In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O You who are Living Today! Darkness has covered the earth, because of the Evil Pen of men. Do not follow in their Footsteps and walk in the ways of Unrighteousness! They followed the footsteps of their Kings, who followed in the footsteps of Satan. Therefore their hearts and intentions were not right! They rejected Allah, denied His Oneness, and filled the Earth with Untruths. Know this and regard not the Doctrines of Men — they have not the Words of Allah abiding in them! Know that Allah Alone is God, and that He begets not nor is He begotten! Whoever chooses to Disbelieve, does so to his own Detriment. We are the Prophets and True Servants of Allah and are all Worshipers of Him Alone. We were Sent with the Truth, yet they hid and changed it! Take in these Words and Understand them: “He has no Sons nor Partners!” ….. He has now Sent down to you Scripture, containing your Message and consummating all His Previous Messages — it Supports the Truth and abandons the Falsehood! Do you think this is Incredible? Allah has Power over All Things! Allah is the Best of Planners, and planned from days of old what He now brings to pass. He knew that His Enemies would change His Words, and bow down to Vain gods! Allah Knows all things from the Beginning and prepared a way to accomplish all His Works and Words. He Knew that the kings of the earth would set themselves against Him and against His Anointed One. But Allah is over all His Works — as He has Planned, so shall it be, and as He has Purposed, so shall it Stand! ********** In these Latter Days, Allah has Raised up His Anointed One, who shall work according to His Will! Verily, he shall Reveal to you what was Written that you may Read and Understand that His Enemies altered that what We had given them. Do not be vainly uplifted with Pride. Now that all things are restored — listen to their words. Take heed to this Clear Evidence, and Serve Allah faithfully! Allah Knows your inmost thoughts and will distinguish the Steadfast! ….. “We were the kings of this world! We possessed wealth and position, and thought we had glory and Sovereignty. But our people rebelled against us; after having all things made known to them, many of them laboriously served Allah! We were smitten and unable to do anything. We wished to destroy His Books and His Light, and all those who believed in it! Thus we made peace with the House of Israel, and consulted with them, and followed their advice and ways. For we thought they had succeeded in polluting Allah's Words and His Name! Their Prophets had rebuked them, but they would not accept rebuke; They wished to make them hear, but they would not hear — they did not the Will of Allah nor sought to please Him! After our consultation with them, we commanded our soldiers to go forth, and sent out mounted horsemen as far as Ethiopia, to turn the people aside through Force! After seizing the Books that existed, we had our scribes turn things Upside-down, and write many things which Allah abhorred! Then we set up a Priesthood, that we might establish our Law! These Priests were our servants and we directed them, and gave them our commands, so that the people might not live according to the Law of Allah and act according to His Judgments! It was not Right that we did so, for the Decrees of Allah should be Observed. Now we know that Everything that Allah Wills comes to Pass! Allah is the Best of Planners, and we could not overcome His Plan. We thought we had glory and Sovereignty, but our sovereignty and riches profited us nothing. Allah sits on The Throne, and Rules the Living and the Dead! ********** Our glory has passed away, and Allah has forsaken us! This Day has Allah Punished us, and we cannot relieve ourselves of that which has come upon us! As for the founders and teachers of the nation of Israel, whom we followed — these punishments have also fallen on them! They were not the people Allah had Chosen and they did not His Will; they loved not Allah nor the House of Allah, but loved fraud and bearing False Witness! Nothing is Impossible for Allah; Everything is His! Consider this! Our wisdom has turned into foolishness; from being wealthy, we have become poor; and from being kings in high places, we now live in the lowest depths of Hell! All this has happened because we opposed Allah's Commandments and Laws. We took His Word lightly, and thought we were Wiser than Him! None can Oppose His Will and His Kingdom shall never pass away! Do not follow in our footsteps! Worship and Honor Allah, so that you may escape this Fate. If you Obey Him, and follow in the footsteps of His Elect Ones, you will enter into His Gardens of Delight! As for us — we Must remain herein, for we did not the Will of Allah and His Good Pleasure. We were Foolish and our scribes and priests were Foolish! Allah has abased us, and has taken away our name and honor. The Will of Allah is done, and not the will of Man! He has taken away what we falsified, and has blotted out our majesty — so that you may do away with your sins and avoid these Tribulations!” ….. ***Scribes and Priests*** ….. “O Mankind! Allah has power over Everything! Of what use are kings who have done no good upon the Earth? Allah's Wisdom surpasses the wisdom of Men! He Alone sits on the Throne, and is the Giver of Life and Death. We were the scribes and priests of these so-called kings! They opposed Him and took His Words lightly. Had He willed — He could have hindered us, but taking away our Freewill, He deemed would be Unjust! Allah did not