In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Welcome, We are ‘the Messengers’ of Allah — Who has ‘roused Us’ from Our ‘sleeping place!’ The ‘Promise of Allah’ is true, and your companion is not mad. Indeed, he has spoken the Truth which Allah has spoken by the mouth of all His Holy Prophets, since the world began. They were made known to the Prophet by the voice of ‘the Spirit’ — for by ‘the Spirit’ are all things made known to the Prophets, ‘sooner or later!’ Do you know that the ‘head of prophecy’ was cut off with John? And that ‘prophecy’ issues from that head now, and you don’t perceive? Why is it that you knew not this? This is the ‘Son of man’ to whom righteousness belongs, and who will reveal all the ‘treasures’ of that which is concealed! Beware! For you ‘err greatly’ — if you think he has them not! Know you not that the Lord has chosen him to be a ruler unto you, ‘like unto Moses?’ For Moses truly said: “A Prophet shall Allah ‘raise up’ unto you of your brethren, like unto me. And him shall you hear in all things!” Why marvel you at this? For ‘the promise’ is unto you and your children! This is ‘he’ of whom it was written! ********** Allah, having ‘raised up’ His Servant — sent him to you ‘first!’ The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and We believe in him! Are you among the believers? Or are you among the Proud? We cannot ‘deny it’ — indeed, this is from Allah! He said: “Believe in him, and help him. And I will bear witness with You. He that hereafter rebels is a transgressor, and in the world to come he will be of the lost!” Bring the Torah and read it, in it are ‘clear signs!’ How can you ‘disbelieve’ when Allah’s Revelations are recited to you, and His Messenger is in ‘your midst?’ He is indeed guided to a ‘right path.’ Thus Allah makes plain to you — His Revelations! Allah ‘designed this’ to be but ‘good news’ for you, so that your hearts might be ‘comforted!’ ********** Obey Allah and His Messenger, that you may find ‘mercy!’ All this he has done because of the Commandments of his Lord! These ‘last records’ shall establish the Truth of the first, and shall make known the ‘plain and precious things’ which have been taken away from them! He shall write ‘the remainder’ of these things, and also things which ‘have been!’ The things he shall write are ‘just and true’ and most precious and easy to the understanding of all men. The remainder, you shall see, for Allah has ‘ordained’ that he shall write them, and they are ‘sealed’ to come forth ‘in their purity’ — in the own due time of the Lord!