In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! Why has your countenance fallen? Surely I am with you! See this ‘wonder that surrounds’ you? I tell you, for My Own Purpose have I made these things, and by ‘the Word’ of My Power — for I will not have you ignorant! The ‘first of all men’ have I called ‘Adam’ and I divided the light from the darkness ‘after his kind!’ Now I say unto you: “All things were before created, in which there is a living spirit!” ….. But ‘spiritually’ were they created, even all things which I created for ‘the use of man.’ And I created ‘much gold!’ — ‘the root and beginning’ to every sin, and there is ‘no life’ in it! I commanded the man, saying: “You may ‘choose for yourself’ but remember that I ‘forbid it!’ Wherefore give Me ‘your honor’ and take no pleasure in it lest you die!” ….. Take heed, that ‘one soul’ should not be lost. The sons and daughters of Adam began to divide ‘two and two’ in the land, and they made all things known unto their sons and daughters. But because Satan rebelled against Me, he wished to make your purpose vain — to cut off all hope from you! Yet I knew that Satan, who deceived himself, would also deceive you! He has not ceased — no, not one day, from doing you ‘some harm.’ But I have not given him power over you. How did you come by these? For lo, I counsel you! Now therefore arise! Sin lies at the door, and knowing good from evil, where are you going? See that Satan do not deceive you, nor work his purpose upon you. Beware, for as I live, My words cannot return void, and I will not break My Promise nor renounce My Word!