In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! Is it a Wonder that a Warning has come to you from Allah? This Book has come forth Clearly, in Allah's Due Time! Learn the Truth that the Prophets have communicated to you in Clearness, so that you may Find your footing and withdraw from Ignorance. Receive the Truth and reject not Their words — it is for your Salvation, and for the Health and Renewal of your Souls. Follow them, for They have Knowledge of what is Eternal, and would never lead you wrong! Allah has Power over All Things! Recognize this, and act according to His Will. The previous Age was covered in Darkness — Shameful Lies were imputed to Him by the Authorities of Darkness. Satan whispered to them, and lured them with Deceit — he is their master. Those who are his slaves are a congregation of treacherous men, who only turn you aside from the Path of Righteousness. This Book, which Allah has Given to You, Supports the Truth and abandons Falsehood, and provides you with Understanding! Ignorance is a Sickness! Delight in what your Lord has given you and your healing shall spread forth speedily. Be mindful of this and don't let these Dissemblers trick you! They tread underfoot Allah's Laws. Overthrow this evilness so that you may not be found guilty of rising up against Allah. This Book is a Mercy from Allah, explaining in Detail and in Truth; it protects you from their works. Allah has shown you His Glory and Wisdom through His Holy Prophets! He made them Leaders who Guided in accordance to His Commands. They were all True Worshipers of Him Alone! ******** All Power of Decision rests with Allah, Who has given to Men Freedom of Choice and Free Will, but only in this present Life! Those who choose not to believe and are Proud and Arrogant, take Religion as a Joke, and are deceived by this Worldly Life. They do the things of Darkness — transgressing against Allah, and yielding to the enticings of Satan. A term is set concerning this present Life, which is just a transit stop in your journey back to Him! Allah is the All-Knowing and Best of Planners! He planned from days of old what He now brings to pass. Everything Given in this Book is clearly detailed, and Unswerving from the Truth, so that everyone that wills, may take a way back to his Lord! Have you not been reading this Book? This is the Mutual Teaching of Truth! Do not trifle with it or refuse it. The spirit of contention is of the Devil, who wants you to perish in Unbelief! Do you liken the Creator to someone who has been created? He is not like Us! Allah is Incomprehensible; there is nothing or anyone comparable to Him. High is He above all they associate with Him — high above all things on Earth, and all things in the Heavens above; there are no gods beside Him! ******** Separate from their many evils, and Strengthen yourselves herein! From the Beginning, Our Creator never mentioned other gods, but you have heard these things from the lips of men. Commit yourselves to the Truth of Allah and follow not their views and practices! Allah is Merciful and Just, and Wills not that you perish Unjustly. It is unjustified that you associate anyone as His partner. Be conscious of Him — Alone! Meditate thereon, and do not worship anyone or anything along with Allah. See that you Surrender to Him, before you Die; those of you who do will attain Delight and Peace! Those of you who think and say: “Sufficient for us are the ways we found our fathers following!” ….. Should you not be diligent in keeping the Words of Allah? He has shown you that which Is, and what will befall in the end, so that you be not put to Shame! Allah has appointed a Time for every matter; He is the Supreme Dispenser of all things! Man has been in a State of Loss because of the words of Falsifiers — but the time entailed by their deceits are at an end! In arrogance and defiance, they attempted to bury Allah's Light! Be mindful of the Commandments of the Mighty One, and forget the festivals and traditions delivered to you, so that Allah may be reconciled to you and not reckon the multitudes of your Sins! Your Fathers which have passed away will now speak to you; perhaps you will afterwards change. Adhere to their Counsel in the Words of the Most High, that you may be purged from your defects, and cleansed from all your sins! ….. ******** ….. “We are your Parents, your Fathers who have already passed away! We speak to you in the Name of Allah, the only Master of the Day of Judgment, and the Lord of All. When We were in this World, We were driven Mad by Satan's touch, receiving advice from him and his disciples — Enemies of Truth! We had not the Words of Allah, which caused Us to live in confusion, and we wandered about in Darkness because of their Fraudulent Writings! These Falsifiers of Knowledge turned things up-side down, and We Ignorantly followed and did their bidding; therefore We knew nothing but Lies and Conjectures! Now that the Mutual Teaching of Truth has arrived — Follow what Allah has revealed so that you may prosper. Open the Windows and Doors of your Mind and cause the Heart to understand, and let it not be erased from your Minds! The words presented to Us were not from the Book of Allah. We thought we were doing what was Right and True and were falsely pacified. We longed to hear what you have heard, but could not hear it, and to see what you have seen, but could not! Allah causes everything to come and go at a Determined Time! You have heard what has now come forth from the mouths of those who gave a lie to the Truth and now are Inmates of the Fire! They did not realize that none can oppose Allah in the Afterlife and were too proud to accept His Guidance, and now have Truly testified against themselves! Who does a greater wrong than he who invents Lies about Allah to turn you away from the Path of Righteousness? It is time to refrain from embracing their teachings, for it is worthless! ********** Lying is indeed a Sickness which contaminates your Souls! Allah has Remedied it by Revealing that which is contrary to what they have said! Thus We make known to you, Our