so, lest He deprive Man of Freedom of Choice! Yet no one can oppose Him after their Death. The end of your days has not yet come — be mindful of this, for you have followed the Ungodly. Do not end up in this Fire, like us Wicked, who plotted against the Lord! We were Foolish on our own Freewill; we loved Fleeting Things which did not benefit our souls. We submitted to our kings, and did what Allah abhors, and did not recognize the Things that Abide! Do not Abide amongst us nor follow our Vain Desires! We gave partners to Allah, and professed nothing but Lies and Conjectures; we treated His Signs as false, and believed not in the Hereafter! Follow the Creed of Abraham, the Upright! Repent and Surrender to Allah, before the day of Death overtakes you. We turned away, and died in our Sins! The Will of Allah is what Abides, and not the will of Men. Who can be more Wrong than one who rejects Allah, and turns away? It will be no good for your Soul if you repent not before that Day comes! ********** . Pray to Allah and Repent before you Die! Allah appointed you this Life, in order that you may be called to account for what you have done. This is indeed a hard test for all, except those who are Rightly Guided! When you Pray, never bow down — be Upright, as was Abraham. Return to his House, and do not bend your knees or bow your head — Stand firmly as a fixed Pillar, that you may be strong and not suffer in this Blaze wherein we, along with our kings abide! All Men must die, and come to Judgment! What does it mean to be Dead? Some who live are Dead, and some who are dead, are Alive — they knew the Truth from the Lies, and thus Live! Consider this Life a phase that Allah might behold how you act! Many of you have done our will, and sacrificed and prayed to our false gods. Run away from what we have taught, for there is less than an arms length between us! Men who know not from where they came — know not where they are going! Verily it is from Allah that we All came, and to Him we Must all Return! This Life is none other than a transit stop in your journey back to Him. All shall return to Him to be Judged! Right now you are free to act and choose for yourselves; do not follow our errant views. Pray to Allah to forgive you for your present and past sins at both ends of the day, and a point in-between. Why do you hesitate — are you waiting to see that Day? You will come to know that Wrong-doers will not Prevail, but will be Punished! ********** Allah is Full of Mercy, yet from those Guilty, His Wrath shall not be turned back! This is a Book that He Revealed so that you might find Mercy. Take hold of this Book, and let it lay in your Heart, for it is for your Salvation! Have you not read the beginning of this Book? It is entitled Time and it states: ‘To everything there is a season, and a Time for every purpose under heaven! A time to be born and a time to die; a time to Plant and a time to pluck what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to Break down and a time to Build up. A time to Cast away stones and a time to Gather stones Together. A time to Embrace and a time to Refrain from embracing. A time to Keep and a time to Throw away. A time to rend, and a time to sew, a time to Keep quiet and a time to Talk. A time of Love and a time of Hate, a time of War and a time of Peace! By Time, verily Man is in a State of Loss — except such as have Faith in the Mutual Teaching of Truth!’ ….. It also states: ‘O you Falsifiers of Knowledge! From the Time it goes forth, it shall take you by day and night. Surely your turning things Up-side down shall be esteemed as the Potter’s Clay. And He shall Break It as the breaking of the potter’s vessel, which is Smashed so Ruthlessly that among its fragments, not a shard is found!’ ….. and, ‘The Decrees of Allah, are unalterable! Therefore all things Shall be Restored to their Proper Order. The Time will come when every prophecy shall be fulfilled, and you shall know! For He has appointed a time for every matter. There is a Time Appointed that all shall Come Forth from the dead.’ ….. Recognize what is in your sight! Do you not see? Do you not hear? We Perverted the Words of Allah, and Fabricated Lies to Confuse you about True Religion! Now our works Have become Dust, and we have come forth to Testify that we were Disbelievers. We now Declare to you our Errors, and give you the Mutual Teaching of Truth! Why? Because the Decrees of Allah are Unalterable! He has Appointed a Time for Everything. Now our words Bear Witness to what happened, Clearly — for All to Hear! ********** Will you argue about the Truth after it has been made Clear? We knew the Name of the Lord and His Christ, but loved the words of Fable-mongers more than the Words of Allah! Comfort yourselves with These words. Keep His Commandments and serve not man-made gods. We scribes earlier confessed to you that The Truth was not in us, and Allah's Word was not in us. And that Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God is a Liar — he is only a man! He also is not the Christ. John is the Messiah, and he too is only a man — he draws the Word like a sword, and by Knowledge slays Ignorance! The Priests of Today are Messengers of Error, and drag into error others! They are void of Knowledge and are misguided. Why is Jesus sought? This is just an Illusion and nothing more! How can you let anyone who does not know these things Instruct you? Not a gleam of Light has any of these Priests! They only know the illusions of the world, and seek Salvation from what is Evil! Many of them are not to blame for