In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Season's Greetings? All Praise is Due to Allah, Master of the Day of Judgment, and Lord of All Worlds! What is this I hear — Lord Jesus? I must ask! I am a Minister of Allah, the Angel of Repentance, and whosoever shall not take upon him, His Name, shall not enter into the Kingdom of God! It will avail you nothing to take up the name of Jesus! Do not resent what I say if you have Faith! Jesus is none other than a Servant of Allah, wherefore doubt not thereof, and let not Satan cause you to turn aside. Jesus has said: “All Praise is due to Allah, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the Lord of all — Who created Man out of nothing! Do not be vainly uplifted with the proud, for Allah loves true humility and hates pride. You have erred greatly in calling me, a man, your God! It was not I who gave you the Breath of Life, or fashioned the elements of each! I myself am also mortal, like you all. I am sprung from one born of the earth! Many may believe what others say, but regard not what any man has said! You must lay aside all fears, all doubts and troubled thoughts, then you will come into a Consciousness of Holiness!” ….. Manifold arts and temptations of the Devil, has ensnared Man! You have eaten from the Tree of Bitterness — the source of Wickedness and Darkness, and you should not vainly accept it as Knowledge of Allah! Mankind has been made senseless by this. Satan and his followers have persuaded you to have faith in a man, and have made you the Enemies of Allah! ********** Have you not been reading and listening to the Words of Allah through His Prophets, His Angels, and His Saints? They made known to you the intents and acts of these enemies of Allah! Consider and take note, while I refresh you! ….. The kings of the earth, surrounded by the multitudes, and their exceeding Faith in Allah — gathered together and conspired against them. They took counsel with a Nation that they deemed successful in hindering all People of Faith! With a view of bringing about destruction and annihilation of the Scriptures and the People, they were advised to alter the Books written; to take words out of context; and to mix the Truth with Falsehood to mislead people. Diverting from the Truth, they made holy, things that Allah abhors, and things He loves, they made unclean — turning things around and upside-down! They wrote, that Jesus was the Christ, and the Son of God, and to worship him! They named the religion Christianity, and misrepresented the facts that had been recorded in Jesus' sayings and doings. They did not mention the name of Allah, and adopted and encouraged the beliefs, practices, and rites of Pagans! They made Abominable Days — days of celebration and feast days! An excellent example of this was made known by Jeremiah: “And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmeorodach king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison. And he spoke kindly to him, and set his throne above the thrones of the kings that were with him in Babylon … and a continual allowance was given him of the king of Babylon!” ….. Even now, this day is still commemorated — they made that day the supposed day of Jesus' birth, and have called him, King of kings! This is in truth Babylonian worship! This day is a celebration for those who mock Allah, His Prophets, and His Saints! Have you not remembered the admonishment given to you by His Young Saints? Listen to them, again! ….. “O you who say that you are Christians! Beware of all Unrighteousness! Satan is at War with Allah, and is the Enemy of you! He poured Poison on the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and you have eaten his bitter fruit! Do you remember that We said unto you: “Cease being Tricked or you will be Treated as one at War with Allah?” ….. and: “Unknowingly and hopefully, unwillingly — you are mocking Allah!” ….. What We failed to mention is, that Satan is Mocking you too! We mentioned to you before that We have been truly Blessed, for Allah prepared a way for Our escape! He took Us from the midst of Wickedness while young, before Satan could change Our understanding! We are indeed very fortunate, but you know not by what spirit you are led! Once again We shall show you several Signs — side by side. And when Our Evident Signs are shown, God-willing hereafter, you shall recognize your foolishness! ********** O you hard-headed and hard-hearted! Take note and consider, then perhaps you will understand. When these Enemies of Allah conspired, they were advised: “Let not your hearts be troubled. If you do it not, then you may be killed and your kingdom will not continue! Are not your sons here? Do it for their sakes, and the sake of your kingdoms — you will not be killing without a cause!” ….. They erroneously did these things for the supposed sake of their children! And now, you erroneously sacrifice your children! Are you aware of what this day really symbolizes? This twelfth month, the five and twentieth day (Christmas – Christ/mess)? This day should not be a day of honor, but