In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Why do you deny the revelations of Allah? We recite them to you in all Truth! Allah has knowledge of your inmost thoughts! Allah designed this to be but good news for you, and a ‘guide and an admonition’ to the righteous. Muhammad is no more than an Apostle, and other Apostles have passed away before him! Whoever ‘turns back’ on his heels will do no harm to Allah. Therefore ‘in Allah’ — let the Faithful put their trust, and none shall be wronged! Allah has surely been gracious to the Faithful, in sending them an Apostle of their own to declare to them His revelations! They ‘are alive!’ Fear them, if you are true believers! Allah was not to leave the Faithful in their ‘present plight’ and Allah is not unjust to His Servants! Do not think that those who rejoice in ‘their misdeeds’ and wish to be praised for what they have not done, shall be forgiven ‘their sins’ and admitted to Gardens watered by running streams. Hell shall be their home! Allah’s ‘reward’ is surely better for the righteous. Yet the unbelievers ‘set up equals to their Lord’ and thus ‘deny the Truth’ when it is declared to them. Who is more wicked than the man who invents a falsehood about Allah, or denies His revelations? Though they might not perceive it — ‘evil’ are the burdens they shall bear! Will you not understand? Had Allah pleased He would have given them guidance but most of them are ignorant men. Allah misleads whom He will and guides to ‘the right path’ whom He pleases! ********** See how We make plain for them Our revelations, and yet they turn away? We send forth Our Apostles only to warn them so that they may guard themselves against evil! Are the blind and seeing alike? Can you not think? See how We make plain Our revelations? Avoid those who treat their Faith as a ‘sport and a pastime’ and are seduced by the life of this world! Come this way — his word is ‘the Truth’ and he has knowledge of the visible and the unseen. Will you not be warned? It is an admonition to all mankind, and it is surely Allah Who has revealed them! For you have said of Allah what is untrue, and scorned His revelations! Glory to Him, and exalted be He above their imputations! He created all things and has knowledge of all things. Therefore follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord! We will leave them to blunder about in their ‘wrong doing’ — who inspire one another with vain and varnished falsehoods! If you believe in His revelations, eat of these fruits when they ripen and do not walk in Satan’s footsteps, if you are men of Truth! Come, that you may grow in wisdom! Observe it and keep from evil, so that you might find mercy. Have nothing to do with those who split up their Religion into sects. In the end you shall return to your Lord, the Wise One and All-Knowing! Make ‘no excuses’ for yourselves this day. Turn to Allah in ‘true repentance!’