In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind, Praise Allah! There is no other God besides Him. He is the Ever-Living, Self-Sustaining, and Everlasting — not a moment of Unawareness or Slumber overtakes Him! He Knows the Past and the Future, and no one attains any Knowledge except as He Wills! Allah’s Goodness towards you is Great! Allah is Rich Beyond Need — He is the Most High, the Beneficent! He Provides for all of you. He Feeds but is not Fed — Endless is His Name, and also His Words! Why do you reject the Revelations of Allah? Why do you confound Truth with Falsehood? Satan urges you to Immorality, while Allah Promises you Forgiveness and Grace! He gives Wisdom to whomever He Wills — but none pays heed except those with intelligence. The unaware are driven mad by Satan’s touch — receiving advice from him! This is a Merciful Dispensation from your Lord! We are Allah’s Messengers, and these are Allah’s Revelations — which We recite to you in Truth! Eat of the good things We provided for you. Those to whom We were sent, the Wicked among them substituted the words We gave to them. Disgrace will not overtake Us. They did not wrong Us, but they wronged themselves! ********** A Proof has come to you from your Lord! Are you surprised that Revelations have come to you from your Lord, from a man from amongst you — like unto Moses? We were expecting him, for Allah announced to Us that He would send him forth to reveal all that was concealed. And that We should bear Witness, and render him Help! Is it not written: “The Law and the Prophets were until John?” ….. this is he, and they who disagree about it are in schism! Do not argue over names which those who Corrupt the Scriptures have given you! We are All — One Body, and John is the Head! Truly, We do not know the first — the one mentioned in the Gospel. It is impossible to cut off the Head of Prophecy! See how they devise Lies? Allah will cut off the Roots of those who changed Our Revelations! O you Lovers of Truth — this is ‘he’ of whom it was written! Allah created John, and gave him the power of Understanding His Words of Wisdom. Whatever is fit to be revealed to you, shall be Revealed! John is Alive and well! And all the words contained in this writing which he has written are Alive! Allah has given it to you — to converse therewith and to understand with your hearts! ********** O you who say: “It is Sealed!” ….. Your minds are closed. In fact, Allah has sealed them for your Disbelief! Verily, Endless is His Name, and also His Words! We cannot describe to you its Splendor and Extent. Have you not considered that those who were given a share of the Book, wished that you would lose the Way? Its because of what their hands put forward that you err! If all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to replenish it, were ink — the writings of Allah’s Words could never be finished! O Mankind! Our Revelations are now recited to you Plain and Clear! Those who fabricated Lies knew nothing, and set up other gods with Allah. So turn away from them — you are not to blame! This is a Confirming Book to Warn those who do Wrong — it is from Allah, the Forgiver of Sins, and the Acceptor of Repentance! There is no God but He, and to Him is your Ultimate Return! They who invented the Falsehoods will be Inmates of the Fire! Whoever works Righteousness will enter Paradise — We are in it, but they shall have the Home of Misery! Every Soul shall be recompensed for what it has earned, and there will be no Injustice! Allah judges with Justice — so call upon Allah with sincere devotion to Him! Ask forgiveness from Allah for what is Past — for indeed the Hour is coming! None argues except those who Disbelieve — there is nothing in their hearts but the feeling of greatness, which they will never attain. Thus are they turned away. They are too proud to worship Him, and will enter Hell! ********** O you Idolaters! Will you take gods rather than Allah? You worship besides Allah what has no power to harm or benefit you! Where are those you deify instead of Allah? Can they send down a feast for Us from Heaven? No!!! Do you not understand? Satan made your deeds appear good to you, and you delighted in what he gave — and did wrong! If you are sincere, forget what you have idolized and humble yourselves! You have disgraced Our Lord — believe in Him! We believed, and Allah forgave Us Our sins, remitted Our misdeeds, and gave Us what He promised Us. He never breaks a Promise! Abandon the False gods which your ancestors used to worship, if you are Truthful. Those of you who’ll fear Allah, He will admit to Paradise, wherein you’ll dwell Forever! As for those who Disbelieve, are they waiting for anything but the Day of Fulfillment? On that Day they will say: “O Allah! If we could return, we would abandon them, as they abandoned us!” ….. but as to those who disregarded Him — if they could return, would not be able to behave any different from the way they behaved before. They ruined their souls and what they used to invent failed them! Perhaps you will reflect! Do not be like those who disbelieved and attributed partners to Allah! They have purchased this present life, at the price of that which is to come. You will surely find them of all men — the most covetous of life, and the most fearful of Death! They do not wish for it because of what their hands have sent before them! Woeful is the price for which they have sold their souls, if they but knew it. If they had believed and feared Allah, the reward they would have had from Him would have been better. Avoid them, and put your trust in Allah! He who surrenders himself to Allah, and does that which is Right — will have in store a Great Reward, with his Lord! ********** O you who Believe, and the followers of Earlier Scriptures! Remember, this Life is only temporary! It is from Allah you came, and to Him you must return — this world is just a transit stop in your journey back to Him! Make provision for your Journey, and prepare for an Endless State! Man must die, and must come into Judgment — in order that he may bear witness to the Truth! Allah appoints your number of days — a term is set! In this matter you have no Power of Decision — the Decision rests with Allah Alone! Do not follow errant views and regard other powers as your Lord’s equal! A great number of men have they ensnared — transgressing against Allah, and yielding to the enticings of Satan. Whoever does that, He will cast into the Fire! Do you want to give Allah a clear case against you? Everyone is required to believe in Him Alone before their Death! Allah does not forgive association