In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful It was We that revealed the Qur’an and shall Ourself preserve it! We have planted it with every seasonable fruit. We hold the store of every blessing, and send it down in appropriate measure. Do not despair, for what We say is true. We shall surely punish the schismatics. Because they denied Our revelations which they had never seen before! Let not Satan deceive you! ‘These’ are for the enjoyment of the Faithful in the life of this world. A space of time is fixed for every nation! Those who take warning and mend their ways shall have nothing to fear or regret! Such men shall have their ‘destined share’ — they are the heirs of Paradise! Cursed are the evil-doers, who have debarred others from the path of Allah, and sought to make it ‘crooked’ — who made their religion a pastime and an idle sport! They shall forfeit their souls, and that which they devised shall fail them. Perchance you will take heed! ********** Long ago, We sent forth Noah to his people, but ‘the elders’ of his people said: “We can see that you are in obvious error!” ….. “I am not in error,” he replied, “for I know of Allah what you do not know.” ….. They did not believe him! So We saved Noah and all that were with him, and drowned those who denied Our revelations! Will you not be warned? Do you think it strange that an admonition should come to you from your Lord through a man like yourselves, and that he should warn you that you may prosper? We believe in the message with which he has been sent. That is best for you if you are true believers! Return to ‘Our fold!’ Is it not plain to this present generation that if We pleased, We could punish them for their sins, and set a seal upon their hearts, leaving them bereft of hearing? Shuaib, lost were those who ‘disbelieved him’ — in their ‘heedlessness’ Our vengeance smote them! What will you have Us do? Pharaoh and his men were defeated and put to shame. They said to Moses: “We will not believe in you!” ..… So We took vengeance on them, and drowned them in the Sea! ********** Do what is right and do not follow the path of the wrong-doers, but look upon ‘the Mountain!’ We inscribed for him upon the Tablets, all manner of precepts and instructions concerning all things, and said to him: “Observe these steadfastly, and enjoin your people to observe what is best in them. You alone are Our guardian, and believe in Our signs. Hold fast to that which We have given to you, and bear in mind what it contains, so that they may take thought!” ….. Though most men are unaware of this — ‘this Book’ is veritable proof from your Lord, so that He might humiliate the evil-doers! He is stern in retribution. Did He not foil their ‘cover up?’ His ‘secrets’ He reveals to none, except to ‘the Apostles’ whom He elects. Allah knows their faith! Believers ‘learn’ from their examples! Those who disobey Allah and His Apostle, shall abide forever in the Fire of Hell! We have sent down revelations that is ‘best and purest’ for you! Allah is well-pleased with them, and He Hears all, and Knows all! Know that Allah’s Apostle is among you. If you obey Allah and His Apostle, He will not deny you the reward of your labors!