In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Would you tell Allah of your religion? Admit ‘this’ if you are men ‘of Truth’ — that He may guide you to the right path, and bestow on you His ‘Mighty Help.’ For those who disbelieve in Allah and His Apostle, We have prepared a blazing Fire. So has Allah said beforehand! Allah has power over all things, and it is He that sent forth His Apostle with guidance and the True Faith, so that he may exalt it over all religions! How then, can you turn away from him? He prays to His Lord, and turns to Him in repentance. Enjoy ‘your unbelief’ awhile. ‘Truly’ none will take heed, but men of understanding! You that serve Allah and are true believers, by this Allah puts fear into His Servants’ hearts! Allah has now revealed the ‘Best of Scriptures’ — a Qur’an free, from all faults. Is Allah not Mighty and capable of revenge? His is the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, yet most men do not know it. Surely there are signs in this for true believers. Servants of Allah! Turn in repentance to your Lord and ‘surrender’ yourselves to Him, before His Scourge overtakes you! Is there not in Hell a home for the arrogant? In ‘hordes’ the unbelievers shall be led to Hell, and its Keepers shall say to them: “Did there not come to you Apostles of your own who proclaimed to you the revelations of your Lord, and forewarned you of this Day? Enter the ‘gates of Hell’ and stay therein forever!” ….. Evil is the dwelling place of the Arrogant! ********** Praise be to Allah, Who has made good to Us, His Promise — ‘Mankind’ shall be judged with fairness! They marvel that a Prophet of their own should rise among them. Say the unbelievers: “Pay no heed. It is nothing but a false invention. Was the ‘Word of Allah’ revealed to him alone among us?” ….. Yes! And in the world to come he shall be honored and well received. But woe unto the unbelievers when they are cast into the ‘Fire of Hell!’ We put Solomon to the proof, and placed a ‘counterfeit’ upon his throne too! In the world to come, he will be honored and well received. He was a good and faithful man! But doleful shall be the return of the transgressors. No welcome awaits them. They shall be ‘promptly cast’ into the Fire! All this shall ‘come to pass’ — yet you give no heed to it! Are you too proud? Learn the Truth, have fear of Allah, and yield not to the unbelievers and the hypocrites! Your ‘unintentional mistakes’ shall be forgiven. Allah is ‘Forgiving and Merciful.’ But for the unbelievers He has prepared a woeful punishment. Allah well knows those of you who prevent others from following the Apostle — ‘yielding to no change!’ But those of you who obey Allah and His Apostle, and do good works, shall be doubly rewarded! Allah’s ‘Will’ must needs be done! No blame shall be attached to the Prophet for doing what is sanctioned for him by Allah. He is the Apostle of Allah, and ‘the Seal of the Prophets.’ Believers, do not yield to the unbelievers and the hypocrites. Allah knows what is in your hearts. ‘Enter’ — this is purer for your hearts! You must not speak ill of Allah’s Apostle. Bless him, and greet him with a worthy salutation. That is ‘most proper!’ ********** Allah has laid His Curse upon the unbelievers, and prepared for them a ‘Blazing Fire!’ They listen ‘flippantly’ to each fresh warning their Lord gives them! Will you not take warning? Do not ‘run away!’ Here are the ‘Scriptures of Today’ and those of ‘long ago.’ Each moves swiftly, in an ‘orbit’ of its own. It shall take them ‘unawares’ and shall ‘stupefy’ them, and they shall have no power to ward it off. Is it ‘the Truth’ you are preaching? — No! They sought to lay a snare for him, but they themselves were ruined! We admitted him to ‘Our Mercy.’ All this, We have done! We kept a ‘watchful eye’ over them, and thus shall We save the True believers, when the ‘True Promise’ nears its ‘fulfillment’ — the ‘Supreme Terror’ will not grieve them! Our Lord is ‘the Merciful’ and by His will, He sends down ‘the Spirit’ to those of His Servants, whom He chooses! Yet man ‘openly disputes’ His Judgment! All this He has created so that you may be ‘rightly guided.’ Will you not take heed? He does not love the proud, and He will disgrace them on the Day of Resurrection! Indeed, ‘dismal’ is the house where the proud shall dwell, if they but knew it! If you doubt this, take ‘your pleasure’ then in this life. By Allah, it is a ‘guide and blessing’ to True Believers!