LEVI AND JUDAH In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! All Praise is Due to Allah, the Most Gracious and Best of Planners! Do you think it's strange to hear these things that you have been hearing Today? All these happenings have been recorded for this New Age which has come, so that you may not be of those Ignorant and Unaware! John has done a Mighty Work in accordance with the Pre-determined Plan and Foreknowledge of Allah — he took the Books and studied them, that you may Hear that which has been Revealed! May the Almighty make your Paths Straight, and Protect you from Evil! He Grants Mercy and Favor to those who See. If you See — turn not aside and go after Vain Things which cannot Profit or Deliver you. Verily, the Lord will not Forsake you! It pleases the Lord when you Accept what is Good, and Turn to the Path leading to Him. Keep the Things Allah Commands and do what you are bidden, for if you Choose to remain Ignorant — you shall be swept away! All the things which the Prophets sent by Allah have Spoken, shall happen! Nothing shall be diminished of all Their Words. Wickedness has covered the whole earth because of the Abominable Works of Men. He who is Unbelieving will die in his Unbelief. Fear Allah and consider the Great things He has done for you! He has caused their grain to Fail, and their trees He has Destroyed. No longer will He be Silent on the Wickedness that they outrageously committed, nor the Unrighteousness they practiced! Many Righteous souls were led like a flock of sheep to Slaughter! Allah has Called together all His Prophets! He has roused Them from Their Sleeping Place so that They may rouse you from all Ignorance. They have Poured out upon you Knowledge. Receive now Testimony from some of the Unjust who refused to Believe, and doubt not what they have to say! ….. ********** “Allah is the God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! Blessed is Allah, and Worthy to be Praised. He is Just in all the things which He has done! All His Works are True, and His Ways are Right. We did not obey the Voice of Allah, and refused to take correction, nor accept discipline. We Sinned and in Iniquity, we departed from Him! We were Senseless! Backsliding from the Lord, we held fast to deceit — thinking: “He will do nothing! No evil will come upon us!” ….. Those days have passed, and now our Sins have come home which we have committed! Do not think it's strange that we should come and testify against ourselves! Allah has given to Men Freedom of Choice, but only in your present Life. When we were Alive, we closed our ears, and closed our eyes, thus He deprived us of our Sight. We Knowingly did our own will, which was contrary to the Will of Allah. Allah Has power over all things, and says these things to you through us, so that you should not be deceived or perish in Hell! After you pass away, you have no Choice! Whether Good or Bad, whether Righteous or Unrighteous, all Hear and Obey Him! Being the Most Merciful, Allah has revived us to explain to you what is True, and so that you might not follow our behavior or our ways! Allah is Full of Truth, and is a Just Judge of the Living and the Dead. There is no other hope of Life for man, except through Him! Now we are being Punished Endlessly — yet did not comprehend nor foresee this! This has happened to us because of our Sins. Surely we were warned of this event, but foolishly Disbelieved! ********** Allah's Wisdom is better than the wisdom of men! Allah's Thoughts, are Greater than our thoughts! Moses gave Us Allah's Scriptures with Truth, and made Clear His Communications, so that we would be Mindful! We rejected the Words of the Lord, and tried to make His portion desolate! Are you not aware that we perverted His Words and your Minds? Thus you have gone astray so as to neither look toward Heaven, nor be mindful of Right Decisions! What wisdom is there in that which we gave unto you? We spoke Falsely and uttered Lies in order to Deceive! Allah Knows the Malicious Lies we invented, bearing False Witness against Him! Thus, Allah in His Mercy has Given you Light that Darkness cannot approach. Do not gainsay it, or He will deprive you of your Sight! Torment will afflict every man that turns aside from the Truth — which is Knowledge of, and Guidance to Allah! We were deceived by this Worldly Life after that knowledge came to us. God-Willing you may learn from our Mistakes, and set not the glory of man above the Glory of Allah! After death the souls of each of us has been tormented with Perpetual Punishments which we can't even begin to describe, and after Judgment Day our faithless souls will move on to Hell, and suffer Torment beyond this! Why? Because we were Disobedient and Renounced the Guidance and Knowledge given to us by our Fore-fathers — Abraham, and his sons Ishmael and Isaac, and our father Jacob! They were Praiseworthy and Pure in Their Worship of Allah, and Clothed Themselves with His Holy Spirit! ********** They All taught us that the Lord is Allah, and to love Him with all our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our strength! We did not believe Their words, but yielded to the enticings of Satan. With Unbridled Passion for glory, and the foolish imaginations of our hearts — we turned from the devotion of Allah to the Paths which led from His Way. We Undermined their teachings and right conduct, and chased after Worldly things; such as Silver and Gold — thus we got entangled with crime! Jacob, our father saw these things and said to us before he died: “Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this House? Do not turn from following me. Be determined in one mind and in one heart — united in these things, that you may not incur the displeasure of the Just Allah upon you. Obey my voice, and heed the Voice of Allah and