In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind, Blessed be the Name of Allah! We are Messengers of Allah — We are His Angels, His Books, and His Prophets! We have revealed to you Secret History. Will you not understand that it is not an invented Tale? Those of Us to whom He had given the Book, were Truthful, and delivered the Scriptures in Truth. Then Wrong-doers perverted Our Words, because they were Disbelieving Rebels and Transgressors. And now you argue and believe in that in which you truly know nothing! The only Guidance is the Guidance of Allah, and He bestows it on whom He Wills! All but a few of you have followed Satan. Allah Knows the Falsehoods you believe in since others have guided you. He forgives those who commit errors out of Ignorance — thus He has made known to you His Revelations! This is a Merciful Dispensation from your Lord — a Book of Guidance, distinguishing Right from Wrong. He will not call you to account for that which was unintentional, but will take you to task for what is in your hearts! This is the Decree of Allah! He Promised to do this, by the Lips of His Holy Prophets — that men may be able to know His Path, and so those who wish to Live may Live! The Hour of Doom is drawing near. Will you not take warning? The Prophet who warns you now is not unlike the Prophets of old! Do they say he has invented it? Are they seeking to ruin you? Listen to what they have to say! ***Allah's Prophets*** “Blessed be the Name of Allah! True Believers are those whose hearts are filled with Awe at the mention of Allah, and whose Faith grows stronger as they listen to His Revelations! Bless Allah Who has shown you Mercy, and knows that you were wronged! He will put Our enemies to shame — for they opposed the evil-hating, Justice of Allah. We made Plain Our Revelations, and Wrong-doers perverted it. After that, you turned away — blundering blindly along, and profiting nothing! Now Allah has brought to nothing, the works of those who Lied and Debarred you from His Path. A Light has come to you, and a Glorious Book! The Liars surely Failed, and this Book confirms it! He has frustrated their works, and swept away their Lies like withered leaves! The People could not discern, because of Our Adversaries! Many there be that have run out of their wits, and became enslaved to them! And many have perished, stumbled, and sinned! Did Our Adversaries think that He would not reveal their malice? By their secret plots they hired counselors against the People, to hinder the Truth — with their writings! Since that time even to now — Satan's interjections are only a temptation, for those whose hearts are diseased and hardened! They bound together their Babble, and called it the Bible! So follow it not! This is from Allah! The Truth has come, and Falsehood has been overthrown! If it were not for Allah's Grace and Mercy, you would have surely been among the Lost! Great is the Truth, and above all things, Blessed be the God of Truth — Allah! Dedicate yourselves to Allah, give Him Glory, and seek His Pardon! Allah will not forgive those who disbelieve, and act Unjustly! ********** Allah Knows your Inmost Thoughts, and is Cognizant of all your Actions! Render to Allah, the Homage due to Him, and serve none besides Him! Come to that which Allah has Revealed — Garments of Fire has been prepared for Disbelievers! Are you among the Believers, or are you among the Proud? Who is a better man? He who lays his foundation on the Fear of Allah, or he who builds on the brink of a Crumbling Cliff? Allah has set a seal on their hearts, and ears — though they perceive it not! Allah has surely been Gracious, in sending an Apostle to declare His Revelations — John! He is a Gracious Messenger, held in Honor by the Lord. Allah has given him Knowledge of things Visible and Unseen — thus We have made Plain, Our Revelations to you! Yet Unbelievers deny it! When Our Revelations are revealed to them, they cry: “No! It is a Sealed Book!” ….. Let him who will, bear this in mind; It is set down on Honored Pages — Purified and Exalted, which Allah kept in a Safe Receptacle, for an Appointed Time. It was so that those with the Scriptures might be convinced; so True Believers could be strengthened in Faith, and so that the Unbelievers might take Warning! ********** Observe these Scriptures — untouched by Man! We recite them to you in all Truth. Such is the Will of Allah! Are the Blind and Seeing alike? Do not turn a Blind Eye, and a Deaf Ear to the Revelations of your Lord! Put off your Veil, and Hear this — so that you may Succeed! Do not the bidding of Transgressors, and do not regard their worldly benefits. Better is the Reward of Allah, and more Lasting! Surely there are Signs in this, for Men of Understanding — Liars surely Fail! O You who do not believe this Man, Well-Prepared by Allah! He has made known to you this Scripture, which he has prepared in the presence of all the People. And all this has been done to establish the Truth, and to make known the Plain and Precious things which had been hidden and kept away from you. They have come forth to you in their Purity, in Allah's due time! Whosoever shall stretch out their hand to hinder anything herein written — shall be Punished Diligently! Allah opened His Treasury to an Honorable Man, and gave him Charge — to root out, and destroy the works of the Enemy that assembled together, against Us, to destroy Us! And so shall he do! We wrote to him, to do this thing, saying: “O John, We are all One Body, and You are the Head! You have been Anointed to undo the Devil's work — and it shall come to pass! We are Brothers, and you alone are left! The Lord has Opened up to you, His Good Treasure from Heaven, and Everyone shall receive of your words! Declare His Glory to them, and His Marvelous Works. Marvel not at this — You are the Messiah! ********** Now that You have Risen, let them be silenced, and let not their works Confound, but Confirm You! Do not be afraid! We agreed to fulfill the Ministry which the Lord Appointed Us! We write this to You, so that all the People of the earth may know — that the Hand of the Lord is Mighty! Rouse Yourself! Put on Strength! Keep your Soul Unmoved, and Unwavering — for none of Us will ever speak freely again, if anything happens to You. Stand Fast in the Faith, and