In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! Believe and worship Allah, to whom all your Praise is due! ….. We are the Saints of Allah, and We Glorify and Praise Him! Behold, He Knows all your thoughts, and your thoughts were made known to Us by His Spirit. Concerning Our Holy Order — it was on account of Our exceeding Faith, and Repentance! All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of Allah! Even We have sinned. But We chose to Repent and work Righteousness, rather than to Perish! We began to look not upon Sin — except in abhorrence! Therefore We entered into the Rest of Allah. We hope that you shall repent, humble yourselves, and enter into His Rest. Remove your sinful doings from before His Eyes — though your sins be like scarlet, they shall be turned white as snow! Now is the time! You have heard the Voice of the Lord in plain terms! Cast off your sins, and do not procrastinate, so that He may not bring His Wrath down upon you! Woe to all that die, and remain in their sins! Repent, and do not let Death overtake you, before you have Surrendered yourselves unto Him! He Alone gives Life and Death, and to Him you Must all Return — young and old, rich and poor, even the righteous and unrighteous! ********** O Parents, and near of Kin! Do not torment yourselves because of your Children, that have passed away before you. When they died, they were freed from Sin! Many of you say and think in grief: “They should not have died!” ….. the Righteous are in a Secure State — enjoying Gardens and Springs! Although they died early, they are at Rest. The Angels gathered them while they were in a state of Inner Purity! Old age is not measured by number of years — but by Understanding! A blameless life is ripe old age! Those who pleased Allah, and were loved by Him, were taken up, lest evil change their understanding, or guile deceived their soul — which is the fall of many! Allah Knows the subtle plan of Satan which he has laid down to bring them into subjection to him — to Everlasting Destruction! Being perfected in a short time — Allah took them quickly from the midst of Wickedness! The fascination of wickedness obscures what is Good, and they would have been lost were it not that Allah redeemed them through His Mercy! Hence children should be more eager to return. If it was not for His Mercy, all Mankind would perish, having gone according to their carnal wills and desires — never calling on the Lord while the Arms of His Mercy were extended towards them. Yet people do not understand, or take such things to heart! Listen to these Children — the Righteous Ones who have died, for they will condemn the Ungodly who are living! ….. ********** Oh how Great is the Mercy and Grace of Allah — Who prepared a Way for Our escape from that Awful Monster, Satan! Our Death was only temporary. We are Living Souls — enjoying Gardens and Springs! Your flesh must die, for Death passes upon all men. Yes! All men have to experience this First Death — in accordance to the Holy Judgment of Allah. As sure as the Lord Lives — it is His Absolute and Eternal Word! The Righteous who have believed, shall inherit the Kingdom of Allah, which was prepared for them since the Foundation of the World, and their joy shall be Forever! He Commanded all men that they must Repent, or they cannot be saved. Those who do not repent, will inherit Hell, and the lake of Fire and Brimstone — which is an Endless Torment! Woe unto those who deny the Law and the Commandments of Allah — wasting their Days of Probation, supposing they know of themselves! Woe unto those who die, and remain in their sins — transgressing the Word of Allah, and yielding to the enticements of Satan. Come unto the Lord! His Paths are Righteous — the way is narrow, but it lies in a Straight Path! You shall know on the Last Day when all men shall be judged of their works! ********** It is expedient that you should awake to the Reality of these things! We will make plain to you according to the plainness of Truth — remember these words which We’ll speak to you! We render Thanks unto Allah, Who has given Us Grace to communicate His Will! Who in Mercy, created Us, and gave Us the Rank of Saints. We are His Servants with the Faith of His True Messiah! Allah put into him a light which is called Reason, to unite the Flesh, the Sense, and the Soul with a single End — to work for the Service of Allah, and instructing those who are ignorant of His Will! Let him glory in Allah, the Most High, Who shall subdue all Enemies under His Feet! There should be no cause for Unbelief, among the Children of Men! Whoever believes will be saved, and whoever will not believe — will bring upon themselves Condemnation! You are free to judge for yourselves, for Allah has made you Free. You can do Good or you can do Evil. Who shall stand against the Works of Allah? Who can deny His Sayings? Who would despise the Words of the Lord? Despise not, and wonder not — but hearken unto the Words of the Lord! Come unto Allah with all your heart, for your Salvation. Be wise in your Days of Probation, and serve the True and Living God. See that you do not do it in the name of Jesus Christ, but rather give Thanks to Allah, Who made you! We are clear of the gods you worship except Him. Turn from Idolatry to the worship of the Only True God — Allah! The next Life with the Lord, shall be for those who Fear Him! We can’t make the deaf to hear, or direct the blind to see, nor whoever is in manifest error. Can you? Wherefore hold fast this Doctrine being revealed unto you, for you will certainly be directed! ********** Jesus is none other than a Servant of Allah! Wherefore doubt not thereof, and let not Satan cause you to turn aside. When Jesus came, he said: “Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord, wherefore worship Him! This is the Right Way!” ….. Are the Unbelievers waiting for other than the Hour of Judgment? Verily these are a People who believe not, and they shall despair therein — when they arrive at that Day! O you who say that you are Christians! Beware of all Unrighteousness! Satan is at War with Allah, and is the Enemy of you! He poured Poison on the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and you have eaten his bitter fruit. Fair-seeming is this Demon; he is an Awful Monster — the Father of Lies, and an Unholy Ghost! We will feed you concerning the Truth from this, Our Book! It contains True Direction — that you may have advantage over him, and that you may perhaps give Thanks. Those who believe what is written down — Allah shall lead them into His Mercy. Then you will be truly Blessed! We have been truly Blessed! Allah prepared a way for Our escape. He took Us from the midst of Wickedness while young, before Satan could change Our understanding! We are indeed very fortunate, but you know not by what spirit you are led! We shall show you several Signs — side by side. And