it will be well with you!” ….. We departed and left his House, preferring Gold and Silver and Worldly Things! All the things that have been brought upon us were executed in True Judgment! We did not obey his Voice and refused to take correction. Now you are Disobedient and Undisciplined, and do even worse than us, and in the end you also will be delivered up in Anguish. Why should you be like a man confused? Take heed to our father's voice and it shall be well with you! We sought to destroy his heritage by taking off the raiment in which he was clothed. After he died, we changed his name to Israel, a name which consists of the main two Idols we adopted and put before Allah! ********** We thought that we could escape the Evil-hating Justice of Allah! Consider — our Forefathers and all Allah's Righteous Prophets; where are They? In a Widely Extensive Place, gleaming with Light! In the Company of Allah and His Angels is Their Rest. Have we found Rest here? No!!! We abide in Torment, awaiting a Greater Punishment! Do you not Understand? They knew Allah created Them, and did as He commanded! We went against our Father because of the Foolish Imaginations of our hearts! Do you suppose that you can escape the Evil-hating Justice of Allah? You do not understand the Scriptures; because of our Interpolations and that of our scribes, you know worthless ones! We filled it from one end to the other with Filthiness, and thus you have been misled by the works of our hands. The things written by us and our scribes are Abominable! Therefore depart from us and all the words of our writings. Let them no longer be a burden upon you! We followed the abominations of Heathen, and polluted the Books and our Fathers' House! We mocked the Messengers of Allah, despised His Words, and scoffed at His Prophets! We did not cease until we had hindered you from Their Purpose. We also hindered You from your purpose, for you did not understand that we misled you by our works. Ought you not to walk in the fear of Allah? Take heed the words of all the Prophets for they all give Him Honor! Allah wants to make you Pure. Humble yourselves therefore, and listen to His Commands. Destroy the name of Israel, and Surrender not to they who are not gods. Allah is the Lord over all Dominion and Stands Alone! Cleave unto Allah while His Arm of Mercy is extended towards you and harden not your hearts! ********** How can you refuse to acknowledge Allah? Allah truly is His name! In Insolence and Pride, we cut off His name from you, just as we cut off the name of Jacob. Now cut us off, and let us go! Strip yourselves of the Lies we have clothed you with — abhor it as a menstruous rag and wear it not. Make an end to all that we have taught. Deal not according to Judaism, but to what the True Law prescribes! O Judah is this True?” ….. “I am Judah! I acknowledge all that my brother, Levi has said unto you. Abandon us, or your end will be Destruction! I am bound to that end — which I regret. I have before me the Punishment of Unquenchable Fire in retaliation for what we have done. I beg you, turn now from your wicked ways that you may inherit Everlasting Life! We were Wrong and you were Deceived. Do you think it is Incredible that Allah raises the Dead? Allah has Power over All Things! Do not look at me as by my own power I am doing what I now do. This is all done by the Mercy of Allah! Otherwise I, and my brother, would have kept silent without a word, and left you among the Illusions of this World! The times of our Sins have been consummated, and we Must do the Commands of Allah! Therefore listen to our counsel now. We have been Commanded to speak to you, so that you can now defend yourselves! We must Admonish you and tell you concerning our Wickedness and Crimes! Do not become Doubters and serve false gods, and turn away and deny Him! We turned away and did not believe, and withheld the Light appointed for All. We forsook the Righteous and trusted in our Riches and Idols! Now we Know and Believe the Judgment of Allah, which He Declared Beforehand! ********** We preferred Gold, Silver and all manner of riches, and when our father Jacob admonished us, thus we departed from Their House and followed the abominations of Heathen! Do not follow our Ignorance and Defiance! Gold, Luxury, and expensive Clothing will profit you Nothing. Allah has said: “I created much gold and there is No Life in it! It is the root and beginning to every sin! You may choose for yourself, but remember that I forbid it! Take no pleasure in it lest you die! Satan, who deceived himself, will also try to deceive you! He has not ceased not one day, from doing you some harm. Now knowing good from evil, where are you going? See that Satan do not deceive you, nor work his purpose upon you. Beware, for as I live, My words cannot return void, and I will not break My Promise nor renounce My Word!” ….. Those of you who acquire Silver and Gold! What will you do? Allah Dispensed this to you, and He does what He Promises to do! Your riches shall not abide and you shall Perish! You may not see it now, but when you depart from this Life you shall see. We became rich with riches and had many possessions! We now know that we were Deceived by Satan, and our end is Remorse and Bitterness! Verily Gold is Nothing; Silver is Nothing; the Possessions of this World are Nothing — it all leads to Deception! I beg you, turn now from all Deception and Wicked Ways, so that you may inherit Eternal Life! While you are still Living, decide what you wish; you can be in the Company of Allah and His Rest, or be in company with us! ********** O you who practice Judaism! I have been Commanded by the Grace of Allah to speak to You, so that you can defend Yourselves. Do you remember what my brother said to you? He said: “How can you refuse to acknowledge