In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Look among the nations, and see that ‘bitter and hasty nation’ who march through the ‘breadth of the earth’ to seize habitations not their own! They say: “We are peacemakers only.” ….. They are indeed the mischief makers! Their justice and dignity proceed from themselves. Their horses are ‘swifter than leopards’ and they fly like an eagle swift to devour! They laugh at every fortress, then they sweep by like the wind, and pass on. Guilty men, whose ‘own might’ is their god. And you, like ‘crawling things’ that have no ruler! For how long? You have ‘sown much’ and bring in little, ‘you eat’ but you never have enough, ‘you drink’ but you never have your fill, and he who earns wages — ‘earns wages’ to be put in a bag with holes! Why? Because of My House which lies in ruins, while you busy yourselves each with his own house. Is it not in your sight as nothing? Yet now take courage, for I am with you once again, and in a little while, I will shake ‘the heavens and the earth’ and I will ‘shake all nations’ — and I will fill ‘this House’ with Splendor! The ‘latter Splendor’ of this House shall be greater than the former, and in ‘this place’ I will give prosperity! Consider from this day onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month — from this day on, will I bless you. The elect ‘will begin’ to dwell with the elect, and trust in the Day of the Elect One, My Servant. Open your eyes, for I have chosen you — if you are able to recognize the Elect One. The ‘word of his mouth’ shall destroy the sinners, and all the ungodly!