In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful All Praise is due to Allah, the Originator of the Heavens and Earth! It is He Who has created everything, and He Alone knows everything! Before the Heaven and Earth were created Allah designed His Sanctuary by His Divine Light! The Light created at the very beginning is not the same light as the light emitted by the Sun. It is the Light of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding — which He placed in His Sacred Treasury, anticipating the wickedness of sinful generations! He established the Divine Throne, Paradise and Hell, and Justice, Grace and Mercy! The Divine Throne to express the homage due to Him. Paradise and Hell were established to do duty as a Reward or Punishment. Justice, Grace and Mercy were made to rule jointly — without which nothing could continue to exist! If Allah in His Goodness had not — the tame would be destroyed by the wild animals; birds of prey would scoop down on the others, and annihilate them in their greed; big fish would have quickly put an end to little ones! The Goodness of Allah manifests itself in the preservation of Man, who could not have survived the enmity of the Jinn — he is defended by Guardian Angels! Against every Prophet enemies have been set up as adversaries — from men as well as from invisible beings — the Jinn! They inspire each other with flowery discourses and glittering half-truths, to delude the mind. But Allah has appointed protectors for His Messengers — Designated Guardians, the Archangels Michael and Gabriel — these are the Angels who descend to Earth and reveal what is hidden! ********** O Michael, come forth! ….. “O John, all these things are True — firm and established! Enlighten them, as Allah has enlightened you. Allah made all this clear unto you, and Allah Knows everything! On the Day when He shall gather them all together, He will say to Mankind: “O you who lived in close communion to the Jinn! You have reached the end of your term which was appointed for you. Go forth from here disgraced and disowned. Now the Fire of Hell shall be your abode, and you shall dwell in it Forever!” ….. O Mankind! Listen now to these things and understand them! I come that I might reveal to you, that which was from the beginning, without blemish! Allah originated the ‘creation of man’ out of clay — from black molded loam. As for the invisible beings, they are the Jinn, whom He created beforehand — from the smokeless flame of fire; and We, the Angels, whom He created from His Light! From the beginning Allah determined divisions and arranged His Works in an Eternal Order! He has raised some of you by degrees above others, so that He might try you by means of what He has bestowed upon you. When Allah created both Men and Jinn, He bestowed on them the power of using their own inclination — to accept or reject His Commands! He placed before them Fire and Water, Life and Death, and whatever they choose will be given them. He did not command them to be ungodly, nor gave them permission to sin! We, as Angels, have no choice! We neither cease from Our labors, nor crowd one another aside, and can never disobey His Voice! Verily, it is not possible — We hear and We obey! ********** He gave to men authority over the things upon earth, and placed the fear of them in all living beings! He granted them dominion over birds and beasts; He gave them intellect, and established with them an Eternal Covenant, and said to them: “Beware of all Unrighteousness!” ….. He endows you with hearing and sight, and feelings as well as minds. Yet how seldom are you grateful! Your ways are always before Him and your iniquities are not hidden from Him! Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny? Hearken unto me, and I will speak with you openly from the beginning — I, and Gabriel! Blessed are We above all men on earth, for We have received the fullness of the Treasure of Light! We will not hide from you any of the things of Truth. Hearken to Us that you may know it. Preserve this which We shall give you that you may become whole. It is for the sake of the whole world! ********** Verily your Lord is Allah, to Whom all Praise is due! In six Days He made all that is in the heavens and earth, and all that is between — to be subservient to you! Allah did not create any of this without meaning or purpose, it was all a gift from Himself to you! He knows all things — governing all that exists! In the beginning Allah created the Heavens and the Earth! The Sun, the Moon, Day and Night! All are entirely different elements. They float each in an orbit of their own, yet submit together as a unit, and serve you as a measurement of Time! In the beginning the earth was unformed and void! He set up the sky as a canopy — well secured, and caused waters to come down from the sky, which brought forth all living growth; grass, herb yielding seed, and trees bearing fruit, giving life thereby to the earth. He