In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Come to that which Allah has revealed! We will not hide the testimony of Allah. If you are true believers, give glory to your Lord and seek His pardon. So that We might manifest to you ‘Our power’ — We cause to remain in the womb whatever We please for an appointed term. In ‘this’ there is no doubt, Allah’s will is ever done. We have revealed the Qur’an in ‘clear verses!’ Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers! As for those who believe and do ‘good works’ — Allah will admit them to Gardens, watered by running streams. Dedicate yourselves to Allah and serve none besides Him! He does not love the ‘treacherous and thankless’ but whoever helps Allah shall be helped by Him. Allah controls all things! He makes Satan’s interjections a temptation for those whose hearts are diseased or hardened! Allah will surely guide the Faithful to a ‘straight path!’ He causes the night to pass into the day, and He is ‘the Most High.’ Do you not see how Allah ‘sends down’ water from the sky? Do you not see how He has subdued to you ‘all’ that is in the earth? He holds the sky from falling down. Surely man is ‘ungrateful’ — they do not render to Allah the homage due to Him! ********** Kneel and prostrate yourselves, so that His Apostle may testify against you! He has revealed ‘the Book’ with Truth, confirming the Scriptures which preceded it! It is all from Our Lord, but only the wise take heed. Allah is watching over all His Servants who are steadfast, sincere, obedient and charitable. He that denies Allah’s revelations should know, that He is swift in reckoning! In your hand lies all that is ‘good!’ Truly, it is from Allah, He does what He pleases! This is an account of what is ‘hidden’ and it is in the Torah and in the Gospel. Allah is the Supreme Plotter, the Wise One! Indeed you have argued about things which you have some knowledge. Must you now argue about that which you know nothing at all? The ‘only guidance’ is the Guidance of Allah, and He bestows it on whom He will! After receiving ‘veritable proofs’ Allah does not guide ‘the evil-doers’ — except those who ‘afterwards repent’ and mend their ways!