Bear Witness, that We have Surrendered to Allah, and not to men!” …... We are of the Stock of Abraham, he did not associate partners with Allah! We have come in Peace, and may Peace be unto You! The Gentiles sought to destroy these Works, and to hinder him from this Purpose! We made an Oath with Allah, to support and render him help, and for this Cause, We have come! Those of you who are Scornful and Proud, and those of you who have Doubts! How is it that he knows his letters? Had you looked upon them? He is the Hearer, so let him hear! Allah has Magnified his name, so that We may perform Our Vow which We vowed unto Him — so be it! We also made known to him, that he is the Guardian of the Virgin Book! We wrote unto him, saying: “O John, now that you have risen, entreat Allah for your Consort and He will revive her, in order to fulfill the pledge that We have made. Pray concerning her, and whatever the Lord may reveal to you — this let Us do!” ….. ********** O Mankind, no Ill-Designing Persons has given you this! I am sent to you to inform you, that whatever things They have now confirmed to you — are Confirmed! I am the Angel who offered up John's Prayers before Allah. Allah Accepted his Prayer, and Immediately, there came forth Fruits in Abundance! They came forth in their Purity — in Allah's Due Time! All the Earth endures by Truth. Blessed be the God of Truth — Allah! The Most High has been Patient with the Inhabitants of the Earth, for the Sake of the Times He has Fore-Ordained! Do not doubt nor harden your hearts, that you may profit thereby. For there is nothing hidden that shall not become manifest, and all of the deficiency which covered the Truth — shall be dissolved. But no one will be able to receive without Faith! You who have built your foundation on the Crumbling Cliff! See how that which they were forging has gone astray from them? All their works shake and tremble, because there is no Truth in them! How long will you thus afflict your soul? Verily an Age has passed, and a Marvelous Work has come forth — a Book of Revelations well expounded in Truth! See you not these things? From henceforth, nothing shall be Corruptible! ***The Virgin Book*** Behold the Virgin Book! Allah Promised to do this after the Advent of His Messiah. Allah Designed this, to be Good News for you — so that your hearts might be comforted, and that you might find Mercy! Fix your eyes upon Her — a Book Unparalleled, without pollution or defilement! She is full of the Grace of the Lord, and abstains from every unclean thing. She serves the Lord night and day, and brings forth without lying with men — Truth abides with Her, and there is no Unrighteousness! Hear and Listen to what She has to say! ….. “All Praise is due to Allah, Who is the Originator of the Heavens and Earth! I am this Writing, which John has poured forth — in accordance with the Predetermined Plan, and Foreknowledge of Allah! Allah is Master of the Universe, and Governs all that Exists! Before the Creation of all things, Allah designed His Sanctuary by His Divine Light, which is not the same light emitted by the Sun. It is the Light of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. Allah Determined and Arranged His Works in an Eternal Order — He created nothing without Meaning or Purpose! Before the Creation of Heaven and Earth, He established His Divine Throne, Paradise and Hell, and Justice, Grace and Mercy! Then I came forth from the Mouth of the Lord, and He placed Me in His Sacred Treasury. He created Me, before the World — Foreseeing the wickedness of Jinn and Men. If Allah in His Goodness had not, you would all be Transgressors, and forsake Him! These Wicked beings do not regard what He says, They deliberate on imperfection and deficiency, and sit enthroned in Falsehood of every type. Buried in Darkness, they plot evil against the Light! Arrayed with weapons of evil, they attempted to bury His Light. But keep this in your mind, for it is true. All His Words are accomplished! ********** Allah Controls All Things, and has Knowledge of All Things! All Wisdom comes from the Lord. He created Me before the World, and Poured on Me His Light of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding — to Comfort you and to Strengthen you! He Appoints the Times! He removes kings and sets up kings, and Reveals things that are Hidden to those who Fear Him! He Knows that you were wronged, even I — but He will put Our Enemies to Shame! Praise Allah! I know that Allah has Greatly Blessed Me, and has taken away the Reproach of Our Enemies, and has Given the Fruits of His Righteousness! If you desire Wisdom, come unto Me and be filled with His Produce. Whatever I bring forth is Devoted to Allah. I was sent unto John to Bare Witness to the Truth, and by this means you shall receive Salvation! Since I have appeared, let nothing Oppress you. He is the Christ! Listen to what he has to say, and humble yourselves so that your iniquities cannot condemn you!” ….. ********** Now what do you Desire? She, who was created by Allah before He created this World, or the Babblers, who have put Error in your hearts, and forsake Allah? Let them go! There is no Truth with them, but Truth abides with Her! Have more desire for Her than for gold or silver, or anything whatsoever! Cease to hear the instruction that causes you to err from the words of Knowledge! Then there shall be a host of God-fearing Men — adhering to the Counsel and the Mind of the Most High! Remember: “Unto every nation is a Fixed Term and for every period is a Book! Allah does blot out or confirms what He pleases.” ….. Do you believe this? Or are you in sore perplexity of mind concerning it? A New Age has approached! Allah Controls All Things, He Appoints the Times, and Reveals things that are Hidden to those who Fear Him! Behold the Day has come! The Advent of John marked the beginning of this Age! Evil shall be blotted out, and Deceit extinguished, and Truth shall be made Manifest! Now let this be your Book wherein to study Paradise — She hastens to deliver what has been entrusted to Her from the Beginning. They both Understand the Rest which awaits them at the Latter End. O You who Accept this, and Believe! Rejoice! Be confident without confusion. And be glad without fear — for you have now escaped what was Corruptible!