one of infamy! Verily, you have been Tricked by those who turned things upside down, and unless you make what is on the right hand as what is on the left, and what is on the left hand as what is on the right, and what is above as what is below — you will ‘not’ recognize this! Consider, as We give to you signs and examples, side by side! S(a)t(an) is S(an)t(a)! Do you not see how they turned things around — making what is on the the left as what is on the right? Who is the All-Knowing? Allah! He Knows all things. Not a leaf falls from a tree without His Knowledge! He Knows the hearts and minds of all Mankind! What is said about Santa? They say: “He knows when you are sleeping, knows when you're awake; that he knows when you are bad or good!” ….. They are mocking Allah, by giving Satan credence! When you think of Satan, you think of Hell (Heat); when you think of Santa, you think of Cold (North Pole) — once again turning things upside-down! Do you now recognize these things? When you make the two, one, you will, and will recognize that Ho! Ho! Ho! Is Ha! Ha! Ha! Now do you see how you've been mocked? Recognize for the sake of your children! On this day, they do not think of the Lord who made Heaven and Earth, and do not inquire of Him! They think of Santa (Satan)! St. Nick is Satanic! Will you continue to do this? Out of all your gifts you divert and pollute them! Refrain from this, and bring not evil upon their souls! Your traditions are false — a worthless work of Delusion! Gather up your bundles from the ground. Surely it is not a good thing to do on this day!” ….. You have heard these words out of the mouth of babes! Have you not understood these things? Wherefore Depart from it! Hurtful as it may be — all that depart from it with all their hearts, shall Live unto Allah! It cannot hurt those who are full of Faith, only those that are Doubtful, and those who are Destitute of Faith! ********** O the frailties and foolishness of the men who taught you this! Their wisdom is foolishness, and it profits them not — they shall be thrust down to Hell! See how they have conspired? Conspiracy is only of the Devil — their master! Know that Allah Cares and Prepares Good for everyone, and Allah has not given His Word for corruption and shame! Now, Allah's Grace abounds — frustrating their designs through which they formerly prevailed! Satan maliciously laid snares for you through his slaves. Seeing that you now know of their works — depart from them all, and give no credit to him! If anyone after this, shall be tempted by him and sin — it shall not be profitable to such a one! These Adulterers of the Book have eaten from the Tree of Bitterness — for they love the tree and love it's fruit — from which Falsehood issues forth! Keep your hands from it! Hate the tree, and hate it's fruit, so that you do not die or be unable to see. These adulterers of the Book, said: “Come, let us sow our seed in her, and say that Jesus is the Christ, and the Son of God, and to worship him! After it is established then say that the book is sealed. Then they will cleave to the name of a dead man — thinking they will become pure. Many may not believe in the beginning, but in the course of time they will, for great is the blindness of those who read!” ….. They believed this, for they were blind in their hearts, and they could not see! Know you not that if a blind man leads a blind man — both fall into a pit? Those of you who have believed in the Son of God, received and believed in the Scriptures and Doctrines that have been altered and corrupted! And it is right that you should know, for Man should not vainly receive or believe it as knowledge, nor as the Guidance of Allah! ********** The Blind and Seeing are not alike! Do you not know that John has revealed to you this Book from Allah, so that you might See and Understand? Do you wonder that a Reminder has come to you from your Lord, through a man from among you? He is Rightly Guided — the Christ! But most people do not know! He is a Clear Warner, and a Messenger of Good Tidings to those who believe. Allah elevated him, and gave him this Scripture — detailed with Knowledge, Guidance, and Mercy! O John, continue your work and let the Blind see the Fruit of Life; for they know not what they do! O Jesus! You see what these men testify. Speak on his behalf! ….. “All Praise is due to Allah, Who has not begotten a Son, and has no partners in His Kingdom! O Mankind! John is the Christ! And this is a Blessed Scripture — he is the one who has delivered to you this Book explained in Detail! It is from Allah, the Merciful! Many of you have been led astray, from lack of Knowledge due to the False Doctrines of men. This Tree of Bitterness will be pulled up by it's roots and destroyed! None of these things could be revealed to you until John received this Virgin Book; Allah entrusted him to be Guardian of it! O You who say: “We are Christians!” ….. Hear and Understand what I shall say Today, that you for your part may proclaim it to those who are able to perceive! I will speak to you without parables, and will