with Him — He forgives anything less than that for whomsoever He wills! Two groups among you attribute partners to Allah — thinking thoughts about Allah that are Untrue! Yielding to the enticings of Satan, they are those whose deeds will come to nothing, and in the Hereafter — they will have no saviors! They rejected Our Messages after the knowledge came to them. They spurned Us, scorned Our Work, and Our Revelations they declined! They say to the Unlearned, that they are guided, and the Fire will not touch them! Allah does not love those who Corrupt — those who take Religion lightly and in jest! They have been misled in their religion by the Lies they fabricated, induced by Satan. Allah warns you to beware of him! If you love Allah, then Allah will love you, and will forgive you! But if you turn away — Allah does not love the Faithless! ********** O Jews and Christians! Do not say anything about Allah except the Truth! Say not: “Trinity or Three!” Allah is only One God and has no Partners! Those who disdain worshiping Him are just too Arrogant to Submit. Follow the Faith of Abraham — he was a Monotheist, and indeed a model. Who would forsake the Religion of Abraham, except he who fools himself? Submit! Allah has chosen this Religion for you, so do not die before you have Submitted! Allah knows that you have turned a Deaf Ear to His Commandments, by reason of the False Doctrines that were planted by Satan and his Associates! They are his Slaves — Followers in the way to Death! All of Mankind have been corrupted through their works! The Multitudes are ready for the Words of Life and Light! They are in Darkness, and are calling loud for help — but they know not from whence they come. When men have need of True Light, Allah sends them a Messenger to give that Light. Allah Wills not that you be Ignorant! John has been raised up to bring Men that Light! He surely is the Christ whom We declared would come! Lay aside all tenseness of the mind, and all your doubts and Troubled Thoughts — and you yourselves will bear Witness to this Truth! Just wait and you’ll have Proofs of his Messiahship. Jesus never said he was the Christ — Messiah’s are not made by men! John knows well his Lower Self, and knows the Illusions of the World — the things that pass away! He knows his Higher Self; he knows Allah — Who will never pass away! He has been ransomed from the Perils of the lower self, and is his higher self. He has been Anointed to undo Satan’s work, that all the People of the Earth may know — that the Hand of the Lord is Mighty! He shall Destroy all Wrong from the face of the Earth, and every evil work shall come to an End! ********** Allah has given John this Scripture which is detailed with Knowledge, Guidance, and Mercy — giving Warnings as well as Glad Tidings! Do not corrupt its reformation when they’ve been gathered all together. The Truth is from Allah, your Lord, so do not be a Skeptic! Those who suppress the Proofs and Guidance after We have clarified them, and die rejecting it — will not be Reprieved! Whoever commits this hereafter — a Painful Torment awaits him in the Hereafter! Eat of the good things We have provided for you, and give Thanks to Allah, if it is Him that you Serve! Before this, you were of those astray! Now seek what Allah has Ordained for you — that you may succeed. Come all of you, wholeheartedly, into Submission to Allah, and follow not in Satan’s Footsteps! Those of you that harbored Evil Thoughts were surrounded by Evil. Allah has sent you a Witness — a Bearer of Good News and a Warner. The Hand of Allah is over his hand — that you may Honor Him! If you will Obey Allah, He will give you a Fine Reward. Remain mindful of Allah, and Praise Him, every Morning and Evening! ********** O You who are Muslim! You are not exempt from this! The Spirit of Allah causes everything to come and go — in Proper Time! Whatever comes is for the best. It is to Teach men to be Pure in Heart — His Words are seasoned with the Salt of Wisdom, that is from Above! Who’s Hand is strong enough to open the Windows and Doors of your Mind, and cause the Heart to understand? Allah!!! If you will unlock the windows of your mind — the Truth will enter in, and make itself at home! This is given in admonition unto those among you, who believe in Allah and the Last Day! The Book was sent down to two groups before you! When they had fulfilled their Prescribed Time — Allah then favored you, and sent down to you the Qu’ran! Do you reject this Book for any other reason, than because of that Revelation which was sent to you formerly? Certain men of old changed some of the verses, and dislocated words from their places — therefore you err from the Straightness of the Path. John publishes the Whole of that, which was sent down to you from Allah! These are the Ordinances of Allah, it is Most Righteous for you and Most Pure — transgress them not! Retain them, and make not the Signs of Allah a jest! Those who believe may seriously think of this present World and the Next! ********** Do you think no such thing has happened to you, as has happened to those before you? And that maybe you hate a thing which is better for you, and love a thing which is worse? Allah Knows, and you know not! Allah Knows Perfectly what they concealed! Do you say: “Where did this come from?” ….. Allah suffers not the Reward of the Faithful to perish — Allah restored them! Have you not considered? Allah Extends His Hand as He Pleases! But the greater part of men do not give Thanks! Eat what Allah has cleansed, that which is Lawful and Good, and fear Him in Whom you believe. Do not be like the Unbelieving People before you! When Muhammad came unto them with the Book, the Jews and Christians, called him an Impostor — thus they became Blind and Deaf! Do you want to give Allah a clear case against you? Therefore Eat, and receive Pardon from Allah, and the Mercy, that they would have had — if they weren’t so hard-headed and hard-hearted! Who is it that will help you after Him? Judge therefore in accordance to what Allah has Revealed, and follow not their actions — Swerving from the Truth! This is incumbent on the Righteous. Whoso judges not as Allah has Revealed, are Unjust! Now let this be your Book to Guide you to Paradise! Has your heart not been softened by it? What should hinder you from believing in the Truth which has now come to you? It shall be no crime to you — it is incumbent on those who Fear Allah! Think! And after you have deliberated, trust in Allah. Those who accuse Our Signs as Falsehood shall be the Companions of Hell! Allah loves not the Deniers and Transgressors of His Word! |