placed on it Mountains in a balanced manner, lest it sway. And appointed paths, that you might find your way! Allah divided the waters which were above the firmament called Heaven, and let the waters under the heavens be gathered, and the gathering of these waters He called Seas! And said: “Let the waters swarm, with swarms of living creatures. And let the earth have living creatures — birds and cattle after their kind, and everything which creeps upon the ground after its kind!” ….. ********** On the sixth day Allah said unto Us: “I am going to create man from clay, when I have formed him and breathed into him Of My Spirit, make obeisance to him!” ….. So the angels made obeisance — all of them, but not Satan and those who were of his mind — the Jinn; he was their leader! Allah said: “O Satan what has prevented you from serving that which I create out of My Own Hands? Are you too proud?” ….. Satan replied: “I am better than he! We are spirit and therefore it is not just that we should make obeisance to him who You created out of clay — of ‘black mud’ altered!” ….. Satan’s followers then said: “Call him not Lord, O Satan for you are our lord!” ….. Then Allah said: “Repent and recognize Me as your Creator!” ….. They answered: “We repent at having done You any reverence. You are not just, but Satan is just, and he is our lord!” ….. Allah said: “It is not for you to be arrogant here, I hate arrogance and pride! Get out, you are rejected. Hell shall be your home, and whoever follows you!” ….. Satan then said: “Give me until the Day man is resurrected, I will surely ‘master his seed’ and shall mislead them, every one!” ….. Allah said: “I will give you respite until an appointed day, on earth will be your dwelling place until then!” ….. When Allah had expelled Satan, all the Holy Angels sang: “Blessed be the Holy Name of Allah!” ….. And thus fell Satan — by despising man, and the Jinn by wishing to make him equal with Allah!” ….. ********** O Mankind! I am Gabriel, and from henceforth will I speak with you! Why are you in a declining state? This day it shall be known to you from where all this disorder sprang! I will not hide from you anything of the things of Truth! After their expulsion and being cast to earth, they were in a deep sleep for forty years! They knew what they had done. They had fallen through their pride, and were now kindled with greater hatred. Their eyes were darkened, because of that which took place and they were exceedingly afraid and troubled! Satan said to them: “Be not afraid! Am I not your lord? This thing has thus befallen us on account of man! Let us hold counsel on what to do because of this servant to Allah, for verily I desire to annul all that they shall do!” ….. Then they took counsel with Satan to see how they could deceive man on whose account they had been cast out of Paradise! He said: “On account of man, we shall suffer Death, therefore let us make man in our own image — after our likeness and corrupt their ways. In order that they may not know Allah who is above them, then they shall be punished with Eternal Punishment! For surely Allah will requite man according to this evil that he may do upon earth. If we do this, they shall serve false gods who shall be for them a snare and a pitfall. They will sin against Allah, against the Sabbath, and the Covenant! We will cause him to lose Paradise, even as we were cast out!” ….. ********** These are they who said: “Let us make man in our image!” ….. They changed the Laws to suit the carnal mind; bound heavy burdens upon you, and scorned the Rules of Right! They, Prisoners of Darkness, exiled from Eternal Providence — thought that they were unseen in their secret sins! I heard everything! All that the ungodly had spoken, and every false speech — clothed with Untruth, will be thrown into the fire! Is He Who creates like one that creates not? Know you not that all men had their origin out of a piece of clay? Now how shall Allah have likeness to man? Will you not consider? I say unto you that there is nothing that a man ought to shun, more than this saying! You are the image of Adam, therefore you are the likeness of Adam! Gentiles! Do you know who they are? I will tell you. They are men like unto Jinn — they are those who accept and follow their image and doctrine, and have forsaken reason and the Law of Allah! O Gentiles! To this did Satan desire to reduce you — you worship the image which he has made in his own likeness! He was deprived eternally of the delights of Paradise! O you who Believe! The Adversary lies in wait for you! He thinks to destroy you utterly, and will use all of his strength to bring it to pass that you may share his fate! ********** As Allah lives, in Whose Presence my soul stands — Allah promises Mercy to the sinner! He says: “In the Hour that the sinner shall lament his sin, I will forgive him of his iniquities!” ….. Seeing that Allah wills not the Death of the sinner, but waits