In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! Have you realized that you have been feeding your Outter Body of Flesh and starving your Inner — Spiritual Selfs? Put an end to this wrong doing Today, and turn from all that is Evil! Did you know that when you fast your Souls, you profit nothing with Allah? It was Satan who caused this! When Allah Created Adam, He Gathered Together the Souls of all Mankind and told your Souls what they should do to Live, and what they should Avoid. And every Soul bore witness and obeyed! There was no Sin, no Unrighteousness, no Punishment nor Misery. This is from Allah that you may Remember! Come to what Allah has Revealed to you, and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan! He was the first being to transgress the Commandments of Allah. He fell from Allah's Grace, and became miserable forever, and seeks the misery of all Mankind! Therefore Satan seeks to weaken and afflict your souls by causing you to forget and neglect Allah. How long will you go after that what is False? You have been informed by those who took pleasure in his wickedness! With hardened hearts these people walked not according to the Truth, but were filled with vain desires — they sinned against their souls and were brought to destruction. They cared no more than for the enjoyment of this Life, and were at War with Allah, and now are consigned to the Suffering of Hell! Satan and those of his house, draw souls to do works of Wickedness! He induced them to make books of instruction which blinds your eyes of soul, deadens your minds of reason, and hardens your hearts to truth! Listen not to what they say, there is no benefit in it; They established the doctrines of Satan, which does not bear Righteous Fruit to feed The Soul! Now many of you are people without any awareness of right and wrong. Let their teachings go! It is Darkness, Ignorance, and a great Sickness! ********** For this reason many of you think Untrue Thoughts — Thoughts of Ignorance! These thoughts of yours do not come from Allah, but from men whom Satan has Fed — who blinded their Eyes of Soul. Thus, they preferred Darkness over Light, and despised the Word of Allah. Rise above their Ignorance and be truly acquainted with the Truth! The things men see with Eyes of the Soul are of more worth than the things that your Bodily eyes see! Replenish your hearts and souls that they may humbly submit to Allah. The Soul delights in the things of Allah, and causes the Heart to ponder upon Him! Those who serve Satan plotted against you, and established the doctrines that he put into their hearts; their knowledge is none other than Lies and Foolishness! It is Ignorance and is Unprofitable to you! The knowledge of Wickedness is not Wisdom, nor is it Understanding; it was established to make you Sick, by Starving your Souls! Why should your heart weep, and your soul linger in sorrow, while your flesh yields to sin and gives in to temptations which the evil one has put in place? It is unbeneficial for you! It causes you to desire worldly things and to turn the unity of your hearts, souls, and minds asunder so that you too may be punished with Eternal Punishment! Those whom Satan has inspired do for Selfish and Worldly Gain because of the murky veil that he placed upon their hearts. Better is one with a little understanding, than one that transgresses the Law of Allah! ********** Judge in accordance with what Allah has bestowed from on High, and follow not the errant views of those whom Satan has destroyed! Let him not destroy you too. Love what is Right and hate Falsehood. Eat what Allah has Provided for you, for it is Most Profitable! Allah through His Prophets, reproves and corrects you that you be not Punished for evil done out of Ignorance. They are the Guides to the Commandments of Allah, and are men from the House of Abraham! They Teach with words of Knowledge, so that you may do Good Works, and they do not wish for you to transgress Allah's Commandments. It is the Knowledge of Allah, and is for the Salvation of Mankind! Have you understood what they have said? The Soul is a Weapon of Faith! It unites the Heart, Mind, and Body so that they may be in Perfect Harmony — Remembering, Knowing, and Serving Allah. Man was created to do Good, and to be in tune with Allah. Satan's weapon is money, which symbolizes Gold! Pertaining to Gold, Allah has said: “It is the root and beginning to every evil! It is a worthless piece of rock, and there is no life in it!” ….. Therefore take no pleasure in it, for it contaminates your Souls! Alluring unto man is the enjoyment of Worldly Desires. It causes you to seek material things, rather than Allah. They who keep themselves from this will Live! ********** O you who desire the Material Things of this World! Did you know that you have been Servants of Sin? Submitting to the Operations of Satan has caused your Souls to become Weak. Many of you think you are Blessed when you have acquired his so-called Wealth — yet you resist the Mighty One every hour, and do not keep the Statutes of the Most High! You ought to know that this sprang up from Satan and those of his house! They incurred the Consequences of their works — the very things they ridiculed came back to haunt them! O You who are in this Ignorance and Error! Turn not your eyes towards the worldly benefits of those who Deny the Truth. Satan laughs at you when you do such things! Those who desire Possessions rather than Allah, are possessed by him! It is not silver nor gold nor material things which will accompany you when you leave this life. Let none of these things ascend within your Hearts lest you remain enslaved to him. These things will Pass Away as a passing cloud, when you die and come to Judgment! Soothe your Heart, banish vexation from