In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O you who wade in Deep Waters of Ignorance — neglecting your Salvation! Ask pardon and forgiveness from Allah! There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. That time is now! Will you not consider? Falsifiers of Knowledge have turned things upside-down, and you dwell in Darkness because of this! We have brought forth the Truth unto those who fear Allah. Do not accept or worship gods with Him — the True and Only God! He is above the idols which you have associated with Him! The greater part of you do not understand, and follow none other than a vain opinion, and what your souls desire. True Guidance comes to you from Allah. Yet those who believe not, and seek only this present life, will attain nothing of the Truth! Verily Allah Knows well who errs, and who is Rightly Guided! ********** Admonition profits True Believers — Allah provides for them! He has appointed a time for every matter. This is a Sign — but will any take heed? Man is in a State of Loss because the words of these Falsifiers were not committed to the Book — they speak of things to come as though they have already come! We are the Messengers of Allah, and John is His Messiah — who has delivered this Book which some of you deny as Fiction! We cannot deny it! Indeed he has spoken the Truth which Allah has given him, and he will reveal all the Treasures of that which has been concealed. It is written on an Expanded Scroll, and will continue to expand, and there shall be none to withhold it! The Decrees of Allah are unalterable! This is the Book of Righteousness, which Allah has placed to converse with all Mankind! It is the Gift of Allah! Delight in what your Lord has given you, wherein is no vain discourse nor any incitement unto Wickedness. Allah has been Gracious unto you — He is the Beneficent, the Merciful, and the Supreme Dispenser of all things! ********** Allah is aware of those who Corrupt His Scriptures — while you are not! Allah Designed this, so that your Souls might be Comforted, and so that you might receive Mercy. John is on the Right Path, and believes in what has been revealed to him! All that he has written is because of the Commandments of Allah! Are you among the Believers, or are you among the Proud? Verily, Allah Provides for All! He that hereafter rebels is a Transgressor, and in the World to come — will be of the Lost! Allah spoke to Us concerning those who Corrupt, saying: “I am the All-Knowing, and the Best of Planners — I knew it before they did it! Lo, I will shut them up, and Righteousness and Truth I will cause to sweep the earth, as though it was a Flood. And if men will not Repent and hearken to My Voice — My Wrath shall come upon them!” ….. We suggest for your benefit, that you accept Our Testimony, before He sends forth the Power of His Mighty Arm! All you who are Pure in Heart! It is an Imperative Duty you owe unto Allah Who made you. As for those who disbelieve — Allah can surely do without them! ….. ********** “I am Allah, the Lord of All Worlds, I created and support the Whole Universe! The Sea obeys My Voice — even the fish of the Sea, the fowls of the Air, and every living thing on the Face of the Earth. See you not these things? Take heed that no man deceives you! Listen to My Voice, and My Supreme Word for your benefit! My Messengers have rightly said all that They have spoken! I have made them Counselors to you for My Name’s sake! Darkness has covered the earth, and Gross Darkness — the minds of all the People, because of the Doctrines of Men! My Eye Sees and Knows all their works! Who can hinder Me? I am Allah, and as I have Purposed, and Planned — so shall it be! I have now frustrated the words of those who Corrupted My Scriptures, making their knowledge Foolish — that all you may know that there is no God but Me! Behold this Virgin Book which no man has deflowered! I caused it to be written by My Servant, John, whom I Appointed! In a twinkling of an eye, I showed this to him, that their works might be known, and that My Work be not defiled! Woe unto all who shall lift their voice against My Anointed! I, The Lord, Justify him! And it shall be given to the Faithful, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little — Expanded without Limit! Take hold of this Book with might — that you may Learn to fear Me the remainder of your lives. For I have Decreed: “If you will not abide in My Word, you are not worthy of Me!” ….. Therefore Repent and observe all these things that I have said, and will say to you. And if you observe to do whatever I Command you — I will turn away all Wrath and Indignation from you, and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against you!” ….. ********** This Book is an Expanded Scroll which explains in Detail — in gradual stages, well proportioned! Such is the Will of Allah! When He Decrees a thing, He need only say: “Be!” ….. This is nothing strange, for He created you in stages! Let no one turn you away from Allah’s Revelations — running on and on. Worship Him, and be loyal in His Service! Allah makes plain His Revelations to Men of Understanding! Ever bursting with New Growth — it shall be suitable to your circumstances, and has many repeated verses that you may grow in Understanding. Allah Encompasses all things, and lets His Spirit descend on whom He chooses. Only Unbelievers deny His Revelations! It is set down on Honored Pages, Purified and Expanded! And is given at an appointed time. He has sent forth His Book and His Messiah, with Guidance and the Faith of Truth! Do you see all this? Allah lets stray whosoever wills, and Guides whosoever He Wills — He knows your inmost thoughts!
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