Children, that which We did not know. If a son shall seek Bread from any of you, would you give him a Bone? Listen to Us — your fathers, and not to the father of Lies! We now Know the Truth; trust in our Guidance, so that you may not be found guilty of rising up against Allah! Look at the sight of your wayward path, for your Death day will soon arrive! Life does not end after you Die. This Present Life, as well as Death, is only Temporary — it is but a Measurement of Time in which Allah takes account of everything that you do. When the Decisive Decree has gone forth from Allah that a man must die, the Soul departs from the body and returns to Him, Who gave it to you. So that He may requite a man according to his deeds! Allah has Prescribed Prayer and Repentance to nullify your actions done in Ignorance! Take this Prescription three times every day; when you arise each morning, when you retire each night, and a point in-between, so that your sins can be Blotted out. Lay aside your pride, and let the Past go with the Past! Do not continue to be of the idolaters who invented Lies about Allah and act ungodlessly. Avoid them, and all evilness while you are yet Alive! They worship gods of wood and stone, and gold and silver, and deities which have no life. Do not follow in their footsteps. Follow in the footsteps of Abraham, and burst asunder these idols they worship! ********** Know that Allah is He Who created you, and ministers the breath whereby you Live! They knew of Allah, but did not Honor or Thank Him, and turned to worthless things. Allah has been Patient with the inhabitants of this world — for the sake of this Time He Ordained! Had it not been for a Time Appointed, this would have long ago been settled. Allah Wills not the death of a sinner, but taking away the Freedom of Choice and Free Will that He has given to Man, He deemed would be Unjust! Allah is the Best Planner and All-Knowing! Allah is Just and Merciful; He is a Just Judge — Fair in all His Judgments. Knowing what is in the Heart — He Pardons those who sin out of Ignorance. Allah is aware of those who Corrupted His Scriptures and knew it before they did it. He knew that they would bear false witness against Him so that we all might wax old in Wickedness! What they did was not in Ignorance. They knew His Words and chose not to take heed nor obey — they lied against their own heads and were justly Sentenced by Allah. Now they weep and receive pain and punishment forever! We were Unaware of the Way of Allah for they brought forth words of Error to keep Us from His Light! Being the All-Seeing, and All-Knowing, He did not place Us in the Fire, nor took Vengeance on Us; for He knew the disposition of Our hearts were Right! What We did was without malicious intent. He knew that We were deceived by these treacherous men, which caused Us to worship False gods in vain. If it was not for Allah’s Grace and Mercy, We would have been their companions in Hell! ********** Allah Knows the Inmost Thoughts and Intentions of everyone! He is All-Seeing, and Most Aware. He Knew We endeavored to worship Him! We were not of those who received this Book and could not distinguish Right from Wrong, because of the Corrupters! They likened the Creator to someone who had been created in order that men may mis-believe that there are many gods, thus dishonoring the Oneness of Allah, Who is High Above the Heavens and Earth, and High Above All they associate with Him! Jesus has exclaimed: “Who do you think I am? I am not the son of God! Look out that no one misleads you about it! This is not my doctrine and who so shall declare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine will profit nothing from it! Your only Lord is Allah! The One who created the heavens and earth! I am not able to create a Fly! Will you not take heed? He has no sons, nor brethren, nor companions — but abides eternally, without human similitude!” ….. Ignorance and Denial of God are two different things! The Time has Come to know the Facts, and to know Allah is the Supreme Dispenser of all things. Allah has Given you Light which Darkness cannot encroach! Now that you have Knowledge of the Truth, do not according to what We had done, and assume you'll receive His Mercy. Verily that Age of Darkness has passed! Do you want to give Allah a clear case against you? Torment will afflict everyone who turns aside from His Truth! Therefore, Flee from the Darkness unto Him Who had Mercy on Us. Strip yourselves of these Lies and do what the True Law Prescribes! We know that you did not expect this Book — Come to Love it, Read it, and Apply yourselves to it, and put your trust in Allah! Delight in what your Lord has given you and Comprehend these Words of Purity! Whoever surrenders himself to Allah Alone will have in store a Great Reward! ********** Accept this Mutual Teaching of Truth! You have heard from His Angels, His Prophets, and His Enemies, even words out of the mouths of Babes. Having all these Witnesses, will you persist in these things? All the words they have spoken to you, We know surely to be the Truth! They communicated it in simple words, so that all could follow and understand what they said! Do you doubt what the Young Saints had to say? They told you how We worshiped Baal, and the false goddess Ishtar! We know that it is because of Us that you have been caught up in this, for We were the Victims of Deceit and thought that what We taught you was Right! How could anyone know the Truth with scripture expounding the doctrine of Men? Put a stop to that which Corrupters formulated to withhold the Fruits of Truth from everyone! Their doctrines taught that Christ was God, and that Jesus was Christ, and that Man was created after the image of God. These statements were put in place in order that men may believe that there are many gods. Take heed to what we now say to you, and Realize how Fortunate you are! Why? The Corrupters assumed they could keep this away from you! ********** There is no Salvation in believing Lies, and in worshiping others along with Allah! Allah has made Manifest what He