In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Glory be to Allah, Who created ‘all things’ in pairs, thus We make plain Our Revelations to you, so that ‘the path of the wicked’ may be laid bare! Most surely you are in variance with each other in what you say. To fulfill the ‘Merciful Plan’ of the Creator, there must needs be a ‘power of Resurrection’ — that all might stand before Him, at the ‘Great Judgment’ Day. Do not suppose that you will be restored ‘from sin to happiness.’ For justice cannot be denied, both as to things temporal and to things spiritual! This is ‘the first Resurrection’ and blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection! For Allah has given unto you knowledge, and has made you free. He has given to you that you may know ‘good from evil’ and has ‘given unto you’ that you may choose ‘life or death.’ It is He Who brought you forth out of your mothers’ wombs when you knew nothing, and He gave you ‘hearing and sight’ and ‘intelligence and affections!’ ********** Lost indeed are those who deny that they will ever meet Allah! They exclaim: “The life of this world is nothing but a sport and pastime!” ….. By no means! It is a trial, but most men do not know. Therefore repent you! Lest by knowing these things and not doing them, you should suffer yourselves to come under condemnation. Strange indeed is their saying: “When we are dust, shall we be raised to life again? We care nothing whether you preach or not, that what you threaten us with is but a legend of the ancients. Surely we shall never be punished!” ….. If so be that the dead ‘rise not’ — your faith is in vain, then is Our preaching vain! This is not the case! Verily that which you are promised is True, and verily, ‘judgment and justice’ must come to pass! See they not Allah, Who created the heavens and earth is able to give life to the dead? Before long they shall know it! Say: “When we are reduced to bones and dust, or any other substance which in your minds is unlikely to be given life — to Him you shall all be recalled. He sends forth guardians who ‘watch over and carry away’ your souls without fail when death overtakes you!” ….. He that created you ‘at first’ is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who has power over all things! He makes ‘each day’ a resurrection, and sends down pure water from the sky, so that He may ‘give life’ to ‘dead lands’ and quench the thirst of man and beast. In the alternation of the night and day, and in all that Allah has created in heaven and earth ‘are signs’ for those who fear Him. But some man will say: “How are the dead raised up? And in what body do they come?” ….. The spirit and the body shall be united again in its ‘perfect form’ and this ‘restoration’ will come to all. Even We, as We now are — ‘We’ must come forth and stand before Him in His Glory! ********** This present generation, as well as the generations before it, shall all be brought together on an Appointed Day! When all ‘people and kindred’ and all ‘nations and tongues’ shall stand before Allah to be judged of their works! Both young and old, both male and female, both wicked and righteous. Therefore deal justly, judge righteously, and do good continually, for that which you ‘send out’ shall return to you again! In that Day shall all the kings, the exalted, and those who possess the earth, behold and perceive that ‘He’ is sitting on the Throne of His Glory! They shall be astonished and petition Him for mercy, and then shall the Lord of Spirits hasten to expel them from His Presence! They shall become an example to the Saints and to His Elect, for the anger of the Lord of Spirits shall rest upon them! He that hopes to meet his Lord must know that the ‘Appointed Hour’ is sure to come! Therefore He has sent His Angels to declare the tidings of ‘the conditions of repentance’ — willing more abundantly to show unto ‘the heirs of promise’ the immutability of His Counsel! Verily in this there is a sign for those who listen….. ********** ….. “O People, if you are in doubt about ‘the raising’ and that there be a resurrection of the dead, both to the just and the unjust — ‘Hell’ shall be your home, and ‘none’ shall help you! You surely know of the first creation, why then do you not reflect? Serve Allah, look forward to the Last Day, and do not corrupt the earth with wickedness. It is He Who begins the ‘process of Creation’ and repeats it, that He may reward those who believe and work righteousness. But those who have earned evil, will have a reward of like evil! Are We to deal with ‘true believers’ as We deal with wrongdoers? It is ‘requisite and just’ that the soul of man should be restored to his body. And it is requisite with the justice of Allah, that man should be judged according to their works. Such is the absolute decree of your Lord! Whereby man must ‘be raised’ to ‘stand’ before His Judgment Seat! It is a promise ‘binding’ on Him quite true. In order that He may manifest to them the truth about that which they differ, and that those who disbelieve may know that they were Liars! Cursed are the Liars, who dwell in Darkness and are heedless! The Day when they shall be tried over the Fire, the unbelievers shall say: “Would that I ‘were dust’ and would that my death had ended all!” ….. Dismal is the house where the proud shall dwell. We have in store for them ‘heavy fetters’ and a blazing Fire. But the saints and elect shall be safe in that Day. They are the heirs of Paradise! Wherefore, reconcile yourselves to Allah that you may be received into the Eternal Kingdom of Allah. For Allah is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of Love! ********** Do men think that once they say: “We are believers!” ….. they will not be tested? Or do the evildoers think they will escape Our punishment? How ill they judge! Allah knows the True believers and the hypocrites, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be questioned about their falsehoods. We will call them to account with all the devils, and set them on their knees around the Fire of Hell! Does not Allah know the thoughts of men? It is He that creates you, then takes your souls at death. It is He Who makes you ‘sleep like the dead’ by night, and ‘rouses you up’ to fulfill your ‘allotted span’ of life. So is the Resurrection of the Dead! Verily in this is a sign for the wise! The day will surely come when We will gather the righteous in multitudes ‘before the Lord of Mercy’ and drive the sinful in great hordes to the Hell-fire! The one on one hand, and the other on the other. We have fore-warned you of ‘an imminent chastisement’ — the day when man will look upon his works. To redeem himself from the torment of that day, the sinner will ‘gladly sacrifice’ his children, his wife, and all the peoples of the earth — ‘if’ then it might deliver him. ‘Hell’ shall lie ‘in ambush.’ A fitting recompense! Thus we deal with the Guilty! Those who do ‘good works’ shall be rewarded with abundant blessings, their reward is with their Lord — ‘Gardens of Eternity,’ beneath which rivers flow! Allah is our All-Sufficient Witness, your True Lord. He has decreed a term for you in this world, and another in the next. He has kept strict count of all His creatures, and one by one they shall approach Him on the Day of Resurrection!”