In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Allah created you, and gave you ‘ears and eyes and hearts,’ so that you may ‘submit’ to Him! He admonishes you so that you may take heed. Allah knows best what He reveals, and Allah will not guide those who ‘disbelieve’ His Revelations! In the life to come they shall be assuredly lost, when every soul shall be requited for its deeds! Eat of the good and lawful things which Allah has bestowed upon you, and give thanks for His favors! If you truly serve Him do not falsely declare: “This is forbidden!” ….. Those who invent falsehoods about Allah will never prosper. Your Lord knows best those who stray from His Path, and those who are ‘rightly guided!’ The True believers are those whose hearts are ‘filled with awe’ at the mention of Allah, and whose faith ‘grows stronger’ as they listen to His Revelations! You ‘were’ overcome by sleep, and now has a Judgment come to you, and you have heard the Truth. Do not be like those who say: “If we wished we could invent the like.” ….. Though most of them do not know it, they shall be punished for their unbelief. He is the noblest ‘helper and protector’ — the Apostle! Allah has power over all things, and He knows your ‘inmost thoughts!’ So that you may triumph — ‘obey’ Allah and His Apostle, and do ‘not dispute’ with one another! The basest of creatures in the sight of Allah, are the ‘faithless’ who will not believe. Allah is with those who are ‘steadfast!’ Allah is Mighty and Wise, and if Allah finds goodness in your hearts, He will give you that which is better than what He has taken from you! But if you give ‘no heed’ — know that you shall not escape His Judgment. Allah loves the ‘righteous’ and it is they who shall triumph! ********** Allah! It is He Who has sent forth His Apostle with ‘Guidance’ and ‘the True Faith’ — to make it triumphant over all religions! Believers, do not despair! This will be best for you. Allah best knows the righteous, and Allah best knows the evil-doers. They had sought before this, to ‘sow dissension’ and thought out ‘plots’ against you! They swear by Allah that they are believers like you, and yet they are not. They grow resentful! Would that they were satisfied with what Allah and His Apostle have given them! Are they not aware that the man who ‘defies’ Allah and His Apostle, shall abide forever in the ‘Fire of Hell’ — an evil fate? If they repent it will be better for them! But if they give no heed, ‘turning their backs’ — theirs shall be a woeful punishment. Let neither their riches nor children, rouse your envy. They are content to remain with those who stay behind! Do as you will, Allah will behold ‘your works!’ Who is a better man? He who lays his foundation on the fear of Allah and His good pleasure? Or he who builds on the brink of a ‘crumbling precipice?’ The foundation ‘they’ have built, will ever inspire their hearts with doubt! Allah turned in Mercy to the Prophet, so that they might repent, and so that they might take heed! Whenever a Chapter is revealed, it will surely increase the faith of the believers, and give them joy! As for the ‘unbelievers’ — Allah has set a ‘seal’ upon their hearts and ears, though they perceive it not. Blundering ‘blindly’ along, they profit nothing! And if you doubt what We have revealed to ‘Our Servant’ — then guard yourselves against ‘the Fire’ whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for unbelievers. They shall abide there forever!