In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, Who has revealed to His Servant ‘this Scripture’ and has made it flawless -- to warn those who say: “Allah has begotten a Son!” ….. What a grievous saying it is -- mere fables of the men of old. They have no knowledge of this, neither had their fathers. They speak nothing other than a ‘gross lie!’ There is no God except Allah! Verily the likeness of Jesus in the sight of Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him out of dust, and then said: “Be!” ….. and he was! It is not for any man whom Allah has given the ‘Scripture and Prophethood’ that he should say unto men: “Be you worshipers of me besides Allah” but rather: “Be you faithful servants of your Lord alone!” ….. Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies? These are ‘unknown people’ who, serving Satan, persecute whosoever would live according to the Law of Allah! Do they seek other than the religion of Allah when everything which is in the heavens and earth submits to Him — ‘willingly or unwillingly?’ Beware that you believe them not! ********* On the Day He will call upon them saying: “Where are My partners who you imagined to share the ‘Divine Power’ with Me?” ….. Their hearing, their sight, and their skins will bear witness against them. Garments of fire will be cut out for them, and boiling fluids will be poured down upon their heads. Wherefore withdraw from them and that which they worship, except Allah! And when you withdraw from them -- may Allah ‘shower you’ with His Mercy and direct you to the right decision, because you have spoken falsehood! On the Day when Allah shall gather together the Messengers, Allah will say: “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you say to mankind: “Take me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?” ….. He shall answer: “Be You Glorified! You know Lord that I, Your Servant seek you Alone, and speak Your Word. I could not utter what is not right. I told them only what you commanded me to say -- You shall worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. And you shall love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength! He stands Alone, and there is none but He. Believe not on me, but on Him that sent me. He that hears my words and believes on Him Who sent me, has everlasting life!” ….. Cursed be the liars, and what they write! They are a people who enormously transgress. Stress not in your religion other than the Truth. And follow not the ‘vain desires’ of people that erred of old and led many astray. Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah, and his mother was a saintly woman. So believe in Allah and His Messengers, and say not “Three!” -- Cease!!! Allah is only one God, and whoso scorns His Service and is proud, they will not find for them any protecting friend or helper!