In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Listen together, whom ‘I have chosen’ in these ‘Last Days!’ Behold, this is ‘Mine Authority’ and the authority of My Servants, which I have given them to publish to you. Wherefore ‘fear and tremble!’ The unbelieving and the rebellious shall be ‘cut off’ from among the People, and shall perish in Babylon — which shall fall. I am Allah and have spoken it! These commandments are of Me, in which I am well pleased, and the ‘prophecies and promises’ which are in them shall all be fulfilled! What I, the Lord has spoken, whether by ‘My Own Voice’ or by the ‘Voice of My Servants’ — it is all the same! You have been entrusted with these things, and have gone on in the persuasions of men, for you have suffered the ‘counsel of your Director’ to be trampled on from the beginning! Nevertheless, My Work shall go forth! Now behold he who ‘thrusts in his sickle’ with his might, and have given these things unto you — ‘clear as the moon’ and ‘fair as the sun!’ Whosoever believes in My words — I tell you ‘these things!’ Now I command you to ‘repent’ and walk ‘more uprightly’ before Me, and exercise faith in Me! ********** Stop and stand still until I command you, and I will provide ‘the means’ whereby you may accomplish the thing which I have commanded you! Behold, I am Allah, give heed to My Word which is ‘quick and powerful.’ Now, seek not for riches but for ‘Wisdom!’ And you shall be the means of doing ‘much good’ in this generation. You shall be ‘blessed’ if you will do good, and hold out, faithful to the end! Be ‘temperate’ and have patience, and I will encircle you in the ‘Arms of My Love!’ Verily, you have received ‘a witness’ and those parts of My Scriptures which have been hidden because of iniquity — I give unto you! Where two or three are gathered together ‘in My Name’ — there will I be ‘in the midst’ of them. Therefore, My ‘little flock’ look unto Me in every thought! Doubt not John, My Beloved! He shall ‘minister’ for those who shall be ‘heirs of salvation’ — who dwell on the earth! Verily, I say unto you: “This is the Spirit of Revelation!” ….. Apply to it, for it shall deliver you ‘out of the hands’ of your enemies. Remember that without ‘faith’ you can do nothing. Trifle not with ‘these things’ that are ‘sacred’ — which I have entrusted to him. For it is ‘Wisdom in Me!’ You have not understood that you ‘must’ study it out in your mind! ********** Now ‘be faithful’ and yield to no temptation, and ‘stand fast’ in the work wherewith I have called you — that you may ‘conquer Satan!’ And that you may ‘escape the hands’ of the servants of Satan, who do uphold his ‘work of wickedness.’ I say unto you, that I will not suffer that Satan shall accomplish his ‘evil design’ in this thing! Thus I will confound those who have altered My words. I will show unto them that ‘My Wisdom’ is greater than ‘the cunning of the devil’ and all those who do ‘wickedly’ and build up the kingdom of the devil! I am ‘the Light’ that shines in Darkness, and shall bring to light ‘the True Points’ of My Doctrine! Yes, Satan does ‘stir up the hearts’ of the people to contention concerning ‘the points of My Doctrine.’ Therefore I will gather them, as a hen gathers ‘her chickens’ under her wings. Behold, ‘this’ is My Doctrine, and whosoever declares ‘more or less’ than this — the same is not ‘of Me’ but ‘against Me!’ Give heed to My Word, and then shall you be ‘made rich!’ Keep My Commandments, and assist to bring forth My Work, according to ‘My Commandments.’ I will impart to you of ‘My Spirit,’ which shall enlighten your mind. Wait a little longer that you may know of a surety My Doctrine. Cleave unto Me with all your heart, and with all your might, mind, and strength, and ‘all things’ will be added thereto! ********** Deny not the ‘Spirit of Revelation’ nor the ‘Spirit of Prophecy’ — for woe unto him who denies these things! Therefore ‘treasure up’ in your heart until the time which is in My Wisdom, that you shall go forth. A great and marvelous work is about to come forth among the Children of men, and ‘no one’ can assist in this work, except he be humble and full of love — being temperate in all things. Therefore give heed with ‘your might’ that you may stand as witness of the things which you shall both hear and see! You are called ‘to assist’ My Servant, John! Blessed are you for this thing, and now ‘hearken’ that you may bring souls unto Me! Behold, I say unto you that you must ‘rely upon My Word.’ Which if you do with ‘full purpose of heart’ — you shall testify of them, for it is by ‘My Power’ that he has seen them. He has ‘translated the Book’ that I might bring about My ‘righteous purposes’ unto the Children of men! The world is ‘ripening in iniquity’ and it must needs be that the Children of men are ‘stirred up’ unto repentance! Marvel not that I have called him to My Own purpose, for you are called even with ‘the same calling’ with which he was called. Now behold and endure to the end, according to that which is written. These words are not of men, nor of man, but ‘of Me!’ Wherefore it is ‘more express’ than other scriptures! It is by My Mighty Power that you have received them — I, Allah, the Greatest of All! ********** Learn of Me, and listen to My words — trusting in Me, even to the end of your life! Release yourself from bondage, pray always, and conduct yourselves ‘wisely’ before Me. Yes! Come to Me, ‘your Savior’ in the ‘fourth month’ and endure in faith to the end — according to the revelations of John. Neither adding to nor diminishing from ‘the prophecy’ of his Book! They are to warn, expound, exhort and teach, so that all things may be done ‘in order!’ Wherefore, you shall give heed to all his words and commandments, which he shall give to you, ‘as he receives them!’ For his word you shall receive as if from ‘My Own mouth!’ In all patience and faith, enter in — at ‘the gate’ as I have commanded, and seek not to counsel your God! Behold, I speak unto you a ‘few words’ that you may receive the rewards of the laborer, and I have counseled you, for I am with you. Lo, I am with him to the end, both day and night — that the Scriptures might be fulfilled in My Own due time! Murmur not, because of the things which you have ‘not seen’ — for they are withheld from you, and from the world! For unto them, is ‘his calling’ and it shall be given unto you which is pleasing to Me, your Lord! I say unto you: “This is wisdom in Me!” ….. and his name ‘should be John’ — which John I send unto you, My Servants, and ‘especial witnesses’ of My Name! ********** Stand therefore, taking ‘the Shield of Faith’ wherewith you shall be able to quench all the ‘fiery darts’ of the wicked! My Word, which I reveal unto you behold — for all things must be done in order, lest ‘perils’ shall come upon you. For ‘the Hour’ is near, and as the words have gone forth ‘out of My mouth’ — even so shall they be fulfilled! All things, ‘both’ spiritual and temporal — first spiritual! Give Me ‘your honor!’ I, Allah! I say unto you that I ‘appoint unto man’ the days of ‘his probation’ according to My Own pleasure. But your minds have been on ‘the things of the earth’ more than on the things of Me, your Maker! Wherefore ‘ponder’ upon the things which you have received, until I give you further commandments. Give heed to the ‘words and advice’ of your brother, ever lifting up your hearts to Me in Prayer and faith! Be diligent in keeping My Commandments, and you shall declare the things which have been revealed to My Servant. For ‘the laborer’ is ‘worthy of his hire!’ I am with you, and it is ‘the eleventh hour’ and ‘the last time’ that I shall call laborers into My Vineyard. Thrust in your sickles, reap with all your might, open your mouths, and spare not — the ‘Gates of Hell’ shall not prevail against you! ********** The ‘Holy Scriptures’ are given for your instruction, be faithful and ‘pray always’ — even as John, even as the Apostles of old! Now I say unto you: “Tarry with him, and forsake him not!” ….. It shall be given unto him ‘to prophesy’ and ‘call on the Holy Prophets’ to prove his words and ‘all the Seraphic Hosts!’ Verily, I say unto you that ‘Mine eyes’ are upon you, and there is ‘none else’ with whom I am ‘well pleased’ among the Children of men! Therefore be strong from henceforth, and you shall be a ‘free people’ and you shall be ‘the richest of all people’ — but beware of ‘pride!’ I say unto you: “In mildness and meekness, save yourselves!” ….. I have bestowed great blessings upon ‘your head.’ Nevertheless you have seen great sorrow, for you have ‘rejected Me’ many times, because of the ‘pride and cares’ of the world! But the days of your deliverance have come, if you will hearken to ‘My voice’ and become sanctified! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, and ‘he’ who receives ‘these things,’ receives Me! Hearken and hear, you whom I delight to bless, with the greatest blessings of all. Behold, I give you a commandment that you shall assemble yourselves together to agree on My Word! ********** He that receives My Law, the same is ‘My Disciple’ in whom there is ‘no guile!’ These words ‘are given’ to you, and they ‘are pure’ before Me, wherefore beware how you hold them — for they ‘are to be answered’ upon your souls, in the Day of Judgment. Again I say unto you: “Hearken and hear, and obey the Law which I shall give to you in My Name!” ….. that you may be gathered ‘in one’ — agreeable to My Commandments! Every man shall be made ‘accountable to Me’ and My Scripture ‘shall be given’ as I have appointed — through him whom I have appointed unto you, to receive Commandments and Revelations from My Hand! Now behold whom I have appointed — that you may be given as I have spoken. The Day has come! Hearken you to these words, treasure these things up in your heart, and exercise ‘faith in Me!’