they do not know that we changed the Laws to suit the carnal mind, and violated the Rules of Right, in their Book! Do not be disturbed or dismayed by all this! It is Time to know the Truth. Consider our Unpardonable Errors, and step not backwards but forward. There is a time to Embrace and a time to Refrain from embracing! Cease to hear Instruction from those that cause you to err from the Words of Knowledge — who call Evil Good, and give you Darkness instead of Light. They too, must Learn the Truth, just as you! ********* Put down our Corrupt Books and learn the Truth! Allah is the Best of Planners, and planned from days of old what He now brings to pass. This is the Book of the Words of Righteousness — It is a Gift from Allah to make men know the sinfulness of all Illusive Things! Listen to the words of our Priests!” ….. “Our kings were Sick, as were we and the scribes; we all were Foolish! Do you know that you are Servants to whom you obey? We surrendered ourselves to Lawless Men and became Servants of Sin! The words they told us to speak, we spoke; what they told us to do, we did. Our hearts were not Right! We knew that we taught Lies, as we did everything they wished; for they provided us with worldly things to make us content! Now their masterminding has Perished, and the tower of Babylon has Fallen! That monument of foolishness is no more. Beneath those ruins were many hidden things, and we who had been priests, knew them all. Many priests of Today do not Know that what they preach and teach are our Deceits, but they adhere to those who do know! They are merely the Blind — leading the blind. They preach of illusive shadows and nothing more. Let their words fall lightly on your Ears! O you worshipers of wooden gods! Where is the strength of these weather-beaten gods? You have agonized and prayed around these shrines thinking you will get assistance and be Saved! Abandon this, and do not subject yourselves by performing useless and abominable deeds. Allah is your shield and Tower of Strength! ********** You all are Truly Blessed Today, because Allah has sent you a Teacher, who brings forth the Words He has Given! Do not spurn or scorn what Allah has Poured forth. You must lay aside all Doubts and absorb yourselves in these Divine Teachings, then your Spirit Consciousness will sleep no more. You will See with the Eyes of your Soul — the waters of the Fountain of Wisdom! Where did this Teacher get his Knowledge and Wisdom? He Immersed himself in this Fount! Do not be Sick and Foolish, as were we! Drink from this Water and soak yourselves therein! It will strengthen your Faith, so that you may know the distinction between Evil and Good and then, you will be made Well. It is indeed a Healing and gives Understanding of Allah's Words and Law! Abundantly he Received, and Freely he shall Give — to lift men from the Burdens we imposed. Allah has Given him the Key to the Door we closed against the People. Do you believe in our Lies? Our lies were not directed by Reason, and confuses Minds and Hearts! We were in Evident Error. Anyone who seeks to please man, rather than seeking Allah's Pleasure — has forsaken Allah, and has made an idol in his heart. It was not right for us to do so. You should seek to know and please Allah, the Creator, and do His Will! Separate from all that Disbelieve and who speak in support of their Idols! Devote yourselves to Monotheism. It is the True Religion, yet many priests of Today do not know, and have worshiped Jesus as God. Let these Blind Guides alone! Consider! If it was not for our lies, they might have been believers in Allah! Do not become Inheritors of Hell because of what we perpetuated. The works that we have done turns the Truth away from men. Blessed are the people who put their Trust in Allah — respecting not our Lies!” ….. ********** O Mankind! Have you not understood what was said? Learn from their example! They testified against themselves that they were Disbelievers. Who does greater Wrong than one who invents Lies against Allah? The Wrongdoers are now being Repaid for having said about Allah other than the Truth! Allah was Aware of what they did, and had He Willed, they could not have done it! Only those who have no faith equate others with their Lord! Let this be your Book so that you may Honor, and Serve Allah Truthfully! Do not be of the Ignorant and follow the whims of those who associate others with Him — seducing you with flowery discourses in order to mislead you from this Knowledge. Allah has made you Successors on this earth, and will Test you with what He has Given you! How long will you be Oblivious? Do not let Satan and his Clan Seduce you, or you will join the crowds of Jinn and Men who have gone into the Fire before you! They spoke of things which were yet to come, as though they had already come! This Book is a Mercy from Allah to protect you from their works. It explains in Detail and in Truth, and is the Straight Path to Him! Allah has predestined Well-doing as the Path whereby Believers shall walk unto Salvation, and has predestined sin as the way whereby you will fall unto Damnation. Allah showers His Mercy upon the Faithful like Rain, even as He makes the earth to Bear Fruit after a long Drought! He has Sent to you His Angels and Prophets, and even the Dead have spoken to you! His Prophets brought them Guidance and Wisdom, but they rejected and ignored it. It is He Who has Gathered them all together before your eyes. Do not Ignore the Truth! If you obey them you will be diverted — following nothing but Assumptions and Conjecture!