In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful O Mankind! The Harvest time has come! The Christ has arrived whom Allah has Sent, to Pave the way for what you see and hear Today. You who have been hearing the Words from the Mouths of Allah's Chosen Ones! Receive in your hearts their Admonitions and Advice. His Angels, Saints, Prophets, and Beasts of the Field all Speak with One Voice! They Glorify and Extol Allah and give Thanks and Praise in His Name! They desire for you to realize how wrong it is to abandon Allah — chasing after False gods! Establish yourselves on their Well-Advised Counsel, and fix your hearts on Thoughtful Understanding! ….. “Blessed be the Name of Allah! We made Plain Our Revelations, and Wrong-doers perverted it. He will put Our enemies to shame for they opposed Him! Truly the Harvest has come, and now Allah has brought to nothing, the works of those who Lied and Debarred you from His Path! Did Our Adversaries think that He would not reveal their malice? They bound together their Babble, and called it the Bible. Follow not their Writings — they are men whose own might is their god! What the Shameful Lips of Babblers spoke and wrote only defiles the Soul! They have sown Noxious Seeds. Flee from the Stench thereof and do not fall by their Stumbling Blocks. Because of them, your Understanding has failed! The Fruit of Righteousness and Peace can never spring from noxious seeds. Do not eat from their table, for Allah's Table is Greater — He is your Master! Awaken from your Deep Sleep of Ignorance, for ignorance is worse than Death. The mourning for the dead lasts for days, but the mourning of the ignorant lasts all the days of his life! ********** Do not deceive yourselves! Do you realize that you are but Slaves and Followers in the ways of Death? The laws that men have written will not Judge, but Condemn you! They have sown nothing but wind, and will reap the same! They claim to walk the way of Life, but walk the way of Death. Free yourselves from their bonds, and undo their heavy fetters! Put on Righteousness as a Breastplate, and build your life upon the Solid Rock of Truth! Allah has surely been Gracious in sending to you, an Apostle to declare His Revelations! Allah has given him Knowledge of things Visible and Unseen — that your ignorance be not multiplied, and that your sins may not abound. John is truly the Christ, yet Unbelievers deny it. Do not turn away from him and give in to these shameful souls! Follow him that you may be heirs with him in his Inheritance. Hear the discipline that flows from his mouth, so that you may learn Wisdom and not wallow in your Sins! O You who harbor Doubts! Are you the One who was to come? Take the Books in your hand and tell John what you hear and see! You cannot! Because they have been Mutilated by men! They cause you to worship False gods in vain — fearing deities which have no Life. Therefore let him do it and doubt not. This is in accordance to what Allah Ordained! *********** The things that men see not are of more worth than the things they see! Allah Poured upon him this Wisdom and Knowledge, and filled him with Instruction so that you may be able to Understand, and be Mindful of Allah's Words! Many of you are wrong in your views because you do not understand the Scriptures or the Power of Allah. Allah Cares for All His Creation. Behold the birds! They Praise Allah with their chirps every morning. And not a sparrow falls to the earth, except by Allah's Will! The flowers of the earth, the lilies of the field — all Creation trusts in Allah and are fed. Just as Allah Clothes and Feeds the flowers and birds — simply Trust and Pray to Allah and He will Protect, and Feed you! We Know that there is Darkness where there are three gods! Their justice and dignity proceed from those whom Satan has inspired! These are worldly men who do for Selfish Gain. Satan desires for you to commit what is Unlawful, and threatens you with Poverty! He does this because he knows that the beginning of Evil is love of Money and lack of Understanding! Do not be Ignorant! Do you not see the Slavery? You sow much and bring in little; you eat but you never have enough; you drink but never have your fill, and he who earns wages — earns wages to be put in a bag with holes! What is Allah's is for every man alike! The water you drink, the food you eat, the trees from which you build your homes — all these Things are of Nature; these are the things Allah created! Allah gave not these things to be hoarded, but to be used by one and all! You should all Equally be recipients of Allah's Wealth! ********** No man should corner up the Gifts of Allah, but should use it for the Common Good! Those who have cornered it think that you are not men such as they are. Woe unto those who lord it over others, and accumulates wealth, which blights the Soul. The more they shall adorn their houses, their possessions and their persons — the angrier Allah will be with them for their sins! Why labor for that which will not profit you? Become like strangers in their world! It is better to lose them, than to lose your Soul. You must turn from seeking and doing their desires. In the hour of one's death it is not silver or gold nor material things which will accompany you when you leave this life. But what will, is your works! Wherefore let the Works of Righteousness cling to you. In the Life to come, he who clings to worldly things will again lose his life, which is the Everlasting Second Death! What do you Desire? The benefits that come to men who see no further than themselves, are like bubbles in the morning light! Do not regard their worldly benefits — better is the Reward of Allah, and more Lasting! Do you not want to be Free? Nothing but Truth can set you Free! So do not be of the Ignorant. Root out and destroy the works that the Enemy has sown in your mind! Without money you shall be redeemed! Pray unto Allah — Alone, and He will give you the strength you need, and by Righteousness you will be Free! Allah's Words have reached you! Verily the Lord has Opened up to you, His Good Treasure. Therefore let no temptation hinder you and avoid every evil, then you shall receive Salvation and will receive a Just Reward for your labors! Rouse Yourselves! Put on Strength! Keep your Soul Unmoved, for in the End the Poor will be Rich, and those now Rich will be Poor!” ….. O Mankind, no Ill-Designing Persons has given you this! Doubt not nor harden your hearts, that you may profit thereby. Accept this and Believe, and be glad without fear. Understand that you now have the Opportunity to escape what was Corrupted!