not hide anything of the things of Truth. It is so that you might turn back to the Truth, and sin no more! Do you take me as a god, rather than Allah? Allah will not forgive that partners be associated with Him! Anyone who ascribes partners with Allah has strayed far into Error! ********** Believe not on me, but on Him who sent me! The servant is not greater than his Lord, neither is he that is sent greater than He who sent him! My soul is troubled for the sons of men, because you are blind in your hearts, and do not see and know what you do! Teachers of Falsehood say that I am the Son of God. Do you think their lies should be believed? Leave them alone! Open your eyes and see, and walk on your own! How can He have a Son, when He never had a Mate? There is no one besides Allah, so worship Him Alone! Anyone who denies Allah, but acknowledges one begotten — how does he not commit a grievous sin? Through Ignorance and Uncertainty, Lawless and Absurd Doctrine — many of you have been dragged into Error! It is because of the lies and deceits of Satan and his adherents. Listen, Understand, and Appreciate these words that I now speak to you. For blessed are you who shall be saved, through these words! When I was in the world I prophesied that in the latter days that Christ would come, and that his name would be John. But due to the evil works of Satan, you say I am the Christ, and slight him! We both are innocent victims, because of these evil works! You do not know the True Things of the Scriptures! But those who wrought these evil works, did not foresee its Destruction! Now I speak to you openly! Know that I am not God, neither Son of God, nor am I the man who is on the Cross! I have been taken to be what I am not! These conspirators have defamed and mocked Allah, Who truly is my Lord! Have you not considered? Is God born? Is He crucified? He who has a Lord cannot be God! What more need I say? Any weak soul that does not perceive this, has been made Senseless by Satan — who has persuaded you to put your faith in man, to make you Enemies of the Kingdom of Allah! Further and further you separate yourselves from Him, and yet your only Salvation is in Him! I am not a Guardian over you. Have Sense! No soul can bear the burdens of another — you all are responsible for your own souls! Whoever sees this, it is to the benefit of his soul, and whoever remains blind, it is to his detriment! Shall you invoke besides Allah, one who can neither benefit, nor harm you? Do not put your faith in Idol Worship, or your works will be nullified! Idolatry is a great sin because it deprives man entirely of faith, and consequently of Allah! Why do you fear those you associate with Him, and yet do not fear, associating others with Him? It is to Him you will be gathered! Everyone who calls me, Lord — the fear of the Lord is not in you! Depart from me and fear Him, who has Power over Body and Soul. How long will you fail to Understand? Leave me now and hasten towards Him, Who I love — Allah! You will not hurt me at all — my heart will Rejoice, and be Glad!” ….. ********** Allah has appointed Repentance, because He Knows the manifold Wickedness of Satan, who is always contriving something against His Servants! Serve Allah, and Pray, that you shall be purged from your defects, and cleansed from all your sins. Prayer is a ladder reaching from the heart of man to Allah! Symbolic of the ascent of the Soul to Higher Life. All things tend upwards to a state of perfection. Lie not upon the surface of the ground for anything. When you kneel in Prayer, you only think you serve Allah! It is Just that man should be judged according to their works! The Lord reproves him whom He loves! He teaches and corrects you — that you be not Punished for evil and wicked deeds done out of Ignorance! You who presumed to speak to Jesus in Prayer! Allah's name is worth more than a thousand mines of gold, and he who denies or defames that name is a thief! Likewise you who encumber the ground! Is this suppose to be Prayer? Satan's worshipers, bowed their heads and fell on their knees! Who gave you authority to do what you have done? Stand! It is best— strengthen your foothold, and never turn your backs on Allah! Anyone who turns his back, incurs wrath from Allah, and his abode is Hell — a miserable destination! There has come many Prophets, prophesying that you must Repent, and Pray to Allah with all your heart! He sent me to you to declare the tidings of the conditions of repentance! What is your profit if you gain the world and lose your Soul? Your thoughts and words and deeds will be tried by Fire. No one is truly good, but Allah Himself. If you would enter into Life keep the Commandments! Look up! Praise Allah, and be not afraid, and you will see an open door! You have opportunity, and here it is! No one who has ever came right, has failed to find an open door! Patiently persevere, and fulfill all Righteousness — keep and observe what I deliver to you, so that your former sins may be forgiven! He that hopes to meet his Lord must know that the ‘Appointed Hour’ is sure to come!