In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, Who has made of the Angels — Messengers, with wings! Allah is able to do all things! We are being sent to the Children of Israel. For they have incurred unavoidable retribution! Never have We destroyed any community, unless it had been warned. But of what avail could all the Messages and all the Warnings be to people who refuse to believe? These Warnings only increases their gross over-weening arrogance! Who does greater wrong than one who has been reminded of the Revelations of Allah, yet turns away from them? Who argue with falsehoods, wishing to defeat the Truth. Consequently, We put shields on their hearts, and deafness in their ears — to prevent them from Understanding! O Israel, behold what happened in the end to those who had before you been warned — the People of Ad, Thamud, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the People of Noah. Now We will deal worse with you than them! We are about to destroy this place, because the outcry against its People has become great before the Lord! O Jerusalem! He will chastise you for the work of your hands, and throw down your walls, and set on fire your habitations! ********** O Mankind! All the things which the Prophets speak, whom Allah sent, shall happen. Nothing shall be diminished of all their words! And all the Nations which are on the Earth shall turn and fear Allah truly, and shall leave their idols. They that love Allah in Truth shall rejoice. And those who are in sin and unrighteousness shall cease! Believers! This is a Warning like those warnings of old! The Lord is about to destroy that place! Abide not in the borders thereof, for there is much unrighteousness therein. Much guile is wrought therein, and they are not ashamed! Get out of this place — lest you get consumed in the punishment thereof! Behold, Allah says: “How severe is the suffering which I inflict, when My Warnings are disregarded!” ….. Flee for your life — make haste! Which of the favors of your Lord do you deny?