your Mind, and give not your Soul over to sorrow! Turn this Sickness into Healthiness. A healthy soul, a pure heart, and a sound mind is worth more than the finest gold! Let the Light of Life shine through his Murky Veil, lest you remain in his Bondage. Replenish your souls and hearts, and this veil will roll away! Where is the Profit if you gain the world, and lose your Soul? Let these words sink into your Hearts: “In the Life to come, he who clings to worldly things will again lose his life — while he who keeps his soul from this shall Live!” ….. Do not cling to what the Ungodly have given you! Do not forget what has been spoken by the Foolish who have passed away. The Light of Life did not shine through the Murky Veil that Satan had drawn about their hearts and souls. They had heard the Word, but neglected their souls, and chose the things which pass away! Will you let them tell you what to do so that you may suffer what they now suffer? By their Desire they chose Evil in preference to Allah; do not pursue Unrighteousness! Satan's agents did not perceive this themselves, for they had no Understanding. Let Satan not seduce you in the same manner! ********** Choose for yourselves that which shall not pass away! Eat this Bread from Heaven and regain your Strength, and become One with Allah! It is given to you in portions; here a little, there a little — to Nourish and Strengthen your Souls! Take what is given by the Hand of Allah, and not by the hands of men! Don't you see how that which they Forged has gone astray from them? Those who Distorted the Truth, lived in Idolatry and plotted against you. With Discourses of Deception — they harden hearts! Their Plots caused their Ruin, because of their Rebellion against Allah. Spurn what they have given to you and spurn not the doings of Allah! Cling to the words of His Prophets, it does not harden, but softens your hearts! It Protects those who Love Him, and will keep you from the Furnace of Affliction. Whatever His Prophets have brought to you is Acceptable, and will Support those who Believe. It is a Message of Hope and Security from Him to set your hearts aright, and to cleanse you and to rid you of Satan's Filth and Pollutions! It is by the Grace of Allah that you hard-hearted Today hear these Words that He may Pardon you! Think deeply about this when you lie in Silence on your beds. It is necessary that he who has his Soulful Eyes diseased should be Cured. Meditate in the fear of the Most High, if you desire to be Wise, and be aware of Satan's false practices and all that he Prescribes. There is only One God — Allah! Be not afraid to Fear and Reverence Allah alone, for to Him is your Ultimate Return! ********** Allah is your Creator and the Physician of your Souls, and Wills not the death of those who Sin Ignorantly! Be not like those who are in the Depths of Darkness from which they can Never come out! Their deeds seemed pleasing to them. Their hearts and souls were in Sickness, and they Rejected the Words of Allah. Let your Confidence be in Allah! Those who reject what He Prescribes and chooses to remain Ignorant will enter the company of those who have departed to Hell! Rouse yourselves, put on Strength, and keep your Soul Unmoved. For unless you change what is Within, you Will share their Fate! He has Prescribed this Marvelous Work which has now come forth, to keep yourselves from all Pollution! Now Unrighteousness cannot be justified. He has Raised in your midst a Messenger from among yourselves, who gives you His Revelations — Purified! Before this you were in Manifest Error! It sets your heart aright so that you may be wise in His Ways. Learn the things which he has Written down in Plainness and Simplicity, and Obey the Instructions Allah has given him. Those who Trust in Allah, will not be ashamed or forsaken! Put this Salve of Truth upon your eyes; it will open your eyes that you may see! Then you can behold the Light and witness for yourselves! All that Allah Says, Plans, and Promises — comes to Pass, and no one can Frustrate it! The Christ has arrived, and has gathered these things together before your eyes. It is a goodly Treasure from the treasures of Wisdom! It brings openly before your minds all that was hidden from you, which Allah Provided for your Soul's Sustenance. The work of this gathering is not in haste, but in Allah's Due time — here a little, there a little, in order that you may stand up for Truth upon a firm foundation of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding — with Patience, and Certainty of Faith! Blessed are those who Meditate herein, and occupy themselves in this Book Full of Life! No one should cover up the Gifts of Allah which He has provided for your Sustenance — He has given them no Authority! Allah has pulled their roof down upon them. Remember that Satan and his cohorts lull men into Carnal Security. Those in whose hearts is this Sickness must change what is Within. Therefore Fix your hearts and minds on Thoughtful Understanding. You should All be Equal recipients of This Wealth! Forsake not the Truth; let Wisdom be with you, along with the Mercy of Allah! Know that The Vital Force of Men depends on what their Souls eat and drink. Do not choose to be a Spiritual Weakling! You have thought and have been taught, to take Sin lightly, and have even scorned Allah. Turn from all that is Evil; reform and harmonize your Inner and Outter Self, and let your Faith become Strong! Exercise all that He has caused to be written down, and do not flee from the Education and Teaching thereof. It is for the Profit of all People, and for the Health and Welfare of your Souls! Feed your Souls and make ready your Hearts for that which He has laid up for you in this Sacred Treasury — there is No Wealth above this Wealth!