In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All Praise is due to Allah! O Israel, are you not disturbed by news of the coming Wrath? Reform! Is it enough for you to say that you are heirs of Abraham? I tell you: “No!”….. Spurn this carnal self, with all its vain ambition. And its pride! Spend not upon your selfish selves all that you have. Give part of all the food you have to those in need. Do not increase for selfish gain, and do violence to none! O Mankind! The sins of Israel do not all lie at the door of priest and scribe! The sinners are found among the rulers, and men of wealth. And the commoners are not one whit behind the scribes and priests in crime! They wrote in all their books that might is right; and the strong destroyed the weak. Chaos reigns throughout their domain! ********** The kings of earth are clothed in royal robes, and sit in state that Men may stand in awe of them! A king of heaven may wear fisher’s garb; may sit in a mart of trade; may till the soil, or be a gleaner in the field. May even be a slave in mortal chains, and may be adjudged a criminal by men! Men seldom see what others truly are! The human senses — sense what seems to be. And that which seems to be and that which is, may be diverse in every way! The carnal man, beholds the outer man, but the man of God is pure in heart — he sees with eyes of soul! It takes a long time for light to break into the shell of prejudice, and patience is the lesson you need to learn. Men are living on the lower planes — the planes of greed and selfishness. And for self they fight! It is but prejudice born of the carnal mind that breeds this enmity and hate! Our father Abraham walked through these planes — he is a pattern for the race! He had no sword; no armor of defense, no weapons of offense. And yet he conquered men! Not a drop of blood was shed, and not a captive placed in chains! His sword was Truth, his shield was Faith, his breath was Love, and his watchword was Peace! ********** You men of every nation, hear! I am come to breakaway the wall that separates the sons of men — to overthrow this iron rule of force. For all are one! In every land the strong enslave and kill the weak. Do you know that victories won by force of arms are crimes? Every worthy end may be attained by gentleness — without the shedding of a drop of blood! The lines that separate the sons of men are made of straw, and just a single breath of love would blow them all away! Refrain from harming anything and by and by, you will be free. One can never teach that which he does not demonstrate in life! There is however two classes of the sons of men! They who would build the human race upon the sure foundation stones of justice, truth, equality, and right. And those who would destroy! The hour has come when men must worship Allah within the temple of the heart. Every son and daughter of the human race is called upon to turn from evil and become pure in heart. Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth, and He will lead us in the ways of Truth! A simple godly life may win ten thousand souls to Purity and Right! The Holy Brotherhood of Right must stand united in the stirring conflicts of the hour. They must tramp down beneath their feet all strife, all discord, jealousy and hate, and demonstrate the brotherhood of man. This is not a carnal war. It is not man at war with man; but it is the Right against the Wrong! United in the cause of right we stand — divided we will fall!