is vain? Those who lead you cause you to err, on account of what the Followers of Falsehood did. Leave them alone! They follow nothing but conjecture — they say: “Allah has taken unto Himself a Son!” ….. All Glory and Praise belongs to Allah — He has no Son! His is All that is in the Heavens and All that is on the Earth. Verily those who invent lies concerning Allah will not succeed. Their deeds are in vain, and their works are fruitless! Conspiracy is only of the Devil! The kings of the Earth did set themselves against Allah and His Anointed, and the Jews were partners in this crime! By the operation of Satan, they corrupted my Gospel and the Qur’an, then said I was the Christ! Satan made their deeds seem alluring to them — know that he, is their Master! ********** They thought to set at naught the Words of Allah, that they might get gain and glory of the world according to their will and desires! They thought: “Who sees us? Who knows us? Who is he that the Mouth of the Lord has spoken that he may tell it? Allah is blind to our doings, and if there is a Christ, perhaps he will be deceived!” ….. The example of these two groups is like the Blind and Deaf, compared to the Seer and Hearer! Are they equal? They could not bear to hear, and they refused to see — such are they who have lost their Souls! Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when you knew nothing! He gave you the sense of hearing and seeing, and understanding, that you may be appreciative! Be thankful for the favors of Allah, if you serve Him, and do not follow in the footsteps of those who turned arrogant and opposed! Have you not considered? Allah is more powerful than them! Those who are unjust follow the delights of this world, and are wicked doers! Never ally yourselves with Allah’s enemies, nor the enemies of His Prophets, and His Anointed! They cause men to stray from His Path. Allah has Directed Us aright, and We have certainly Directed you! They desired to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths — to sow discord among you. Their works are as ashes, which the wind violently scatters on a stormy day! And some of you, are avid listeners to them! Do you not know that Allah Knows their Secrets and their Conspiracies? ********** Woe unto those who have hindered from the Path of Allah, and sought to make it crooked! O you who think you are Christians! They corrupted the Book which was sent to me, and the Book, that Allah sent down to Muhammad. They altered much of what We delivered, and falsified that I am the Christ! Being those to whom He gave the Books, We Know the Truth! O Muhammad! Clarify this to them, so that they do not insult Allah or His Anointed, out of ignorance! Is what I have spoken True? ….. “Yes! Beyond all doubt! They knew that John was the Christ, and the Heir-apparent — Guardian of the Virgin Book. Yet in defiance, they said: “What shall we do? If we do not destroy him, and these words, we will lose our place and power!” ….. They thus sent out armies to destroy Our Books, and those who Believed! They planned their plans, but Allah is the Best of Planners! And beyond all doubt, for them is the Fire. This shall be their sentence because of that which they have done! Moreover, the Lord will be favorable to those who suffered and were persecuted, and who were compelled to deny the Faith by violence, and all those who persevered with Patience! Verily to these will Allah be Gracious and Merciful — they shall not be treated Unjustly! ********** There is no changing the Words of Allah! Yet their empty words wither and decay. Jesus spoke the Word for Us, that you may be made Clean! We have revealed to you Clear Signs, and none rejects them except Sinners. Is Darkness and Light equal? No! Herein is a sign for People who take heed! Allah erases the works of Darkness, and makes the works of Light — Revealing! See how that which they invented has deserted them? Do you not know that Allah is capable of All things? Allah by His Power, brings all things to Fulfillment! A proof has come to you from your Lord. The Lord of Heaven and Earth, has spread a sumptuous Feast! So Eat and Purify yourselves, and let not Uncertain People prevent you! Allah is aware of those of you who doubt, and those of you who disbelieve. Who say: “This is in a foreign tongue, while the Qur’an is written in Arabic!” ….. rejecting what Allah has revealed out of resentment that Allah would send down His Word upon whomever He Chooses from among His Servants! Refrain from this! Language is not able to reveal this — Allah speaks to him through his heart! The Command of your Lord has come! Do not turn away! I have conveyed to you what I was sent to you with. Respect him and follow the Light! He reveals it by Allah’s Will, and it is Guidance and Good News. It is never the wish of the Disbelievers that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord. Some of them toss it aside — in fact, most of them Mis-believe! Therefore I have come to manifest the Christ to men! ********** O you who say you are Muslim! Believe in what Allah has Revealed, if you are True Believers! Have you not considered? If this is not the Christ whom Allah has promised to men — from where did he get all this Wisdom? I did not learn the Wisdom of Allah within the Schools of Men! He must do, and does, the Will of Allah! Walk in the Light, while you have the Light. In the age that has now passed, I gave you the Bread of Life, and taught you, and gave you the Words which Allah had given me to speak. Shall I take the highest seat? Now he shall teach to other men, what I have spoken and am speaking unto you! The Word has fallen upon him without blemish, nor diverting from the Path! When he substitutes a verse in place of another verse, it is in place of a verse they abrogated! It is in order to stabilize those who Believe, and is a guidance and mercy for those who Submit! We had given them the Scripture which we detailed with Knowledge. But they disregarded it and wrote something different. They have ruined their souls, and what they invented has failed them. Yet the Fruit of Allah’s Law did not perish — it remains in it’s Glory! Perhaps you will reflect! So fear Allah, and Listen. For whosoever rejects this — their works shall be in vain! ********** Believe in me and in the Christ, whom Allah has sent! John is the Messiah whom all the Prophets said would come. Yet others say: “He cannot be the Christ!” ….. they know not anything, but simply guess! Whenever Allah makes a Decree it becomes Law and cannot be annulled! Every age has a term decreed, and every term has a Book. Allah blots out or establishes what He Wills, and men must recognize His Power! Blessed is he who comes in the Name of Allah — John, the Anointed One! With him, is the Essence of the Book! Do you know it is written: “Peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day he dies?” ….. Allah Commanded him, saying: “Take hold of the Book with might — for this is your wisdom and understanding in the sight of the nations, which I set before you this Day! Gather Me the People together and I will make them hear My words — that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they shall live upon the earth!” ….. The Blind and Seeing are not alike! Do you not hear? Do you not see? John has revealed to you this Book, and it is All from Allah! The Lord commanded him to bind up the Law, and purify it of Satan’s Filth! He put all this down in writing so that you might read and understand. He will never rise from his seat without dispelling the Darkness — that he may prove His Truth to be the Truth, and to bring to naught what is not! Behold the Virgin Book — it abides by the Promise of Allah! Let all these things be always before your eyes, and meditate thereon. Begin to study the Laws, seek the Commandments, and return to the Path of Righteousness! The Lord will heal you, His Servants, and drive out your adversaries, and you shall rise up and see great Peace! Those of you whom this Admonishment has reached! Woe unto those who distorted the Decrees of Allah, that men might be in subjection and obedience to them! Now let this be your Book wherein to study Paradise. Every false speech, clothed in Untruth shall be thrown into the Fire. Such is this purpose of his — for he is the Guardian of the Book. And the world will not receive Truth any other way! I bid Peace unto you all, and the Mercy and Blessings of Allah!”