SACRED TREASURE In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful This is the Book of the Words of Righteousness, which the Mighty One has put in the Mouths of Men! Allah through His Mercy, has Given Guidance through the mouths of All His Holy Prophets. You have heard Them Speak; follow Their Advice. Remember what They have said, and let it not die in your heart! A New Age has come; the previous Age was covered in Darkness! You dwelt in Darkness and had gone astray because of Messengers of Error uttering False Prophecies for the sake of Gain! The Decrees of Allah are Unalterable. Will you not take heed? You were filled with words that were not the Truth! This is a Gift from Allah, Most Gracious, and Merciful! All things shall be Restored to their proper order, for He has appointed a time for every matter! Allah is the All-Knowing and Best of Planners, and did not let them destroy that which He has Spoken! He Protected them from their Lips of Wickedness. He has Preserved this from all Evil — Delivering it to those who Trust in Him! He Knows All things beforehand and is well Aware of all who rebel against Him — you all have turned away from Him due to the Fallacies of His enemies. You have endured all these days that you have transgressed, by Allah's Mercy! Therefore yield no more to the Babble and Discourses of these Treacherous Ones. They are Falsifiers and Authorities of Darkness! ********** They were Haughty and Rich men — lacking Truth, Understanding, and Counsel! It would be better to dwell with a Lion than to keep house with the Wicked. Be not Ensnared; cut them off! Keep strict watch, and marvel not — their House will be Overthrown, along with the Filth of their Reasoning. He who dwells in their House, and takes hold on to their works, is as one that grasps a Scorpion! Many have sinned for the sake of Gain; they have turned from Righteousness to Sin, and suffer on this account! Those who are Spiritually Wealthy fear Allah, and seek not for Worldly Gain! Blessed is the man that fears and loves Allah — the Fear of Allah surpasses all things. Poor is the one who turns from Righteousness. The soul of every suchlike man will pass in Turmoil! Poor and Wretched shall they be on the Day that all will be called to Account! Now that Allah's Sacred Treasury is Open Wide, layup for yourselves this Treasure! It will profit you more than all they have, and deliver you from all Evil. It is a Mighty Shield against your Enemies who tossed you about as a wave of the Sea. He that follows after the Sinful, falls into Judgment. Take heed that you do not Drown! Allah Entrusted John with this Treasure! It is a Surety. Only he who has lost his sense would run away from Allah's Surety! There is no Wealth above this Wealth. Only Disbelievers and the Ungrateful disregard His Surety. He that prefers gold shall not go unpunished, neither he who pursues it. It is a Stumbling-block for the Foolish. There is No Life in It! ********** From the Unclean what can be Clean, and from the False, what can be True? Shun the books full of False Doctrine! They were not sent by Allah. Many there are that have been led astray; placing their hopes on a treasury of Darkness! Without cause your enemies hid this Treasure from you, and dug a pit to ensnare you! Now ruin shall come upon them who tried to despoil you. Allah made the Heavens and Earth and all the Universe, and is not lacking in Power to Save those who desire to be Saved! Hear this and Understand it, You Servants of the Lord! Allah has Opened up to you, His Good Treasure. Receive it, and doubt not. Allah Knows what your enemies Treasure, who had tried to hide His Word! They accumulate material wealth, which blights the Soul. The beginning of Evil is love of Money and lack of Understanding! Devote yourselves to the Oneness of Allah. This is the natural instinct Allah instilled in Mankind. Many of you are wrong in your views because of what they have given you! Alluring unto man is the enjoyment of Worldly Desires! It is not silver nor gold nor material things which will accompany you when you leave this life. Allah Cares for All His Creation. The water you drink, the food you eat, the trees from which you build your homes — these are things Allah created to be used by one and all! Everyone should be Equal Recipients of Allah's Wealth! No man should corner up the Gifts of Allah. He that sells, he that deals for profit — all that traffic in this business do it for Plunder. Hence they work in Vain! ********** Flee from these Robbers of Allah's Wealth! Be not like unto them and their works. Verily, he who seeks Vanity finds Delusion. Woe to the Sinners who Hid the Lord's Works, and Openly put you to Shame! What should you do? Cease from your Sins! Allah Will Lead you forth. Take hold of His Shield and rise and let them be put to Shame who led you astray. Observe Allah's Commandments and Precepts, and let not your sins gain the upper hand over you! Come to Allah's Treasurer and receive the Blessings from the Wealth of Allah's Treasure! Let the Trustee perform his Trust, and you will receive Ample Treasure in the World to Come. He Disperses it as it is Written, and gives it Generously — Supplying the needs of everyone! For he gives you not Corruptible Things, nor does he desire Worldly Luxuries, but desires to enlighten Souls. Without guile, he has One Disposition — Uncorrupted and Pure. Allah Who Created Man, Gave him his heart and poured into him Understanding. Deceit of any kind is nothing but a Lie, which leads you to Poverty! Therefore stretch out your hand and partake of this Treasure of Light and Life, and you will find Rest. For where your Treasure is, there will your heart be also! Behold with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your heart upon all that he shall show you! He will show unto the world, all that Allah has Spoken by the mouths of His Holy Prophets! Accept this Spiritual Food, and pour out the bread and wine of the Falsifiers of Their Words — they sinned and disobeyed the Commandments! Now deal according to Allah's Commands, for it is more profitable for you. In Truth it is better to die than to submit to their ways! They say Allah has partners in His Kingdom; yet there is no god, except He! Allah is the Eternal One — Ever-Living. He has no child to be His Heir, nor has He kinsman nor a wife! Remove the films from your eyes that you may see the Light of Allah before you die! Be Mindful of Allah all of your remaining Days! Walk in the Path of Righteousness and Allah will not turn you away. You will have much Wealth if you avoid Sin and do that which is Good in His Sight! For you will have laid up a Good Treasure for yourselves on the Day of Account!