Revealed so that you may perceive the way of Discretion. He has given to you This Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it! We cannot hold back what We know, and it would hurt you, not to receive what We proclaim! Listen to these words Freed from the Lies they had put in place — this is the means whereby Salvation comes! Believe in Allah, and believe that He Created and has Power over all things. Humble yourselves and Repent. Realize that your works are subject to your own choice; you can do either Right or Wrong. It is the personal decision of each individual whether you accept it or not! O you blind-hearted and hard headed! Do you not see His Mercy and His Love? Allah in His Mercy, has given you Guidance and Light. The Truth becomes Clearer with each passing day as it is revealed before your eyes! This is for your Salvation, and the well-being of your Souls. Open your blind eyes and reflect. Salvation comes only from Allah! If you forsake it, you will bring upon you His Wrath. Dedicate your Faith to Him Alone. It would be terrible for you if you forsake His Light! Your Day of Judgment is coming, and as Great is His Mercy, so is His Wrath — He judges All according to their works! If only you could see how the Guilty are forced to taste the Penalty of the Fire of Hell — With their heads bent low and saying: “Our Lord! We have seen, now send us back to the world, and we will work Righteousness!” ….. We have come forward as Witnesses for your sakes and the sake of your Children! ********** Your Young Ones can hardly wait for the holidays Our enemies put in place! They sleep within the Arms of Death because of the precepts of men! Right the Wrongs that have been done, so that they may be filled with Love towards Allah! His enemies determined these days to destroy them, and to keep them away from the Lord! Teach them to Avoid them, for they are shameful actions against Allah. Do not let Satan and his minions seduce them. They stir up anger against this Doctrine, and teach as doctrines the concepts of men! Do not according to what We have done, for what We practiced was not Right! Abandon whatever We used to worship and practiced in Ignorance! Allah is the Only Reality, and is the Only True Master of your Day of Judgment. It is indeed Ignorant to cling to ancestral customs and traditions with a false conception of Allah! It is better for them not to do so, than to sin in the sight of the Lord! While you are yet Alive, speak to them just as We are speaking to you, and do not be ashamed. Many generations have come and gone that treaded their way in Darkness, because they did not have this Light! Our fathers before Us were unaware and adopted the ways of the Foolish! They trusted in their ways and practices expecting to receive Salvation. They went astray far in the way of error — taking as gods what their enemies held in honor! Unerring Knowledge now exists. Do not follow that in which our fathers were following! Follow this Mutual Teaching from Allah's Sacred Treasury. Allah has given you this to escape Ignorance and the works of the Wicked. Which of Allah's Favors would you Deny? ********** Give your children this Knowledge and Light! All your sons and daughters, from the eldest down to the youngest. Do you not see what they are doing? They walk on paths which have snares and traps, and many stumbling blocks! Let them fall into the Hands of Allah, and not the hands of men. Do not let anything Hinder you, for verily Hell lies in ambush. Act upon it, and be not Foolish! A fool is a senseless one, with no Knowledge or Understanding. They are seduced by the concepts of lawless men, yet account themselves as Wise! They dispute about Allah without Knowledge, Guidance, or a Book to enlighten them. Satan beckons them to the Penalty of abiding in the Blazing Fire! Don't let your children be Tricked and Treated as Fools, as many of Us had been! Make them Aware that Wisdom, Light, and Discernment of the Law comes from Allah, while Foolishness and Darkness, comes from Satan, the Chief of the Deceivers! It is most Profitable for you, for there is no wealth above this Wealth! See that you do not judge wrongfully and deny the revelations of the Lord! If you judge Right, you will attain Ever-lasting Life; if you judge Wrong — ever-lasting Destruction!”….. ********** O you who seek for Truth! Do you see all this? Glorify the Name of Allah, the Forgiving and Merciful! He has sent forth His Book and His Messiah, with Guidance and the Faith of Truth! Blessed is he who comes in the name of Allah — with him is the Essence of the Book. The Words of Wisdom shall be given in Truth and Righteousness; Nothing shall be corrupted! It is given to him and his seed forever. Allah ‘designed this’ to be but ‘good news’ for you, so that your hearts might be comforted! O John! The Messiah, ‘the Standing One!’ Even your son stands! What kind of child do you have who does such things? You have a smart child and he has a mind; he is full of much grace and wisdom — he is something great. Truly the Spirit of Allah lives in him and his portion shall be with you in the world to come! This is a heavenly child for he saved many souls from death, and can save them all his life. Since you have such a child, and he has understanding — teach him to bless with knowledge and understanding and proclaim this Word to men. Now let what is yours bear fruit! ….. Son of John! Take hold of the Book with Might! You are a leader. Rise up and glorify the Name of Allah! Go forth and preach to the whole creation, as the first to do what the king commands — for so it is written! O Mankind! The Great Day of the Lord has come. Indeed, you have a good example for everyone who looks forward to Allah and the Last Day! Now let this be your Book to Guide you to Paradise! Receive the Truth and reject not these things. Everyone who listens to ‘this teaching’ and acts upon it, will be like a sensible man, and ‘anyone’ who listens to this teaching and does not act upon it, will be like a foolish man. Do what you wish!
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