for each one to repent, I had compassion on Satan — knowing his fall, and had compassion on Mankind, whom he tempts to sin. I spoke to Allah saying: “Lord, You know of what evil Satan is the cause, and through his temptations men perish. He is of Your Creation, therefore Lord, please have Mercy upon him.” ….. Allah answered: “I know what you know not! He is very proud. I know his insolence, his pride, his arrogance. Nevertheless, since you serve Me as Allah, your Creator — knowing yourself to be My Work, and ask nothing of Me except Grace and Mercy, even so will I do. Cause him to say, ‘O Allah, I have sinned, have Mercy on me.’ then I will pardon him, and restore him to his first state!” ….. I rejoiced and called on Satan, who said: “O Gabriel, what must I, do for you? ….. I answered: “I need not your service, but for the Good, I called you!” ….. Satan replied: “If you desire not my services, then I desire not yours!” ….. I said: “You are infirm in mind, and know not what you say. I came to reconcile you with Allah!” ….. and he said in a derisive manner: “And what must be done to make up this peace between me and Allah?” ….. I responded: “Only a few words need to be spoken.” ….. Satan replied: “What words?” ….. I answered: “Only say, you have sinned and please have mercy on me!” ….. Satan then wagged his head and said: “Willingly will I make this peace with Allah, if He will say these words to me!” ….. Now consider, he refused and gloried in his arrogance! How can he obtain Mercy? O you Gentiles! I speak and do that which Allah wills! And I refuse to be associated with him, who was made before me! Return from your evil ways, and forsake your works, in order that it may be well for you and your children. Do not turn away from the Commandments of Allah, and serve none but Him! ********** Satan and his advocates — both, men and jinn, have turned the world upside-down! They go against the decrees of Allah. The first man, Adam, was from the Earth! Allah placed him, and gave him dominion. In the beginning Allah said unto Us: “Behold, I am about to establish upon Earth one who shall inherit it!” …..Unlike the Jinn who were exiled from Paradise, the world was made for man, he was the last created among its creatures. Paradise is his goal! His reason for being! See how they turn things upside down? They reveal all kinds of sin, causing the earth to be filled with blood and unrighteousness! Unlike them, Adam sought to attain tranquility of mind — to separate from desires, evil intentions, and the like! Woe to those who suffer themselves to be deceived by Satan! Do you take the bitter for the sweet? Wrong for Right? Falsehood for Truth? Think and consider! When Allah placed Adam, He said: “I am Allah, your Creator! I have made you as you are, and have made you come forth to this land. Sigh not, neither be moved — strengthen your heart and be not afraid. Every day I have determined for you. I will not have you be ignorant. I know that Satan who deceived himself, will try to deceive you! Eat of this Tree of Knowledge. Then will I show you Mercy and Light that never fails. And your eyes will be opened — knowing Good and Evil, unless you eat the fruit, you will not be able to attain Paradise!” ….. Satan had heard the Word of Allah that He had spoken to Adam and came to him saying: “Allah does not love you, seeing that He has placed you outside of Paradise. Wherefore eat not of that Tree. He says not the truth. Don’t you know that Allah is envious and therefore wants no equals? He wants everyone for a slave and thus spoke to you in order that you may not become equal to Him, therefore He bid you to eat thereof. Do according to my counsel and you shall be equal to Allah!” ….. Adam ate thereof, and as he was eating the fruit of the Tree, replied: “On what account have you been cast here? Why have you such fear and are afraid? This earth is your prison until an appointed time! Is it not enough that you have sinned against Allah? Must you come to me and seek to persuade me into disobeying Allah’s Command? I will eat thereof, and will not do your bidding. The foot of pride shall not come against me!” ….. Eve too, ate of the fruit. They kept faith with each other — bound together in the name of Allah! Allah brought forth from their loins all the souls of the Children of Adam, and said: “I am your Lord, Who cherishes and sustains you!” ….. and every soul bore witness. This He did so that on the Day of Judgment, you cannot say: “Of this we were unaware!”….. I have shown you some of the ways, in which you have been deceived. O Children of Adam! Most certainly Allah will try you. And is strict in Punishment! There is no comparison to the bad things and good things. The bad things may please you, but be mindful of your duty to Allah, so that you may succeed! Do you see Satan’s evil works? Guard yourselves from transgressing against Allah. Open your eyes and know this within, then do as you see best!