In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful This is a Proclamation to all Humanity, and is Guidance and Advice for the Righteous! All Praise is due to Allah, and you Should love Allah with all your Heart, all your Soul, and with all your Strength and Mind! Some of you desire the life of this world, and think of Allah, thoughts that are Untrue — Thoughts of Ignorance. And there are some of you who desire the Next Life! Do you expect to enter Paradise before Allah has distinguished those who strive? Allah Knows your inmost thoughts, and He will distinguish the steadfast! All you who harbor Evil Thoughts, and all you who possess Thoughts of Ignorance! Know and understand, that Satan causes these thoughts — through his Evil Whisperings into your hearts and minds. Being cast out of Paradise, he desires to keep you away! Change your minds and be saved from the Fire, wherein he shall dwell. How can this be done? Your mind is a Workshop, as well as a Battlefield! ********** In the workshop of the Mind — build up Character! Straighten out the crooked places, and make the corners of your conduct square. Draw circles around your passions and desires to keep them in the Bounds of Righteousness. Cut away useless character and hammer home the Truth — pound it in! For the Truth is the Rock on which man builds himself. Then ascend the Ladder of Faith, Hope and Love, and thus you will have the Thoughts to do the will of Allah! Man was created for a Noble Purpose — as Allah’s Representative upon Earth! Do not let Satan seduce you, nor his clan! You will find most of them unappreciative — they disputed concerning Man’s creation, and puffed up with Pride. Assuming they were better suited than Man, they defied Allah’s Command, and thus for their Unfaithfulness — were cast out of Paradise! Satan then said to his followers: “Let us make Man in our image — then when they see every Sign they will not believe in it!” ….. and “If they see the Path they will not adopt it, but the Path of Error they will adopt, and be amongst us Losers — for they shall not inherit Paradise!” ….. Do you forsake the Signs of Allah, and reject His Path? Do not allow His Enemies to gloat — they who dishonored and disobeyed Him! Fight in the way of Allah! It is incumbent on those who are in Awe of Him. Stand on guard, and let no wicked desire enter your Mind — strive to attain Peace of Mind, and seal it in the recesses of your mind! ********** As for the Mind being a Battlefield — your Body, Heart and Soul receives from the Mind! Satan’s temptations and suggestions do not stop at the eye and ear, but passes into your heart! Let not your heart be troubled — Purify your Mind, and you shall not defile the Heart, Body or Soul! Battles must be fought! Satan knows that you are his enemy — know that he is yours, and he’ll do any and everything to cause you to Perish! Man can attain the Greatest Heights or sink to the Lowest Depths! Simply Fight, and let not your smallest thought be Evil! Let your Thoughts, Speech, and Deeds all be for the Love of Allah. Fight in the Way of Allah! Those who disbelieve should not assume it is man at war with man! All this is said against the Evil Thoughts which one commits. Anyone who kills any person, it shall be as if he killed all Mankind, and will suffer Retribution in the Hereafter! Refrain from harming anyone! It is not man at war with man, but is a Holy War — an Inner War, it’s within the Self, and in the Mind! It’s, Right against the Wrong; Truth against Falsehood; The Lower against the Higher Self — things like fear, emotions and the desires of the flesh, must be done away! You will all come to Allah, Individually — just as He created you, and can only answer for yourselves! He is a greater man who conquers Self, than he who kills a thousand men in War! Is War Lawful — Man against Man? No! The Reason-Blind resort to this beastly force to slay the object of their wrath! ********** Do you remember when you were an Ape? Regard not what men have said — they do not know but simply guess! They think and say: “Who sees us? Who knows us? There is no God!” ….. their Thoughts are Wrong! Going back through the ages, the Mind of Reason can trace itself, and thus know — an Ape can never become Man, and a Man is not, and cannot become an Ape! Philosophy and Science is the Fall of Man! Note the carnal law of Evolution — whereby the Rights of Man were trampled in the Dust. And how dare men kill anything! This is the State of Mind of the Reason-Blind! This shakes the Throne of Allah, and causes the Sword of Right, to tremble in it’s Sheath! The Lower Self must be changed into it’s Higher, Spirit Self — the Realm of Faith! It knocks at the door of every soul, but will not enter until man wills! Restore the Heritage of Man! Purify the State of Mind that has been stained. Every man has his own besetting sins, and each must study for himself how he can best change his tendencies toward evil things — to that of Righteousness and Love! We stand Today upon a Crest of Time! Reform! Man is saved when he is rescued from himself — when he overcomes desire to gratify Self! Until men reach this Higher Plane, and gets away from Selfishness — this Rule will give the best results: “Do unto other men, what you would have them do unto you!” ….. ********** Pave the Way in words and works! Teach the People Love, Peace and Righteousness, and Allah will Bless you with Boundless Love and Abundant Joy, and Happiness! All men are the same. The carnal man beholds the outer man, but the man of God is pure in heart — he sees with eyes of Soul! Never work for Selfish Gains! Stand above the carnal self, for the Universal Good! Man is far enough advanced to live by Faith, to see without the aid of carnal eyes — the simple way, that men may comprehend! You men who scorn, and think you are better than others — you are just for yourselves! If you harbor this, it will grow greater everyday. And absorb your very life — until at last you will be nothing but grieved, and wet down with bitter tears! You must lay aside your Pride! Break these barriers down! Let the past go with the Past — strive to be content! Be kind and just, and hand in hand go forth. Rise from the cares of carnal things and the problems of this world will be solved! Your mission here is that — but none but the Pure in Mind can recognize it! The multitude of men are idle, like dead sand upon the beach. Yet Truth can change the driest bones to living things! Attain to the greater heights — strive for Purity of Life! The cleansing of the Soul does not come with outward show, but is within! Conquer Self and become a master Mind! ********** O Mankind! A thousand things produce in-harmony, and sickens the Mind! These broken chords are caused by evil spirits — the Jinn, whom men do not see. They lead men to break the Laws of Allah. All Life is bound in One — in Complete Harmony! Worship Allah, Who is the True Master and Orchestrator of your Souls! The Holy One, Allah, is the God of Justice and of Right! He Holds within His Hand the Scales, and regards all men alike! In His Boundless Love, He made all men equal; the Black; the Red; the Yellow and the White — the whole Human Race! The coming Age demands complete destruction of inequality among the Sons of Men. Recognize the Law of Equity and Right, and live in Peace! He gave to All an equal share. Every Soul came forth by the Will of Allah, and all men are just as Precious — in His Sight! |