when Our Evident Signs are shown, God-willing hereafter, you shall recognize your foolishness! ********** Satan has given you false visions and apparitions, concerning your Religion! He has turned things upside-down, and now you are plunged in deep confusion. Awaken and reject the holy daze (holidays) that he has put in place to mock Allah, His Prophets, and all Us Saints! Stop celebrating something — where there is nothing! ***Christmas (Christ mess)*** Are you truly aware of what this day really symbolizes, or how it even started? Search the Scriptures — for behold, it is written! ….. “And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmeorodach king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison. And he spoke kindly to him, and set his throne above the thrones of the kings that were with him in Babylon … and a continual allowance was given him of the king of Babylon!” ….. Both these men were madmen, altogether brutish and foolish — reprehensible! You were unaware before this, of this Day! This was made known through Jeremiah that this day should not be a day of honor, but one of infamy! Allah is the True God — the Everlasting King! Now hear the Word which Allah speaks to you. Thus says the Lord: “Learn not the ways of the Nations, nor be dismayed by the Signs given to you from the Heavens! The customs of these people are False! Lo, a tree from the forest is cut down by an axe, and men deck it with silver and gold. It cannot do evil, neither is it in it to do good!” ….. What is this Tree? It is not the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil! It is a work and the tradition of Man! Your traditions are false — a worthless work of Delusion. Gather up your bundles from the ground. Children have gone away from Him. Out of all your gifts you divert and pollute them! They forget the Lord who made Heaven and Earth, and do not inquire of Him! Will you continue to do this? Surely it is not good to do this! Refrain from this, and bring not evil upon their souls! We have told you that Jesus is none other than a Servant of Allah! Here’s a reminder of what he has said: “What? Say you that I am son of God? Woe to you if you believe this. See you not me to be a man like yourselves? Allah is my Lord, and your Lord! Praise Allah and be not afraid. Listen to me and you shall discover the malice of our scribes, for they testify of that which they have not seen nor really heard. They are the Party of Satan, and he has made their deeds fair-seeming to them. Such a thing will have its end! Allah alone has no equal. He has had no beginning nor will He ever have an end! Father of all things, for that He has created all things. But not ‘the father’ after the manner of nature — whence comes countless sects of wicked doctrine! How shall Allah have likeness to man? Seek to ‘know’ Allah, the Creator. And know that everything which has an end is vain! Great are the benefits which Allah has bestowed on us, wherefore it is necessary that we should serve Him with truth of heart! He stands Alone, and there is none but He. Believe not on me, but on Him that sent me! He who ‘hears my word’ and ‘believes’ in Him, Who sent me, has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation! He controls all matters, and to Him is your ultimate return! There is no intercessor! As Allah lives, you ‘will not’ come to me that you may have life! Believe not on me, but on ‘Him’ Who sent me! Who do you think I am? I am not ‘Christ! Messiahs are not made by men! No man has heard me say, I am the Christ! Look out that no one misleads you about it. When ‘the Christ’ shall come, you’ll be looking for me. Are you? This is nothing but a fabrication! I tell you the Truth! Listen to me and let not the ‘eyes of your understanding’ be darkened, by the false pen of the scribes! Withdraw your souls from every outward sense; and from all that ‘appears’ but is not truly real! Truly, I was taken to be what I am not! Settle it therefore in your minds! You are wrong in your views, because you do not understand the Scriptures, nor the power of Allah! What do you say about Him? Stop clinging to me, and let not your heart be troubled. Believe in Allah!” ….. Satan and his Partners, want you to be at War with Allah! ***Halloween (Hallowed? When?)*** Unknowingly and hopefully, unwillingly — you are mocking Allah, His Prophets and Saints! Allah has made it known that He desires Mercy and not Sacrifice! Would He then sacrifice one of His Servants for you? Think! Jesus also spoke to you concerning Sacrifice, he said: “I most solemnly say, you have ‘no life’ in you, whoso eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood! Does this offend you? Why? Because I testify that the works thereof are evil? This is the work of the devil, who is trying to kill you! It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing!” ….. Consider! Would any of you desire to eat the flesh, or drink the blood of your dead brother? Surely you would abhor it! Who does these things? The Living Dead! Who taught you this? This clandestine discourse proceeded from Satan and his partners, therefore do it not lest you impoverish yourselves. They swear to a lie knowingly! Imagining it would benefit them, they have turned men aside from the way of Allah, wherefore a shameful punishment awaits them! Why do you mock Us? Do you know that you Sacrifice your Children — preparing them to become the Living Dead? Yes! You prepare them for the very Fire from which Allah allowed Us to escape! Listen carefully to Our words, and after We have spoken — mock on, or be appalled and lay your hands upon your mouths! ********** Many of you Parents have partaken Satan’s evil fruit — whence comes a Spiritual Death as to things pertaining to Righteousness! Your traditions are a false work of Delusion, and your Children have gone away from Allah! Satan has subjected you according to his will and pleasure, that they, might not Live Forever! You march forth with your children in the night (darkness and ignorance), clothed in the attire (costumed) of those doomed (the spiritual, and living dead) to the Fire, and many despicable things! Emulating them, they go door to door — desirous of dainties (candies), which they enjoy, and forgetting the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. Thus accepting the bitter as sweet! This is a Party of Satan’s! Surely it is not good to do these things! Willingly or unwillingly — how can you continue to do this? Refrain from this and do not bring evil upon their souls! How often is the lamp of the Wicked put out? Many of you from your childhood continue doing these things — mocking Us. You eat and drink and make merry — partying with Satan the very night before Our Day! O you hard-headed and hard-hearted! Who’s heart is not softened concerning this? Will you continue to do this? Cease being Tricked or you will be Treated as one at War with Allah!