In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Children of Adam! How dangerous is it to judge! How many have perished by their false judgment? Satan judged man to be less than himself — therefore he rebelled against Allah, his Creator, and was cast out of Paradise. He judged sin worthy, and goodness unworthy! Good approaches ruin by those who judge falsely. Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment! O Gentiles! We have shown you the way in which you have been deceived! Satan was cast down to earth wherein was Adam. After Adam ate of the Tree of Knowledge, Satan went and poured upon the Fruit, the poison of his wickedness so that you would be full of uncleanness! He is a Liar and the father of it! Do you understand what I say? Who do you think you are? Sons of God? Allah has no sons, and is without human similitude! Father of all things, for that He has created all things. But not the father after the manner of nature — whence comes countless sects of wicked doctrine! You, are of your father — Satan, whose image you have wrongly adopted, and the lusts of your father you will to do! Purify yourselves and you shall see that he is the Father of all Sin! If he tells you make war, you do it. If he tells you to kill, you kill! He is a Liar and the father of it! From the beginning he hasn’t stood in Truth, because there’s no Truth in him! He’s the father of all Lies! ********** O you who desire Truth! Fear not, stand firm, and see the Salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you Today! ….. “O you Children of Adam! I am Allah, Your Lord and Creator! You have turned a deaf ear to My Commandments, by reason of the enmity which the enemy has planted in you, and you have become a thankless vessel. Therefore you have no Peace! The whole world has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Satan and his associates! But the time entailed by their sins has been consummated. I will destroy all wrong from the face of the earth, and let every evil work come to an end — until the Day of Judgment when they shall be judged! I will not have you Ignorant! Now you shall know Good and Evil. I will let the Plant of Righteousness and Truth appear, and it shall be cleansed of all defilement. Now I will raise up to you the Tree of Life that you may eat of it! Eat of these fruits when they ripen, then Truth and Peace shall be associated together until the Consummation of Time!” ……