In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! Allah has taught and brought John this Book, wherein is Clear Speech — Fruits and Grain! It is Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and the Grain of the Bread of Heaven! It is Spiritual Food. John has gathered them together and prepared them as Food! It is certainly the Truth. Will you not consider? Eat of this Food so that you may grow in Wisdom, and keep from Evil! Will you not eat? Which of the Favors of your Lord, would you Ungratefully Deny? Allah appointed these measures — in balance! Observe these Measures, and do not transgress them! The Ungrateful and Disbelievers reject this, and follow their own Appetites. Yet Allah is the Best Provider! Allah seeks only to Purify you, and Perfect His Gift to you. Eat of the Good given to you, so that you may strengthen your Faith. Then you shall be rewarded by Allah! ********** O People of Earlier Scripture! What should hinder you from believing in Allah, and the Truth which has come down unto you? Are you not grateful that your Lord invites you to Paradise? Forbid not, nor deny the good things which Allah is giving to you! Allah loves not the Ungrateful — those who believe not, and regard His Signs as Falsehood! Eat what Allah has given you — Food which is Lawful and Good! Fear Allah, and eat not the food given to you by certain people who were before you. They went astray and misled many from the Straight Path! They twisted words out of context. They disregarded and overlooked much. They were truly an Unjust people! They were very Arrogant, and Evil is what they did! When they heard what was revealed, they rebelled — distorting words from their places to divert you. It was done in accordance to Satan’s desire — to prevent you from the Spiritual Food, and the true Knowledge of Allah! Even though the abundance of the Bad may impress you — the Bad and the Good are not equal! Be conscious of Allah, and it will become obvious to you! ********** Turn away from the Bad if you are Believers! Disbelievers extended their hands against you by fabricating lies! They did it to divert you, so that you may know nothing and be not Guided. But Allah is Merciful to you — nullifying their works! Thereby making Clear His Revelations! This is a Day when the Truthful can benefit from their truthfulness! He is now Feeding the Needy of Today — those who believe in Him, and do Righteous deeds! O Followers of Earlier Scripture! Eat of the Lawful and Good things Allah has provided for you that you may Prosper! Two groups among you have faltered, and would love to see you disbelieve, just as they disbelieve. Turn away from them, for they are your manifest enemies! They have attributed partners to Allah — of which He did not sanction! One group says: “Allah is the third of three!” ….. Isis, Ra, and thirdly El! The other group says: “He is three in one!” ….. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! What is the matter with these people? They hardly understand a thing because of what the Illicit Hands of those who distort put forward! Their Messengers had come to them saying: “Your only Lord is Allah — the One who created the heavens and earth! He is my Lord and your Lord! And you shall love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength!” ….. Do you now see how they devised lies against Allah, by their worshiping of Idols, in spite of being commanded to reject them? Everyone among the People of the Scriptures are required to believe in Him Alone — before their Death! Do not exaggerate in your Religion, and do not say anything about Allah except the Truth! A Messenger has now come to you clarifying what was hidden and distorted of the Book! Allah Guides with it whoever seeks Him! Say not: “Trinity or Three!” Refrain from this for your own good. Allah is only One God! And those who disdain worshiping Him are just too Arrogant to Submit. As for those who disdain and turn arrogant — when he dies, he will get two-thirds, and be cast into the Fire! Allah does not forgive association with Him — Allah forgives anything less than that for whomsoever He wills! ********** Allah is One God! The only God! He begets not, nor was He begotten! He is Eternal and has no Partners, and there is not anyone or anything — to whom He can be compared! Who is better in Religion than he who submits himself wholly to Allah? Therefore, say not Trinity or Three — this is for your own good! Among you are those who believe in Three! They will say to you: “If you revert from your religion, then you are not Righteous!” ….. Do not follow their wishes, lest they divert you from what Allah has now given unto you, They are the losers! So ignore them, or say to them in penetrating words: “You are wronging yourselves! Allah will not forgive that partners be associated with Him. Whoever does that He will cast into the Fire! But He will forgive anything less than that!” ….. The Jews and Christians both say: “We are God’s children!”….. Say unto them: “It is Unlawful for you to make such a division — it is a flagrant sin. You have listened to people who distorted words out of context. Allah begets not! You are men, like all other men! Anyone who commits this evil, it is detrimental to his own soul. Allah promises all who believe — forgiveness and a great reward. Who is better in religion than he who submits himself wholly to Allah? Do you want to give Allah a clear case against you?” ….. Say this, and do not argue. Those who disbelieve wish to see you neglect Him! ********** Those of you who say and believe that you are Children of God! Satan is the Father of all Lies! You do not realize that you have succumbed to Satan, and take him for God rather than Allah! Whoever now sees this, it is for the benefit of your soul, and whoever remains blind — it is to your detriment! Therefore refrain and put your trust in Allah! Whoever turns away — avoid them! Anyone who does this in response to Allah’s Teachings, will be directed in the direction he has chosen! Who is going to argue on their behalf on the Day of Resurrection? Who is going to be their advocate? Eat of the good things Allah has given you, and be filled, and not fooled! If it was not for Allah’s Mercy, you would still be misled by Satan! So turn not your backs, and do not argue! You are only responsible for your own self! Eat this Spiritual Food, which Allah has given you. Doubt not, and be not afraid. You will not be blamed or held accountable for what you have previously eaten, if you turn and trust in Allah! He stands Alone, and there is no God but He!