In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O you who desire to live the Life of Right! The Law of Allah is written on the Rock of Right. The Word of Allah is sure — it cannot pass away until it accomplishes that where unto it has been sent! Whoever disregards the Law of Allah cannot comprehend the Spirit of the Law, and in spirit men must worship, if they would attain a consciousness of Allah! John is the Messiah! Allah unfolded this to him, and through him all the Nations of the Earth shall be Blessed! He who is angry and who calls his brother a soulless vagabond — fans the burning fires of Hell within himself. It is not well that you dispute his claims! He is much the greater man, who is assailed and maligned, and answers not to one who slanders him! In the law of man — to steal, one must take a thing which can be seen with eyes of flesh without knowledge or consent. In the eyes of Allah — the things men see not with eyes of flesh are of more worth than the things that man can see! ********** A man’s good name is worth a thousand mines of gold! He who injures or defiles that name is a thief, and is not trustworthy in the sight of Allah! We have made an example of the Children of Israel. How many are the wounds of a slanderer? All the Prophets have been maligned! Every time a Messenger came to them with what their souls did not desire — they distorted it, and thus the Religion! You have a good example in Abraham! Every false speech — clothed in untruth will be cut with the blade of the Sword of Truth, and thrown into the Fire! O Abraham! Speak! ….. “I give Glory and Praise to Allah! Shall I come before the Lord and bow myself to Allah the Most High? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgressions? The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? No! This custom is practiced by idol worshipers. You have heard lies and deceits from their mouths — and have walked in their counsels! Truly Allah does not want from men sacrifices, nor burnt offerings but pure and contrite hearts! Allah wants not bread nor candles, meal nor cattle! Neither do I want anything earthly! No sin was ever blotted out by sacrifice of animal, bird, or man. Purify your hearts and love Righteousness. None can right the wrong but him that does the wrong. The only sacrifice that Allah requires is self — it is the rock on which man builds himself!” ********** “There are two selfs; the higher and the lower self! The lower self distorted by murky ethers of the flesh, is an illusion and will pass away. It breeds hatred, slander, lewdness, murders, theft and all the things that harm the virtues and harmonies of life. It is rich in promises but poor in blessedness and peace. It offers pleasure and seemingly-satisfying gains — but gives unrest, misery, and death! He who knows well his lower self knows the illusions of the world, and nothing more! All the things that pass away! The higher self is the embodiment of Truth, Justice, Mercy, Love, and Right! He who knows his higher self, knows Allah, and knows well the things that cannot pass away! The lower self is what the higher self is not! When the lower self has been dethroned, then Love will be exalted, for you will have risen above the carnal self and will breathe forth gladness and goodwill. Man was created by Allah with Wisdom, Truth, and Right! And so he has the power to choose. He may attain to the greatest heights, or sink to the lowest depths!” ….. Indeed, you have a good example for everyone who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day! Turn from the lower to the higher self. Spurn the carnal self with all its vainness and its pride! If you are worthy of the crown of life, you will be slandered! All the Prophets have been vilified. Deal in mercy with the doers of wrong, and Allah will lead you on to greater heights — the One to whom all glory and praise is due!