Allah? Allah truly is His name! In Insolence and Pride, we cut off His name from you, just as we cut off the name of Jacob. Now cut us off, and let us go! Strip yourselves of the Lies we have clothed you with — abhor it as a menstruous rag and wear it not. Make an end to all that we have taught. Deal not according to Judaism, but to what the True Law prescribes!” ….. Hold fast to these words, and let them enter your hearts that you may perhaps be Saved! You have eaten from our table, and have drunken our wine, instead of feasting on the Pleasing Words of Allah! Now take of the Dinner Allah has Prepared for you, and consume all the Things which are on His Table. This is for your Health and Well-being, for it contains no Deceit at all! Eat of Allah's Unleavened Bread which we omitted, and the Lord will strengthen you. It is Owing to the Love of Allah for our Forefathers, who Admonished the People to follow Them! When we were Admonished we did not follow them, but followed the ways of the Heathens! We pulled down our Fathers' House — the House of Abraham, and mocked Allah and His Messengers. We despised His Words, and misled many by the works of our hands! Have you considered why your religion is Judaism, and why it is called by my name? I built it! It was of our devising! We held counsel together and said: “Why follow the way of Abraham for he believes in Allah?” ….. thinking if we walked in the way of his Faith, we would get nothing! Therefore we Forsook his teachings and practices, and Trusted in our Riches. Therefore I built this House — Judaism, that I might put my name upon it! ********** We took the Books of our Fathers and mixed Falsehood with that which was True, and now all our false speech, clothed with untruth, must be thrown into the Fire! We did not believe and withheld the Light appointed to All. We deprived Man of this Privilege by inserting our thoughts and opinions, and Persecuted the Righteous! We built up Unrighteousness, and laid Deceit as our Foundation. It was all done for the purpose of regulating our own interests! In the Scripture delivered by Moses, there was no Passover. Passovers were never held — we appointed them! We built altars of stone and made offerings to our False gods, because of our foolish and senseless imaginations! Allah Hates Sacrifices, Bloodshed, and Sprinklings — these Shameful Actions were not Prescribed or Inputed by Him. We formulated these Traditions against His Will! Restrain yourselves and withdraw from this Ignorance, and not Cling to our Customs! Let them no longer be a Burden on your shoulders. Do what is Pleasing to Allah — for it is your Duty! We did our works, yet knew the Truth! Our Fathers taught us, and all that desire True Religion should do as They have done. If you continue to do our works, you will suffer and consequently be put to Shame — when all men shall be Judged of their works! To be Worldly and Material minded leads to Death, but to be Spiritually-Minded leads to Eternal Life! ********** Religion was Given by Allah! All men are required to sustain and uphold His Laws. The Divine Laws of Allah were given to Men that they may know how to Worship Their Maker, and have Faith in Him. But we did not believe that, and interfered, by prescribing our own rules of Worship. Sedition and Rebellion are Unbecoming! Peace and Harmony is better than the Anarchy and Terror we instituted. Do not on any account seek for War, but Perpetual Peace! Arm yourselves with Spiritual Weapons, and bridle the Desires of this World, and craving after them! How? To conquer this, one must be aware of the Evil One, or else be conquered! Do not let your hearts be enticed by Satan. We were enticed by Satan. Do you think that those of you who do the same will escape the Judgment of Allah? Do not follow our behavior — men who Suppressed the Truth! Allah is the Greatest, and great is the Reward to those Obedient to Him, but great also is the Punishment of those who Refuse! O you who call yourselves Jews! Do you think that you are Allah's Chosen? No man can be brought into Right Standing with Allah, following that which we had taught! With our tongues we spoke treachery, with no reverence to what the Law said. Now Allah's Way of giving Right has come to light! His Holy Prophets testified of Allah's Way to Everybody. No distinction or favoritism at all was made! He considers the man who has Faith, but this is not Favoritism, but an Obligation! When Allah made His Promise to Abraham, Abraham asked of Allah: “O Allah! Accept this from us, for verily You Alone are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing! Make us submissive unto You, and of our seed a nation submissive unto You.” ….. Allah answered: “Accepted is your prayer! But My Covenant does not include the wrong-doers!” ….. ********** Those of you who keep not the Ways of Allah, vain will be your works! Recognize who I was, and what became of me. Do not subject yourselves to these grievous Punishments, by performing useless and abominable deeds. Abandon this or your end will be Destruction! Recognize Allah. Obey Him and keep your souls Pure. Entreat Allah that you may succeed and be strengthened, then the Grace of Allah shall be with you! Accept His Faith; be converted and don't delay! Leave this House which we have built, and follow the way of our Fathers. Enter into Their House — Allah has Rebuilt it! Do not be Doubters and serve Idol gods, and turn away and Deny Him! What do you Desire? Have Sense and be not Fools! Believe in Allah, the Living God, and do not the things I used to do. Believe me; Gold and the likes have no Value! Receive the Treasure of Allah — Honor Him and His Great Name. Allah has Power over all things, and is Gracious and Merciful! He has shown you the things you have just read that perhaps you may attain His Salvation!” .....